My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, November 26, 2012

CHERRIO(s)....the rest of the story

CHERRIO Mom said as she rudely interrupted my 
beauty sleep. She told me she had a story to share
with everyone and she could use demanded my help.
She said the story was about a Professor B (his last name started with a B and Mom always called him Prof. B). I've heard lots about
Prof. B over the years but never met him.  
I do know he is a huge animal lover.
as you can see I wasn't the least bit impressed 
 So I perked up to give her a listen.  Prof. B is now a retired Chemistry professor.  Mom worked for him a long time ago. Prof. B was one of the most sought after Organic Chem Professors at NCSU.  Folks came from other colleges just to take his class. He had a gift of bringing every day life into the class room and he even managed to give a few history lessons.  

 Just when Prof. B was starting college in the early 1940's, WWII began.  After his military service, he returned to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  to complete his education.   He was an amazing story teller too. Mom loved listening to all his stories.  

 He was determined to complete his education. He said it was very hard to get every day supplies for his classes like pens, pencils, and paper. 
 Prof B said he saved cereal boxes. He would cut the cereal boxes just like this Cherrios box so he could use the inside of the boxes to take his class notes. 
 I took a stroll across the box trying to imagine how in the world
he managed to finish college and get his PhD under those circumstances.  Mom eats cereal every morning and every morning
when she opens the box she is reminded of Prof. B and his determination. To this day (even though we recycle the boxes) mom feels guilty not reusing them somehow. Prof. B made a lasting impression on Mom.  He is retired now and every so often
Mom sees him at our local Rite Aid.  Mom calls him a one of a kind
man and feels very honored to know him.

 Next time you open a cereal box we hope you remember this story and that it is not just a is a PAPER BOX.
Thanks for listening.  
I don't know why it took so long for Mom to share this story.
Madi and Mom


  1. What a great story! Where there is a will there is a way and that way came by the means of a cereal box. That is fantastic.

  2. That's beautiful.....and inventive. We'll think of that when we open our 'Lucky Bone' box every morning.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Prof. B sounds like a great man. Your mom was lucky to have known him too. I see you really liked inspecting that box when it was open. What is it about kitties and paper?


  4. That's a beautiful, moving story, Madi. Tell Mom "thank you" fur sharing it. We will never open a cereal box without thinking about this. XOXOXO from your favorite mancat, Prancer Pie.

  5. Woof! Woof! First that a different Cheerios box looks different. Anyhow, all I can say is OH Madi. Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. We recycle boxes here too, sometimes the kids here use it for art projects so I guess we're good... Cool story :)

  7. That is a great story. Not only was the professor determined he was inventive. I will definitely remember this story the next time I open a box. Miss Madi, you are really giving that box a close examination. Did it smell good?

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia and Adam

  8. Brilliant story and it says alot about the determination and ingenuity of Prof B. What a great guy and how nice to be remembered. Have a marvelous Monday Madi.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. KC says cardboard is very warm to lie perhaps you could fur on it before recycling....Deccy x

  10. That is a great story!! We are so wasteful now! Thanks Mom for sharing this!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  11. I will remember Prof B when I open the cereal box :)Great little story :) Come and do your exercises Madi :) xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  12. What a heart warming story Madi. I think that Prof B is a very smart man from the sounds of it. Your Mom is lucky to know him.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  13. That is one great story. We especially like the part about MIT, since our Person's Dad went to MIT too. But he sure sounds like a special guy and very ambitious to use those cereal boxes for paper. Not a bad idea.
    Have a great Monday, Madi and Mom. Take care.

  14. i was waiting to see what the Prof had to do with you on the bed with a box of cheerios... great story, we recycle our boxes to. that was back when nothing was thrown in the trash and everything was put to good use.

  15. That's a neat story! Momma said she took her notes on the yaptop, but a cereal box is almost as good!

  16. Not sure who is smarter the professor or your mom!
    Benny & Lily

  17. Now that is just a cool story. I don't like to waste things either and we recycle everything we can. I have been known to cut a paper grocery bag and use it to wrap packages for mailing, but never thought about the inside of a cereal box.

  18. That is a great story....I will never look at my cereal box in the same way again....oh the ideas going through my head now! Thanks for sharing!

  19. No, we are not on the exchange this year. Butt our addy is 50 Nottingham Way, Haines City, FL 33844. And of course, we would love yours too! We're just getting around to our list and would LOVE to add you to it.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  20. ...and thanks for sharing it! I love to hear stories about people, objects, locations, etc.

  21. Madi, you look so inquisitive of the Cheerios box!
    Fascinating story, he must be a fun story teller!
    I know a way to re-use the box: turn it inside out,(like you have), re-glue with a hot glue gun, the sides and bottom, and use them for storing magazines. Maybe decorate it with contact paper.
    Small boxes make great small gift boxes, too.
    Chin scratches to you
    Molly sends nose taps

  22. Wonderful story..... HH eats cheerios all the time...

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.....

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles.

  23. how fascinating! We knew someone who wrote a page and then turned it all upside down and wrote another page between the lines of what he had just written... double use of space! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  24. I loved this story, Madi. Yes, we always recycle our cereal boxes as well.

  25. Madi, delicious story!!!!!!!
    Ps.: I love Cherios!

  26. He was very resourceful in using them to take his notes.

  27. That is a good story. We will remember that when we eat cereal.

    Your Friends in Search of Santa Paws,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. Prof B. sounds like an inspirational guy! Your Mom is lucky to know him, and that was a great story.

  29. Love that story. I love paper boxes as much as I love that story. They make a fun toy when your humans refuse to spend their money to buy you toys.


  30. Madi
    What an amazing story about a truly amazing man.
    And it struck Mom that we use to do more with less.

  31. Love that story and I love hearing how people improvise! So many kids today (I know, I sound old) think it's the end of the world when they don't have exactly what they think they need to get something done. I say - use your imagination!

    You are a good kitty for helping out your Mom with this story!

  32. What a great story. I often observed when working in the laboratory at Aberdeen University that the best improvisers were the African research students who were used to dealing with limited resources.
    Cheers, Gail.

  33. A great story! Thank you for sharing it with us. We'll remember this and will think of ways to reuse some of the paper/boxes here before tossing them into the recycling bin. We took one look at your cereal box and thought, "Book cover!" Purrs...

  34. Thanks for sharing ...

    And thank you for stopping by our blog! The last entry was kind of sad (losing our furiend, Sam) but we promise we'll have some fun stuff to talk about soon!

    Pug Hugs ~ Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  35. wow..we sure hes a great man!!


  36. That is a great story of an inspirational man Madi.

  37. What a wonderful story Madi!! We are so glad your Mama shared it!!


  38. What a wonderful story! Too bad more of today's young don't have that same drive to succeed no matter how little they have! We hope you got a few of those Cheerios, Madi - our Dad shares his with us.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  39. What a great story, Madi! Now when the mom eats her Cheerios, she'll think of this story too!

  40. That's a lovely story, Madi! Professor B sounds like a wonderful and inspiring person!

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: If you need someone to help empty those cereal boxes, just let me know. I LOVE Cheerios.

  41. It's a great story!!! Thanks for telling us about Prof B :-)

  42. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story with all of us.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi