My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 9, 2012

This Moment: See Beautiful

Today Mom and I are pawticipating in 

 Mom says is the most
PAWS and how they PLACE them.
Mom calls this placement boobie paws...all snug and tucked
under my chest...MOL
 My sis's kitty Harley 
(yes he has his own couch...and Sis calls me rotten, MOL)
Chillax' in a sun puddle using his paws as a pillow

His paws got hot so he is airing them by practicing a hangover

And finally my most important paw placement over my eyes.
I'm on the peeps is in the bathroom shaving and the light is bothering my very sensitive peepers.
Mom gets all gaga when I do this.  
We thank you for visiting and sharing 
This Moment and we hope you See Beautiful today 
Madi and Harley 

Grandpeep update:
G-pa is feeling about normal...his cough is gone and he is getting out.  Mom and my G-pa had a meeting at her health care facility this week.  G-ma is not eating well and has lost too much weight.
So now Mom is on a mission to find something to give G-ma's appetite a jump start. G-ma has always been a picky eater.
She is still somewhat confused but they tell us this is normal after surgery. 


  1. Oh Madi you can't blame your mom for going all kinds of gaga over your beautiful eyes covering your beautiful eyes. Who wouldn't. Happy Seeing Beautiful.

  2. Madi, I'm all gaga over that pic, too! This pose also makes my Mommy crazy(er). Hope you have a great Friday. ((Hugs)) from your BFFF, Prancer Pie.

    Pee Ess - does Harley know he is nekkid?

  3. Woof! Woof! My mom is gogogaga when I sleep. She says its the best time to take photos. She also enoys watching me sleep. So I can totally understand your mom. How about some chicken n rice for grandma. Happy This Moment See Beautiful Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Nothing sweeter than a sleeping kitty, especially with paws covering the eyes. Our mama asked us why we don't sleep like that. We do but we find a place away from the prying eyes of the camera.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  5. Great news about your grandpa. We hope mum finds something to tempt grandma with. Have a fabulous Friday Madi.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Madi,
    I'd forgotten all the ways cats can see beautiful since i got a dog again....but thank you.
    Peace and good.

  7. Oh geez Madi, I is a most terrible, awful, no good furiend. I had no idea your G-pa had been sick. I hope he be on da mend.
    Maybe your G-ma should try some squirrel or Cheeto's...YUUUUUM! Poor little lady, I hope her gets all betters real soon. I knows dis has been difficult fur your mom too.

    And really? Can your dad not shave in da dark so he not disturb you? Geez.


  8. Great photos!
    Best wishes to your grandparents xxx

  9. Good news that the Gparents are doing ok.. I love the covering eyes picture too.. Hugs GJ xx

  10. Yay fur Grandpa. And keepin my paws crossed fur Grandma that she feels better soon.

    As for you, Madi. You is my BEAUTIFUL furiend!

  11. Hi Madi,

    Smudge here. You have excellent paw placement, Madi. I am VERY impressed! My mom really loves my paws, too. She says that she's sorry someone took away my claws but because of that, I have super soft paws. Which is good because my favorite place to put them is on mom's face when she sleeps. MOL!

    I'm glad to hear your grandpa is feeling better but I hope your grandma starts eating better. Have you tried tuna? Or maybe Friskie's?

    Purrs and headbutts,

  12. Purr.S. We forgot to say conCATulations on becoming the Blogville Mayor. You're going to do a great job!

  13. Awwww you gots such nice paws Madi! So cute! Glad G pa is doing better, and G Ma needs some good home cooking maybe to pack on some weight?? I say ICECREAM!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  14. Madi, tell mom when my daddy had parkinsons and dementia and was in a nursing home, he was losing weight and would not eat. the only thing he liked was his eggs and bacon at breakfast, so his aid gave him two breakfast every morning. she stumbled on the fact he would eat a snicker bar when he would eat nothing else. so every day at 3 pm she gave him a snicker bar. he started gaining weight and then started to eat other things.
    the photos today made me smile and smile. and i have never seen a kitty kouch before. are you jealous?

  15. You sure have some cute paws! I think you need to get your mom to crochet Harley a sweater.


  16. I agree with Mom, you have such cute positions with your paws, Madi!
    Poor Gr'ma, I hope Mom can find enough treats she likes to put some weight back on her!

  17. Madi, you are too cute with your paws over your eyes. We do that sometimes and the Person loves it too.
    Sorry about Grandma. It sounds like she just needs to find something that would taste really good. Maybe she just needs to see Grandpa if he is well enough to go. Wishing you lots of luck to get her to eat. I have a friend that doesn't want to eat either. Is the grandma on a lot of pain killers?? Anyway, hope she starts to eat.

  18. Hope grandma starts to eat again, that's a struggle I know. I think all your paws are beautiful today!

  19. I love your picture with your Eyes Covered. WHAT??? Harley has a Pawsonal Private COUCH? I think YOU should have one TOO... You will need it after you get take on your MAYORAL Duties.
    So glad that G-Pa is better. Maybe Ernie and I should send G-Ma some of our SNACKS. THEY are Delicious and we think she would Gobble them Up.

  20. We hope you can find some thing to tickle Grandma's taste buds, nice bit of ice cream :) What beautiful boobies, I mean Paws you have Madi :) x00xx

    Have a bootiful Furiday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  21. Thank you for sharing See Beautiful with others, especially in the context of your See Beautiful shares. So glad to read your family is on the mend!

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  22. Very creative paw placement Madi. Our legs are very short, so mostly they just stick out.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  23. A pawsome post!

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. Boobie paws! You made Mommy snort tea...

    When our pal Steve was in rehab the food was atrociously horrible. Maybe something home-cooked would pique your G-ma's interest.

  25. You look very cute with your eyes covered Madi. Glad your Grandpa is feeling better, and we hope your mum can tempt your Grandma's appetite.

  26. That last photo of you, Madi, is just priceless - so cute. We all like to lie with one of our front paws tucked under us so everyone thinks we are tripods:)

    Good to here there is progress with Grandpa. Hope Mom can find that magic to spark Grandma's appetite. All paws crossed.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  27. Sweet pictures Madi. I like the idea of a personal couch.

    Mommy said she will come cook for Grandma. She is a great cook and can make anyone fat.

    Lily Belle

  28. You look so sweet! I love when my little Foxy covers her face with her paw. :)
    I did see beautiful all day, hope you did as well.:)
    We may be moving to NC next year.
    Have a fun weekend!

  29. I'd have to say that is a very cute couch that Harley has.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi