My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday Theme Song and Day's Events

Mom and I thank Hootin Anni for hosting

Today's song was chosen because  Mom thought it fit nicely with the Blogville and Cat Blogosphere Events that we are following!! 
It is
I will follow her 
by the late great Bobby Darian

Please click on the video to hear this song

Once again Mom is PLAYING with the lyrics...changes in RED

I will follow her, follow her wherever she may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A chair so high it can keep me away
I must follow MOM
Ever since she touched my head I knew
That near her I always must be
And nothing can keep her from me
She has thumbs to open my Fancy Feast
I love her, I love her I love her
And where she goes I'll follow, forever and ever
And side by side together I'll be with my Mom

And share a thousand secrets together, beside her I will follow her
follow her wherever she may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A chair so high it can keep, keep me away
Away from my love

I love her, I love her I love her 
And where she goes I'll follow, forever and ever
And side by side together I'll be with my Mom
And share a thousand secrets, together, beside her

I will follow her
follow him wherever she may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A chair so high it can keep, keep me away
Away from my Mom

MOL Mom is a crazy lady and lots of fun...speaking of
fun please click on the below links to visit today's Sporting
Events in Blogville and Cat Blogosphere
Counter Surfing
Pole Jumping
Singles Stick Carry/Team Stick Carry


  1. Woof! Nice changes! Woof!


    1. Woof! Kate is being a bad typer! Woof! I meant nice changes to the song! Woof! Echo.

  2. Madi, I love this song and its exactly how I am with my Mommy. I follow her everywhere and I love her, I love her...

    Thank you for this very pawsome post.

    Loveys Sasha

  3. Anudder great song! This is purrfect fur my Mommy and me, too. Us manly mancats aren't afraid to show our Mommies love. Pawsome post. XOXOXO- from Prancer Pie.

  4. What great photos to show how much you love your Mom Madi. We really like the lyric changes.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

    Madi, you are not going to believe this, it is fate I tell you. We both have songs by that romantic Mr. Bobby Darin this week. How is that for kismet? (or maybe our Mom's were thinking alike).
    Soft purrs,

  5. I've not heard this version of the's always been I will follow HIM!!!! This is so fitting!!! Way to go you two. Of course you two always have great theme songs.

  6. Love, love, love it! Just please stuff the Mom's mout now, will ya! BOL
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  7. I love the song, Miss Madi!! :) That is a great song to show your mom just how much you loves her. :) -sigh- You are so very sweet!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  8. Your Mom is wonderful! I adore this song...and you Madi...and your Mom. :)

  9. Love the changes!! And thanks for participating in my STICK Event. You were GREAT!

  10. i love the new old song Madi. it made me laugh. and we could add Jake in this song, he is just like you although he does not climb on chairs or counters, but he is stuck like glue when I or bob move. like he is attached by a leash to us. human moves, so does he. baby just sleeps

  11. Hi sweetie. We love our mom's very much, you and I. xox

  12. Madi, I saw on the WWW that you have a handsome admirer. You go girl!!!!

  13. Great song and as usual Mom did such a good job with the lyrics. That Mom is just so darn funny. We think she is pretty darn neat too Madi. Hope all of you have a great day.

  14. We love that pic of you and your mom!


  15. Love your version of the song, very fitting. Oh and the photos are perfect for it also. It does go very well with the sporting events that you are following. The stick post is a real hoot, so cute.
    Happy Thursday!!

  16. Wonderful photos today, Madi! And I have always loved that least the original. I was singing this one as I was viewing the photos. Precious!

  17. Great song and I love to go with my mom everywhere BOL'


  18. Great song, Madi and Mom. Mom says it is stuck in her head now:) We do complain about our Momster, but we really do love her.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. I'll follow my Momma anywhere! Grreat song. :)

  20. Madi, i'm picking you up inthwee seconds

    I can see youw bootiful fiws ow as I wound the cownew
    (btw. mommi lnows and loves that song and youw Mom is awfuly lucky to have you following hew)

    anyway, hop in, thewe awe complimentawy niptinis in the sidecaw of the Vespa//off to the spa we go
    smoochie kissesASTA

  21. Madi
    I will follow Mom too, right into the kitchen for my meals!


  22. Madi....I would follow Mom too. She's the source of all the food! BWHahahah

  23. Outstanding song for you Madi!
    And you sent in a purrfect entry for the "Counter Surfing" event! LOL
    Lots of fun felines out there!

  24. Hi Madi & Mom,
    That is a great song! We've not heard that on the radio in quite a while and now we can't get it outta our heads. It's like the martians are in our brains singing it ~ and we gotta say we kind of like it. Such beautiful lyrics and very meaningful too.

    Thanks for brightening out day Sweetie.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  25. I also like following Mom around everywhere this is very much my song as well. Madi that was a purry illustration of how go to different lengths to be near Mom
    Your BFFF

  26. Cats (and dogs) sure do like to follow their moms!
    Lindy's mom loves this song, and wants to cry every time she thinks of Bobby Darin, one of her favorite singers, who died much too soon.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi