My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, July 22, 2013

Meet My Cabinet: The Island Cats

Mom and I are thrilled to introduce you to our friend

Wally      Ernie            Zoey

Directors of Neighborhood Watch

1. Please introduce yourself(selves), tell us your age and a very special trait.
Wally:  Hi! I'm Wally, also called "the orange stripey cat" by Zoey.  At 10 years old, I'm the oldest Island Cat.  We live with the mom and dad-guy.  Yep, we really do live on an island...the island of Grosse Ile, Michigan, which is located in the Detroit River just a little south of Detroit and not too far from Canada (we can see Canada from our island)!  It's not that exotic and tropical, but it's paradise to us!!
Ernie:  I'm Ernie and I'm 8 years old.  I'm a black polydactyl kitty with a total of 24 toesies...7 on each of my front feets and 5 on each of my back feets.  The mom says all those extra toesies makes me extra special.
Zoey:  I'm Zoey...the torbie...and the only girl cat here!  I'm 6 years old.  And contrary to what those silly boycats say, I am not a She Devil!

2. If you had and alter ego, who would you like to be and why.
Wally:  I think I can speak for all of us.  Honestly, we love being Island Cats and we wouldn't want to be anybuddy else.

3. What do you like best/least about where you live.
Wally:  What we like best is all the big windows we have in our house so we can watch lots of Bird and Squirrel TV.  We even get to watch Vicious Deer TV on occasion.
There isn't anything that we don't like about where we live.  Being an Island Cat is the best!

4. Who are some peeps/furiends you'd like to meet and why.
Ernie:  We have SO many furiends in the blogosphere, Madi.  We wish we could meet them all...'specially YOU!

5. If you could give one piece of random advice what would it be?
Zoey:  You can think outside the box...but don't pee outside it.  Seriously. 

6. What do you do for fun?
Ernie:  Wally and me like to play THoE (Thundering Herds of Elephants).  We'll chase each other all over the house.  We like to play in our tunnel, too.
Zoey:  I like to watch for bugs.  They think they can get away from me, but I'm an expert bug catcher!

7. What is the first thing you do each morning?
Ernie:  If the mom isn't out of bed yet, I usually go and walk all over her to get her out of bed. We wanna eat!!

8. Tell us how you came to live in your family and how you got your name.
Wally:  The mom adopted me when I was just a little baby-cat.  Someone had found a pregnant stray cat (my cat-mom), and a friend of the mom's asked her if she wanted one of the kittens once they were born.  The mom already had a cat, Scooter, who was a senior catizen, and the mom was a little reluctant about bringing a kitten into the family.  So she said if there was an orange one in the litter, she would take it (she always wanted an orange kitty).  Well, lo and behold, when the kittens were born, there was one...and only kitty in the bunch...ME!
Now how I got my name...well, believe it or not, I'm named after the mom's dad.
Ernie:  When Scooter went to the Rainbow Bridge, the mom knew Wally needed another buddy.  She decided she wanted to adopt a black cat since black cats have problems being adopted because of silly superstitions.  Which is so cats rock!!  She also thought it would be cool to have a polydactyl cat.  The mom looked on and found me at a shelter in the area.  They said I lived somewhere where they wouldn’t allow pets so I ended up in the shelter along with my sister.  I was about 7 months old at the time.  My sister found a new home right away, but it took me a little longer...probably because of that stoopid black cat superstition.  But that's okay because the mom found me and I got to be an Island Cat!
My name at the shelter was Mister.  Mom quickly changed it to Ernie.  I’m named after Ernest Hemmingway...y'know, the author? Besides his writings, he's famous for having polydactyl cats.  In fact, Hemmingway’s house in Key West, FL is now a historical site.  And it is home to many polydactyl cats…some which are original decendants of Hemmingway’s cats. (I’m such a smart cat, aren't I?)
Zoey:  Well, my beginnings story isn't very pretty.  I was just a little cat living outside this building.  I don't remember how I ended up there.   Sometimes the people from the building would give me food, but most of the time I had to catch my own food or go dumpster diving to find something to eat.  Most of the time, I was scared and I would hide.  When it was warm, it wasn't so bad living outside.  But then it got cold...and then snowy.  One real cold and snowy day, I saw a metal box sitting on the ground and inside it was a bowl of the best smelling foods!  I was so hungry...I couldn't ignore it.  So I went inside and started eating and BAM!  The door slammed shut and I was trapped.  Oh, I was so mad!  But then I was taken inside the building and put in a big cage and given more yummy foods.  I met the lady with the yellow hair and the guy.  After a few days, they brought me to the island to live.  And I've been here ever since!
9. What is your absolute favorite food?
Wally:  I LOVE whipped cream...the kind in a can!
Ernie:  I LOVE treats...any kind...I'm not picky!
Zoey:  And I LOVE most foods...'specially chick-hen!
BONUS:  Ernie, Wally and Zoey it is absolutely NO SECRET that my Mom and I covet your window seat and your picture window.
OMCs your window seat and the pictures of you 3 in it are the reason we thought you would make purrfect Neighborhood Watch directors.  

1a.  Mom and I want you to put on your thinking caps and tell us the most unusual sight you have seen from atop your gorgeous window seat there on your Island.
Wally:  Madi, did you know that the mom and dad-guy had that window seat made just for us?  Now you know how much they love us!
And you're right.  From our window seat, we do get to see lots of cool stuff going on in the neighborhood.  We usually watch the birdies and squirrels, but sometimes we get bunnies in the yard, too.  The most exciting things we've seen are the vishus deer.  Sometimes they come right up to the porch and eat the mom's flowers, which doesn't make her happy.  Probably the most unusual thing we've seen is a possum.  He came right up on to the porch and ate the birdie food that the dad-guy had put out.  He was a little scary looking, we admit.
1b. Also do you three share the seat or take turns on it?

Ernie:  You can usually find one of us on the window seat...napping or keeping watch on the neighborhood.  But we often share the window seat, with Wally or me with Zoey.  We've never been on the window seat all together, though, since Wally and Zoey don't get along.  The mom says it would be a miracle to see all three of us together on the window seat.
Madi here well Ernie, Wally and Zoey it is official I have a serious case of
window seat envy...BUTTT if I can't have one I'm glad my cabinet members have one!!!!!!!

Ernie, Wally and Zoey
Thanks a ton for such a fun interview
Click HERE to visit 
The Island Cats


  1. I'm not a cat, BUTT that window seat it fabulous and I to am jealous of it. How cool it was built just for them.

  2. We love your Q and A Island Cats but we especially love your window seat - we could sit and bark all day long! (Mum is thinking, thank Dog we don't have one of those for the little monsters) BOL.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  3. Nice to meet this cool island kitties - Thanks for a wonderful interview Madi! That was great that the mom and the dad-guy made such a fabulous window seat. I want one too.

  4. Mommy says if they ever renovate the house, they would have large windows AND build a window seat for us! We probably won't see any deers or possums or rabbits but might catch a glimpse of a civet cat!

  5. I would loves a window seat, the Island Cats are super cool Madi xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. We'd love a window seat for our Homeland Security. Nice to meet the Cool Island Kitties. Nice interview Madi. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Thanks, Madi, for interviewing three of my favorite pals!

  8. WE have been fans of the Island Cats for a very long time.They are the greatest and so is the lady with the yellow hair. Great interview and lots of fun to read. Hope all of you have a great day.

  9. They did a super job with their interviews... butt that Ernie doesn't look or ACT at all like MY Ernie... THANK GOODNESS.

  10. Zoey's story matches Jakes in how we got him, so that was my favorite and i love that mom adopted a black cat, those superstitions are so silly. and wow a cat bench all to themselves... and a really big wide screen to watch all the nature TV... what a life.

  11. What a great interview and we can't think of any better Neighborhood Watch Directors, either!
    That window seat would be loads of window watching fun.
    Have a happy Monday Madi and stay cool! XOXO from your main mancat, Prancer Pie.

  12. hehehe Zoey, I think my hubby may have called me a She Devil a time or too!

  13. Ohhhhhh! I would spend hours on that window seat too!!! So nice to meet the crew!

  14. Super interview, Madi, with the Island Cats!
    That is a fun window seat to enjoy!
    They are a fun bunch of kitties, thank you for introducing them!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  15. That's really good advice to not pee outside of the box. Very very wise.


  16. We love the Island Cats and we have for as long as we can remember!!!

  17. Hi pretty kitties! So nice to meet you all!

  18. Hey Madi!
    Wow, those Island Cat furiends are totally cool! I love the THoE idea and BOL/MOL about liking whipped cream from a can. What a fun bunch and the window is perfect for their jobs.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  19. Great interview! We love the Island Cats!!

    The Florida Furkids

  20. Well geez, I didn't know that the Island Cats really live on an island! That's pretty cool!!

    And Wally, who doesn't live whipped cream out of a can!!!

  21. Madi a great interview with those terrific Island cats. We love Wally, Ernie and Zoe, we are so glad you featured them today.

    lovin purrs
    your BFF

  22. We just love learning about your cabinet members. The island cats are pretty cool and live near our Auntie Colleen.

    Millie & Walter

  23. The Purr-fect set of Neighborhood Watch Directors! We think they nailed that interview. We LOVE the Island Cats!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on our loss of Geoffrey last week. Your caring words meant a lot to us. Purrs...

  24. we loves de island kittehs...N we see SUM bodeez mom has teached sum bodee ELSES mom ....all

  25. Great, now Blueberry wants me to build HER a window seat and she isn't even a cat! That's a great seat and a great view! What a fantastic interview! I enjoyed getting to know Wally, Ernie and Zoey!!

  26. We saw them at a cabinet meeting but now it is good to get to know them. OK, the check mark thingie is right below this:

    Ernie, Wally and Zoey
    Thanks a ton for such a fun interview
    Click HERE to visit
    The Island Cats

    We think it is a reaction thingie but don't know what the checkmarks go to??

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  27. Wows! Another FABulous interview my BFFF!!!
    Those kittehs looks like tons of funs!!!
    Ruby ♥

  28. Good to know Blogville is in good paws!


  29. We love Wally, Ernie and Zoey, they are some of the coolest cats we know.
    The stories of how each of them came to live with their people are so heartwarming.
    The Island Cats were the purrfect choice for your cabinet Madi.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Bo

  30. Madi, thank you for having us as your Directors of Neighborhood Watch. And we extend a purrsonal invitation to you to come visit us on our window seat anytime! :)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi