My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, April 8, 2013

Meet My Cabinet: Goose

Today we are featuring 
Chaplain Goose from Gospel of Goose

1. Please introduce yourself(selves), tell us your age and a very special trait. 
They call me Goose and I am 13 years old.  My special treat...hummm I guess MOM's homemade salmon jerky.  Huh?  Oh trait.  I guess my special trait is that I can figure things out pretty quickly.  You know how to open a gate, figure out those dog puzzles in seconds, and how to catch fish.

2. If you had and alter ego, who would you like to be and why
I like being me.  Oh sure I admire Bert and his ability to do search and rescue, but really what would this world be with two Bert's and no Goose. 

3. What do you like best/least about where you live
The best part about where I live is that my MOM lives here and we have the most beautiful mountains to explore.  Least, well it's not worth mentioning.

4. Who are some peeps/furiends you'd like to meet and why
Oooo there are a few.  But the first that came to my mind is Lilly and Buddy.  They live in Georgia and we are friends and our mom's are friends but we have never met in the furs and I would really like too.  

5. If you could give one piece of random advice what would it be?
That no matter who you are, what you look like, where you live, or where you come from, you are beautiful.  You were created beautiful and don't let anyone, ANYONE, tell you otherwise.  Also don't lick a toad.

6. What do you do for fun
What DON'T I do for fun.  Life is an adventure and is to be lived and enjoyed and shared.  So no matter what I do it is fun.  But my favorite thing is backpacking with my MOM and fishing.

7. What is the first thing you do each morning
Open my eyes, otherwise I would fall out of bed and hit my head.  Then I get a hug from MOM and then I pee., then I eat a strawberry or raspberry.

8. What is the first thing you notice about a new furiend
Their smile.  Or if the other end is facing me the wag of a tail.

9. Tell us how you came to live in your family and how you got your name.
That's a long story so I will try and give you the cliff notes.  MOM went into a pet place for rocks for her Gecko Lizards, a rescue group was there and I was with them.  She saw me, I saw her.  She took me for a walk because the rescue lady shoved my leash in MOM's hand.  She called a friend and said, "Do you think it is time?"  (Note that is ALL she said).  Her friend said, "Yes it is time you had another dog in your life."  She went back and said "OK I'll take him."  But then the rescue lady said I was $600.  Which MOM handed the leash back and said, "Oh I can't afford that."  The lady talked with MOM a while about her Heart Dog, Pete, who went to the rainbow Bridge and they talked about the rescue place and other stuff.  Then as MOM started to walk away the lady put my leash back in MOM's hand and said, "Here he is yours.  He belongs to you and I know you two will be very happy together.  There will be no fee."  MOM walked out of the pet place with me and forgot to buy the rocks for the lizards.  I came with the name Goose.  Actually my full name is Sir King Goose III.  But MOM soon found out that I liked to Goose her in the butt. So Goose was the perfect name. hahhaha

10. What is your absolute favorite food
Anything eatable.  But I guess absolute favorite is whatever MOM is cooking, except beets.  YUK!  OK I have to say I have never had a beet but whenever beets are mentioned my MOM says "YUK"

BONUS Question:  Goose we all know you are a stick aficionado...please tell us the very best place to find sticks and what qualities you look for when hunting for one?
STICKS!!!!! Oh I love them.  Big ones, small ones, fat, skinny, with or without bark, dry or wet, brown or green, with or without leaves.  Really there is no such thing as a bad stick.  However!  I love love love sticks that are stuck in the water, or floating down a river.  The extra moister makes them all the better.  And the great thing about sticks is you can find them anywhere.  But you know the coolest place to find a stick.... a Beaver dam.  It's like hitting the mother lode.
Goose has never met a stick he doesn't like....and no stick is too large or too small.  Thanks Goose and Mom for pawticipating in Meet My Cabinet.


  1. Oh thank you Mayor Madi. It is my utmost honor to serve on or in your cabinet. You know what cabinets are made of? Wood. You know what wood is made of? STICKS!!!! So I feel right at home.

    1. Goose!
      Yous is part of Mayor Madi's Cabinet? Wowzers! Yous ROCKS and yous has such a great job too!
      Madie! Yous picked the bestest ever!!!

  2. Great interview, Madi! We loved learning more about your sweet chaplain and our dear furriend. Hope you have a great Monday. XOXOXO from your bestest mancat, Prancer Pie.

  3. The perfect chaplain for your cabinet, Madi. $600...that makes Goose a deluxe dog.

  4. Great interview. Goose and his mom were made for each other!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. What a wonderful interview. We really enjoyed learning more about Goose, especially how he came to be with his mom. Those are the best words we wisdom we have heard in awhile. Don't worry, we won't be licking any toads either.

    Happy Monday,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia and Adam

  6. Great interview, and most thorough and engaging answers to all the questions. Well done Goose. I'm sure we all feel in safe hands with you in the cabinet.
    Toodle pip!

  7. Brilliant interview Madi. Yes life is fun for Goose and mum and he were made for each other. There is no stick too large for Goose. Nice one! Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. Just fantastic, we love Goose.That was great getting to know how Goose and his Mom came together :)Have a wonderful Monday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. Love, love, love this interview! Goose is fabulous! Your cabinet is lucky to have him.

  10. We love especially of how Goose got to go home with his Mom!

  11. Pawsome interview Mayoress Madi - we learnt all kinds of new stuffs about Goose.
    Wally & Sammy

  12. Goose seems like such a good addition. What a great pal!

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  13. Oh Goose, that is such a terrific post about you. I love how the Mom got you and also like the advice to not lick a toad. We had not really planned on doing that but now we won't for sure. Goose, you are the best and we are so glad to get to know you. Madi and Mom, you have a great day.

  14. well, i can say that the don't lick a toad is very good random advice, Jake can attest to that one. YUCK, worst than beets. i love the gotcha story, they were meant to BE

  15. Goose, we didn't know your adoption story, it is beautiful and amazing. Thanks for sharing it and your other answers. Lee and Phod

  16. #s one and six are my favorite answers this time 'round. I also loved the adoption! You're terrific Goose. And handsome beyond words.

  17. Sir King Goose III ~ We bow to you! What a regal and very royal name. We never knew we're in the company of royalty. Very impressive Goose.

    That was a fantastic interview Madi. We think that Goose (and his Mom) are most special and loved learning more about him.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  18. OMD What a Splendid job Goose did with his interview. I had NEVER heard how he came to live with his mom. What s grand story THAT is.

    PEE S... to add to my growing list of troubles with WildBlue... Last night at 9:30.. I sent One Email... and Went to send a Second... and POOF.. I called THEM..AGAIN and they say they are having some ISSUES with Email and that it MAY take up to 72 hours for them to get it running again... I know that I have one email from Puddles... butt can't answer it. I gotta get a better system going here!!!
    NO EMAIL stinks worse than a Squirrel Butt.

  19. Send Goose to my house, he can have all the sticks he wants. I spent half the day picking them up this weekend.

  20. Oh Madi thank you for doing this interview with our friend goose, we love hearing the story about how he came to live with his mom, we think that the rescue lady was really an angel just waiting to hand that leash over to michelle. We also know he likes sticks alot, but loves his momma even more.
    stella rose

  21. Goose is on cool stick lovin' woofie!

  22. What a great interview with such a great guy.


  23. Goose is so funny. We didn't realize he was 13. Great interview kiddo, now we know all your secrets
    Benny & Lily

  24. Wow...and me thought me already knew everyting bout Goose! Thank you fur da great interview!

  25. And we have never met a goose who can compare to Goose!!! He is such a great pal to all. We love him so much, and we bless the day his Mom walked into that store.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  26. What a great interview with Goose. We just love him. That is some sound advice about not licking toads. I will have to remember that!

  27. Wait! Goose is 13???!!!! I thought he was like 3. Wow! I guess it must be all that stick deathing and hiking and no-beet-eating he does. I think I need to take up more stick deathing in the future. And stay away from beets.

    Also, I liked the part about being beautiful and not licking toads. Most Wise.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  28. Click Click! Wow! I'm pretty sure you chose your cabinet members well! Click Click! Sooty, Mickey&Natasha.

  29. WE just love Goose and his MOM, it was nice to hear how they found each other. Another great interview
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  30. any pup who menshuns salmon N fish in like thiz manee werds.....
    XXXXX...iz R kinda pup.....way awesum interviews madi N way awesum gotcha day storeee goose !!

  31. I love these segments! It's grreat learning all about your cabinet members. I learn something new even about my good furiends. I love Goose's adoption story!

  32. OK...Mom had to explain the cabinet thing...I did not understand why you would want anyone in your cabinet...I would be afraid they would take my food and toys. I loved reading it...funny stuff!

  33. We know Goose in the furs! He is a wonderful friend, very wise! He is a great singer too. We are sure he will be on Americal Idol soon. Everyone needs to be a friend with Goose!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  34. OK, so glad we got to learn some details oh "The Stick King", Barharhar, open your eyes first, what a hoot!

    The Mad Scots

  35. Hey Madi!
    Wow, what a great glimpse into the life of all things Goose! BOL He's such a fun and sweet furiend and I totally agree about the sticks. I'm also really glad he put that advise out about the toad licking. Very very important.
    OMD this was a great chuckle and I love his adoption story.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  36. Hey! I could have really used Goose's advice yesterday. Bummer I didn't read this sooner!


  37. Oh Madi, what a FABulous job with Goose's interviews!! I learns lots abouts Goose I didn't knows! (like his adoptions story!! very cool!), and that I should never lick a toad....hmmm.

  38. Gosh - what a great interview! I really appreciate the public service announcement about not licking toads too! ;)

  39. BOL! What a great guy that Goose is! I am wondering though, if he has ever married anyone?
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  40. We just heard about your Grandpa falling Madi. Please know that we'll be praying for his recovery.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  41. Thanks for introducing us to Goose! What a great woofie!!

  42. Goose is the absolute perfect choice for Chaplain...He is a caring dawg with great feeling for all his anipals...Momz & I enjoyed learning just a bit more about him today so Thank You Mayor Madi!

  43. Dear Madi, just heard about your Grandpa. We will be praying for him!
    Bailey, Hazel, Greta & Mom

  44. WEll, we love Goose and it was so special for us to see Lilly and Buddy given a shout out here. I have no doubt Bud and Lil would wag themselves silly if they got to meet Goose. They'd also ask for stick lessons for sure. Thanks for featuring and celebrating Goose here. He sure does deserve the shout out!

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  45. So nice to meet this wonderful guy!

  46. Madi, what wonderful information about sweet Goose. I love learning more about all of our pals, this is such a great way to do it.

    Mommy and I just read about Grandpa and I am crossing paws and Mommy is praying.

    Loveys Sasha

  47. We just came from Puddles blog. We are sending your grandpa tons of AireZen and our paws are crossed!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  48. Hi, we just found out about your mom's dad. We're hopeful that everything will turn out just fine. Please, everyone has had enough bad news this year already. Let's have a good ending here.

  49. We just heard about the fall from Puddles. Just know that we're here with paws crossed. And we're sending our most powerful prayers and healing vibes.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  50. Just heard about the fall from Puddles' blog. Paws crossed and prayers sent!

  51. Madi, we are praying for your grandpa. Praying that the Drs have wisdom and can heal him.

    All the Websters

  52. I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for your Grandpa.
    We have faith everything is going to be fine.
    Take care
    Lorenza and mom

  53. We just stopped by with purrs and prayers for your Grandpa and we sure hope all will be okay. Big hugs to your Mom.

  54. Sending our most powerful prayers to Grandpa.

    xo Cinnamon

  55. Sending lots of prayers for grandpa and your mom.

  56. Oh Noes! Me is sending yous amny many purrs for Gampa! Wes will purrays hard tonight!

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Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi