My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, January 3, 2013

BACKSTORY: Excessive Photo Session

Recently I was minding my own bee's wax, when here comes
Mom with the flashy beast.  I kid you not when I tell you she took
87 gazillion photos of me giving her my best "I'm not in the mood
look".  So being Alpha Feline, Diva, future mayor, numeral Uno
I challenged her..........

I just knew I could make her blink when I said
 Nope that didn't work she would not move an inch and
refused to even blink
 She is such a..fraidy cat
 I grew bored with so I forfeited the game in 
favor of a nap.


  1. Oh Madi you gotta give one once in a while or they will cry. Why to be the better cat.

  2. Woof! Woof! I give up too ... my mom takes gazillions photos of me. Just Go With It. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. I agree with Rottrover...Madi your mom can't resist your beauty and has to take pictures of you.


  4. Madi, I thinks you won, fair and square. I (secretly) am glad that your Mom takes lots of pics of you, cuz I love to see your adorable face! Have a happy Thursday, sweet furriend. ((Hugs)) from your most ardent admirer, Prancer Pie.

  5. Madi, you held out as long as you could. The evil flashy beast makes them do crazy things beyond their control sometimes. Just prepare yourself for all the flashing on your swearing in ceremony day.

    Loveys Sasha

  6. Madi, if you close your eyes to nap is that considered blinking? We think not, you won this stare-down. And don't be too hard on your Mom, you are one beautiful Diva that the flashy beast loves.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia and Adam

  7. Fun Game, Miss Madi
    But you can't play this game with my human sister. Once you say " Spider " , She don't blink but she scream !

  8. Yep nothing should get in the way of nap time Madi. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Mom's and their flashy beasts! YIKES! They are sooooo weird!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  10. I just bet Madi that she needs a really purrfect picture of you for your swearing in ceremony. It's either that or she's getting you use to all the puparazzi that's going to be following you everywhere once you are Mayor.

    We're excited about the upcoming party!

    Lily Belle & Muffin
    Commissioners of Fun

  11. Hehe! You are so always make me smile. So does your Mom! Hope you had a good nap.

  12. Oh Madi, we can't believe that you let the Mom win. But betcha, she looked for that spider on her shoulder. Too funny. Miss Baloney sends her bestest. No spiders around here. Take care.

  13. Totally good decision Madi, to abort such a dumb game. In my book, you win.
    Toodle pip!

  14. Love it Madi, looks like Humom got her own way though..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  15. Wow, Madi, doesn't your momma respect your mayoral dignity at all?!

  16. Did the spider get off your mommy's shoulder?

  17. tell mom she did a great job with the flashy beast and my favorite is the one where you said you would whap the spider... i know it is a hard life you lead, what with flashing going on at nap time

  18. OMC your mom is VERY determined and that combined with the Flashy Beast make fur a bad combo. Maybe you should try HIDING the F.B.. How about in your "PAN"?
    OH and speaking of THAT... I am having one installed... in the Corner of the Office. BUTT you will have to bring your own litter. I didn't know what type you PAWfer.

  19. Here we are wishing you a most happy new year. Tell us more about your Adora! post a photo (hope we haven't missed it if you have). Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx

  20. ah...I bet you could have wapped it good too!

  21. Ahhh, Madi so sweet...but, giv' too soon...nap can wait!
    Miss Kitty

  22. Madi, I love your pretty face!
    Have a delicious New Year!

  23. You are really clever, Madi ;o) sadly this "spider on your shoulder-trick" didn't work here. In case I would say it, she would scream like a air-raid siren... and I'm afraid I would blink first (with shock&ear noises)Have a fabulous spiderman- thursday ;o)

  24. Being that you are a cougar khat and all we understand, nappie poops are a lot more important.

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites
    Pees; sorry for being so late, it's a peep problem

  25. Um, Madi . . . we hate to bring this to your attention . . . as soon as you are sworn in as mayoress there might be many more flashy boses . . . all the time! Better get some sunglasses!

    Keep Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. The flashy beast is the worse! Even though your mum won (i'm sure she cheated) you still rule Madi!
    Love Milo :)

  27. OMD Madi, what is with the peeps and the flashy beast??? I mean, can't a kitteh gets a little snooze, without havin' the puparazzi snappin' and flashin'??? Geesh.


  28. When Jack stares at me like that, it means he wants a cookie! :)

  29. Of course it was nap time, look at all that gorgeous sunshine, all the better to warm the furrs in and get a good nap. I don't blame you one bit not interrupting your schedule -- you are the Diva! :)

  30. When a nap calls you, Madi, you just gotta give in. Too bad you didn't get to whap that spider. ;)

  31. Madi,
    Me always lets my Mommy win the blink game. Me would not want the giver of treats to gets mad!

  32. Just had to come over and meet the new mayor! Congrats, it's about time we got some cats in politics!



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi