My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Cranberry Orange Cornbread

Mom and I thank Sugar and Kol for hosting 

 I once heard every great chef needs snoopervision and I was happy to snoopervise Mom as she made this most wonderful smelling
 Mom lined up all  the ingredients for this dish
except the Navel Orange
MOL she grated it and squeezed the juice 
before she took this picture. 
She really does need snoopervising.
 It even smelled pretty good before she cooked it
 She said to tell you not to notice the finger prints on the oven door.
Evidently stainless steel only stays shiny if you don't use it.
MOL...and Mom uses it a lot

It smelled most delish while cooking too.

 Mom said to tell you it was easy peasy too
Cranberry Orange Cornbread
1 navel orange
2 large eggs
1/2 cup low-fat buttermilk
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 cup yellow stone ground corn meal 
(it did not indicate plain or self rising, Mom used self rising)
Mom has water ground on hand for her famous cornbread so that is what she used 
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 cup fresh cranberries, mom used dried.
1.Heat oven to 375, coat a 8"x4" loaf pan with cooking spray
2. Grate zest from 1/2 of the orange into a large bowl. Cute the orange in half and squeeze all the juice. Whisk in eggs, buttermilk, oil, sugar, brown sugar, and salt until blended.  Scatter 4 teaspoons of baking powder over the top of this mixture, let it stand until foamy, about 3 minutes.
3. Stir together cornmeal, flower and cranberries, add them to wet ingredients, stirring just until batter is almost free of lumps.
4. Spoon into loaf pan, bake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, ~ 35 to 40 minutes, Cool on a rack.
Tip: if you cannot find cranberries you may use fresh blueberries or raspberries.


  1. LOL. It would cost me $27.00 just to buy all the ingredients I don't have! :)

  2. Yum! I wish you had smell-o-vision. I bet it tasted great.


  3. Woof! Woof! What a tasty treat, Madi's mom! Wish we have known this recipe as we have lots of oranges on our tree. DELISH! Golden Thanks for sharing. We will keep this recipe in mind. Golden Thanks for joining our Tasty Tuesday blog hop. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Oh I will take a piece or TWO!! Yummm Yummm.

  5. OMC! Cranberry-Orange is our Mommy's favorite flavor and this recipe made her mouth water! I enjoy a small taste of cornbread whenever the peeps are having it for dinner, but I think I better stick with plain. Mommy wants to know if you've ever put a cake mix in your cornbread? DELISH! Thanks for sharing and have a great TUXIE TUESDAY. ((Hugs)) from your bestest mancat, Prancer PIe.

  6. That sure looks delicious! Can you email a slice over? MOL.

  7. Oh yum, that sounds delicious! Mama is busy making notes of this recipe cause she loves orange and cranberry but never thought about adding them to cornbread.
    Good thing you were there to snoopervise Made, this looks complicated.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia and Adam

  8. Wow that looks fabulous. We like the sound of it and it looks well yummy too. We agree with the Furries, can you email a slice over? Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Wow Madi that looks so yummy! I am so sorry i missed all your mayoress business, i have been very busys and i feel so bad, congratulations though!!!!!!!
    Loads of love, Milo :)

  10. YUM!! Mom says thanks for sharing the recipe - she loves to bake
    Wally & Sammy

  11. MMMMM, we can smell it from here! Happy Tuesday!

  12. Mom is sure gonna copy this! She thinks cranberries in cornbread will be great! Have a super day!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  13. We can almost smell it from here ~ YUMMY!

    My Mommy loves corn bread and said she will have to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

    Lily Belle

  14. looks and sounds good to me... and Jake and Baby love a little dab of batter from anything, i let them lick it off my fingers. have you tried batter Madi

  15. Thanks Madi and Mom, wez gonna try that. How do I make corn bread like in the film, the Green Mile, its plain :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  16. You must know my mom's reputation on here about sure looks good!!!
    If we can't buy it at the bakery then we go without...its much safer that way!
    stella rose

  17. Mom loves orange cranberry scones. This is for sure a tasty Tuesday
    Benny & Lily

  18. Oh that looks yummy, what's with the leftovers? Sadly the haven't the cranberries here in store... those barbarians ;o) can we use dried berries too?

  19. Hmmmmm, I bet that smelled so good baking and delicious to eat!
    Molly asked, "Madi, did you get a nibble?!"

  20. I can smell it all the way to my house! YUMMY!

  21. Oooh, Momma is drooling. She loves cranberries.

  22. We have stainless and Mom is right, only stays clean if Rednecks don't use it.

    That does sound good Madi, glad you where their to help Mom make it.

  23. BaaaaaWaaaah... BLACK oven doors don't look any better... Well in PUDDLES' house it wouldn't be a problem.. no matter What type it is... BaaaaaWaaaah I hope SHE doesn't see that I told that on her. HECK SAKES... In fur a Penny In fur a Pound... I might as well go ahead and say... Puddles wouldn't have ANY of the ingredients fur this delicious looking cornbread.
    PeeS... I'll bet that tastes grrrrrreat in a bowl with milk poured over it fur BREAKFAST!!!

  24. YUM! Did you get to taste it??

    Keep Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  25. Don't you just love seeing the way breads crack on top, Lee says that is the sign it is done and going to be good. We love cornbread with maple molassas.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  26. Oh my COD, that bread looks good. Our Person used to make bread all the time but she has gotten lazy in her older days. But thanks for the recipe. Maybe that will get her off her butt and going again. Madi, hope you got a little bite. Bet it was yummy. Hope the Grandma and Grandpa are doing all right.

  27. Oh are making us so hungry! Better go check our ingredients...

  28. Madi - why did you not put any cute kitty prints into the bread? I think that would have added a very special touch! ;)

  29. Oh my Miss Madi you got our Momma all hungry! :)
    That looks delicious!

  30. Howdy Madi, that looks sooo good. Mum is drooling as we type. Our sissy has a stainless steel stove at her home and hates all the marks it leaves too. See ya soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  31. Mmmmm...the mom says she's hungry now, Madi! ;)

  32. I swear we can smell this through the monitor! YUMMY!

    Laila, your LLS

  33. That looks super tasty and easy to make too! We is going to has to gets Mommy to makes some!

  34. That sounds delish! Thanks for sharing cos it would be a great treat with coffee for the humans I know!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi