My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, July 8, 2013

Meet My Cabinet: MARG'S ANIMALS

Today Mom and I are pleased to feature

1.  Please introduce yourself(selves), tell us your age and a very special trait.
Our Person's name is Marg and she is just plain old. Her special trait is just plain taking care of 
animals and trying to find homes for homeless animals. So we have lots of cats here since there just isn't 
anywhere else for them to live. Most of them were born at the neighbors and the Momma kitty was a very feral kitty and so the kittens were getting feral too, so she fed them all and eventually grabbed the kittens and 
brought them home. Then a neighbor found four little kittens under the hood of their car, so they came here 
too. Then one neighbor moved away and left their two cats, so guess who had to feed them. 
For this interview, we will just mention some of the cats that live here. 

2. If you had an alter ego , who would you like to be and why.
 Hi there Mahoney here, and I kind of like just who I am. I was rescued from a house that had been abandoned and so I am just very happy to have a roof over my head and lots of good food to eat. And the love is passed out a lot here. I have some great toys too.

3.What do you like best/ least about where you live??
Mahoney here again, I like it here because my Mom Maggie lives here with us and that silly Two Two lives here too and we play all the time.We have the best time charging around the house and pestering the Person. I can't think of anything I don't like. We have the Person all trained to feed us at least every 30 seconds.

4.Who are some peeps/furineds you would like to meet and why??
We would all like to meet Madi and her Mom for sure just because they are such special peeps and kitties. We just think it would be fun to meet any of the bloggers. 

5. If you could give one piece of random advice, what would it be??

Hi there, Momma kitty here, and I have several pieces of advice. If you should run across a feral colony of 
kitties, please try to Trap, Neuter and return them so they will be spayed and neutered and not be able to 
reproduce. I had three litters of kittens and luckily Marg has kept them but other wise they probably would 
have died. Feral cats are not bad cats and can make really nice pets with a lot of patience from the peeps. I 
finally got caught and do not allow touching, but I follow the Person everywhere she goes. 

6. What do you do for fun?
Hi there Two Two here, and I spend the day having fun. I will just bat anything I can find all over the 
house. It can be a little piece of dust or just anything. I have a favorite toy too that I talk to and carry it 
all over the house too. I just plain enjoy life. 

Hi there, I am Joe, the donkey and I live here with my buddy Smoke and our favorite thing to do for fun is to pick up the buckets in our pasture and just carry them all over the place. 

7.  What is the first thing you do each morning??
Maggie here, it is my job at 5 A.M. to wake the Person up so she can feed us. I wake her up by walking 
round and round her head. Finally she does get up and gets busy feeding all of us. I do this every morning. 

8. What is the first thing you notice about a new friend??
Mahoney here, the first thing I notice when one of the cats comes in the house from the outside world is 
how they smell. Our Person always looks for a good sense of humor in a person.  Our dog Ande, just loves 
everyone and is not fussy so she doesn't take much notice of anything.

9. Tell us how you came to live in your family and how you got your name?? 
We were all rescued from around the neighborhood since no one else wanted us. So we have a large family. We mostly got our names from the color of our furs. Ohs is Orange, Bees is Black, Tees is tabby, Black is Black and so on. Mahoney was named after the very nice person that drove our Mom to Chemo and her last name was Mahoney. Maggie was named after the name of our vet clinic which was Magnolia and Maggie for short. Our person is not very good at naming kitties.

10.What is your absolute favorite food??
Missy here, and my favorite food is canned chicken. It is so yummy. 

Bonus question. 
How many animal languages does the Person speak? 
She does have a ton of languages that she speaks. She meows, woofs, and neighs and hee haws. She does not get them mixed up since the animals would not be happy creatures if she did.
Who would you say could be named Mr/Mrs. Congeniality?We really don't have a Mr/Mrs congeniality here. Most of us are cats and cats just are not friendly with other 
cats. Maggie and Mahoney love each other, but Mahoney will go after any stranger that comes in the house.




  1. Thanks for interviewing all Marg's critters - it must have been hard keeping them all on topic!

  2. Wow what a beautiful interview with some beautiful pals and peeps. I have not met any of them, but I would like to and will go visit. I am so glad that they have a loving home now. Marg sounds like a very special person.

    Loveys Sasha

  3. Oh Madi, we are so very pleased to meet all of the animals at Marg's place. We would like to say that Momma kitty is very wise and we hope everyone listens to her advice. Once again, a great choice for you cabinet Madi.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Adam and Georgia

  4. Great interview about a great place. What a wonderful peep, to take in all those homeless wonder they lover her.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. What a wonderful thing to do, it is so kind to save all those kittens. We love donkeys too.
    Great addition to your cabinet.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  6. What wonderful peeps and what a great thing to do and a pawsome place. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Marg is my Godmomma and I LOVE her! Two Two and I have a wonderful time batting each other when I teleport over. MOL.

    Love, Tutu

  8. Oh thanks Madi for interviewing us. We so appreciate it. We just hope everyone has a terrific day.

  9. What a brilliant interview Madi, and what a great thing to do! It looks like a fantastic place!
    Pippa :)

  10. Wow! What a loving woman, Marg is. You have a fantastic crew in this bunch, Madi!

  11. Wow, what a pawesome group! OMD that's a lot of furfuriends all in one place. BOL to Marg speaking so many languages. I like Joe and Smoke's idea for bucket zoomies! Thanks for the great interview, Madi!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  12. We think all those animals are lucky to have landed at Marg's place. Thanks for letting us get to know them.

    Millie & Walter

  13. i am in love with the donkeys, i have always loved them...they are ALL lucky to live with Margg

  14. What a wonderful interview with Marg's animals! We think she does a great job. Hope you are stayin cool and have a pawsome Monday. ((hugs)) from your BFFF, Prancer Pie.

  15. Madi, Great interview of Marg's fur friends, she has a big heart to take care of so many cats, dog and donkeys!!
    Hugs and sniffs,
    Kathy and Molly

  16. FANGtastic interview of all of Marg's pack. Very well done. Love knowing so much more about all of them.

  17. She meows, woofs, and neighs and hee haws ? Wow! That's a lot - more than Dr. Dolittle speaks. Great! Thanks for a super interview Madi&Mom!

  18. Oh, we LURVS Marg AND her four-leggers SOOOOO much! I think they all sound like they have such fun and such a Most Wonderful life. I'm awfully glad for this interview, Madi, so I could get to know them even better!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  19. we loves marg N de crew N smoke N joe it bee nice ta see ewe ....we dont see enuff oh ewe over at marg's place ...may bee ya iz out fishin when we swing by huh !!!...N missy....we knead ta haza "talk"

  20. Great interview from the gang, way to many to remember, but we love Smoke and Joe when they get to blog, couple of funny guys!

    The Mad Scots and Trainee

  21. Surprise! It's your good friend, Pip! I'm finally at long last able to visit my dear friends. It seems my assistant temporarily forgot how to turn the computer on. Thank goodness she remembered!

    I wonder if Smoke and Joe could pick a couple of things for me with their baskets - I think a couple of cheeseburgers would fit nicely in those buckets.

    Your pal, Pip

  22. That was terrific pretty Madi! We just love Marg and her whole critter crew!

  23. We have a beautiful feral torti in our FIV building at the no-kill shelter. She hides a lot and doesn't allow anyone to touch her. She does allow a couple volunteers to give her treats. We think feral kitties deserve a chance, too!

  24. We love Marg and all she does for her animals!!!!

  25. Great interview! Marg is simply THE BEST anywhere! We especially like hearing "...the love is passed out a lot here." And asking to help the ferals. She's a Saint! Purrs...

  26. Wonderful cabinet members! And kudos to Marge
    Benny & Lily

  27. Thanks for introducing us to Marg and her family today Madi...These are new furriends for us and Momz and I admire Marg for all she's doing for the animals

  28. We love Marg and all of her crew. This was a great interview Madi.
    YOu have such a great and diverse cabinet.
    purrs and love
    your BFF

  29. Oh, another FABulous interview Madi!! All of Marg's animals look likes they are tons of funs!
    Ruby ♥

  30. We love all the animals at Marg's! 'Specially that Joe and Smoke because we've never known any donkeys before.

  31. Such a great interview with Marg's pets. Our mom actually visited Marg and all of her animals today!!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi