My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, August 13, 2012


OMC/OMD Last week Mom ordered Book IV
 (yes book FOUR
Madi and Mom Down Home in NC 
January 1, 2012-July 31, 2012.
from Blog2Print
This book includes all of the pictures from our 
Gymnastic Event too
Mom always agonizes of what to put on the cover
I'm giving her my sniff of approval over Book IV's cover.

 Book IV is dedicated to 
DAD!! The absolute best
kitty Dad!!
Mom woke me from a deep and sound sleep just to
pose with my books.  Mom and I don't know the meaning of 
writing just a few telling how many words are in all 4 books.

Since I was up, I agreed to a few more pictures
as long as she would give me a minute to stretch my front legs

and my back legs

And then I pulled a fast one on Mom...I told her it was

of this photo session.
I call all the shots around the homestead.


  1. Woof! I was just playing with Zoey, my awesome girlfriend, and this post is nice and relaxing! Woof! Echo.

  2. HaHaMeow! That was a fast one, Madi, we never saw it coming. Book four's cover is absolutely adorable! Have a great Monday from your favorite mancat, Prancer Pie.

  3. Looks like you let your mom know who's in charge when it comes to photos Madi, that was a slick move. We love the cover of your newest book. That is one of our favorite photos of you.
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  4. Well that is marvellous Madi! you mean you turn your blog into a book... How fantastic is that?! Deccy x

  5. That is so much fun to turn your blog into a book with pictures and all. Madi, you have a very smart Person. Maybe some day you can publish that book and make millions and share it with us. It would be fun to see the book. Maybe we should do that too.

  6. Wow Madi, so cool to see you with all the volumes of your book!!!!

  7. You are a true star! Maybe we should make a book tour around the USA! I could be your manager and make sure there was ample Fancy Feast at each stop!

    Your pal, Pip

  8. YIPPEE!!! Your Blog Book is In! That is such a great idea!
    Purrrfect cover photo Mom picked!
    I guess that was enough excitement for you in one morning!
    Cute 'tocks going under the foot board! :)

  9. Heehee! I see you're practicing more Camera Avoidance, Madi! See? That's the way to do it. Give 'em a little and then whoosh! Snatch it away. BOL!

    Your book is Most Wonderful and I just LUVS the cover. You should prolly not give your mom a demerit for waking you up since she did such a good job on the book.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  10. You´re the best diva of the cat world!!!!!
    Love you Madi!

  11. Wow... 4 Books! We found you while we were out in the blogosphere and had to check it out your book, who knew there would be 3 more.
    Stop by and see us sometime. We have no books, but we're fun guys!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  12. Toooooo good to not comment. I had to Laugh out Loud, literally, with the 'end' of course. But, my goodness, you're in four books now....I can honestly say I know an author...and the bio-diva.

    Well done you two.

  13. ps...just read the comment you two left for me today....Beach Barbie!!! I was snortin' out my soda through my nose as I read that. Too good. [the Beach Barbie reference, not the burnin' soda through the nose]

  14. For some reason, my Blogger didn't list this post today and I was wondering where you were! I FOUND YOU! WHEW! The peeps got the car almost all packed, and will be traveling after dark. We are suppose to get into your town sometime tomorrow. Hope your Dad is feeling better, so we can all do lunch on wednesday. I got some smell mail for ya BOL!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi