My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mix it up Monday

Madi:  WHAT do you want Mom?
Mom: I'm astounded by where you are sitting.
You always sit on the towels I leave on the beds!!
Why aren't you on the towel?

Madi:  It is know my royal tush is sensitive.

Mom:  Madi in all your 11 years here I've never seen you not sit
on the towel on our bed.

Madi:  Clearly it was time to mix things up just a tad.

Mom saw this Poppy on several blogs and just loved it
God Bless our soldiers and veterans.


  1. That's right Miss Madi, you keep her on her toes! *BOL*
    Wally & Sammy

  2. We kitties like routine - but we can change our routine sometimes! I don't know why it gets humans so freaked out!

  3. Hehe, keep 'em guessing Madi!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  4. I think it's nice to get your furs on that beautiful quilt :) Happy Monday Madi xxooxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Uh, why hers askin' so many questions when her should be straightenin' your wrinkled towel?


  6. Wrinkled towels? Shame on your mum. What a scandal Madi. You just can't get decent staff these days. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. We agree with Puddles. What is wrong with that Mom. Tell her to get busy and fix that towel or give you a nice fresh towel. Take care.

  8. Madi you've thrown your mom for a loop! Maybe she will learn her lessons and press those towels nice and firm :-)

  9. Baby Girl said to tell your assistant she has her assistant smooth the blanket or towel with her hands. it works for Baby... it will be flat, and if the assistant doesnt' flatten it with her hands she stands there until she does.

  10. Just like me ... never liked the couch but now I am always on the couch. Your mom might want to get a larger towel. Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. Hi Madi,
    Ohhhh poor you and your sensitive tooshie, that made me smile!
    In the UK we had Remembrance Sunday yesterday and today is Poppy Day (which is why there are poppy on some blogs) where we remember and give thanks for our wonderful Troops, we appreciate all they have done and are greatful for our freedom, we will never forget! God Bless our Soldiers and Veterans!
    Love and Licks from your furiend Frank xxxxx

  12. OMC.... Mayoress DIVA MADIson... THIS is OUTRAGEOUS... WRINKLES in your Towel?????? THE HORROR of it. She probably didn't even put FABRIC SOFTENER in it Either. She CLEARLY has lost her senses.
    WE feel your PAIN.

  13. You are like the princess and the pea! We can't believe your mom didn't just straighten out that towel straight away!

    Millie & Walter

  14. I agree a wrinkled towel is a no-go... but one witha hole would be not bad. You're rightlets remember for a moment today.

  15. Cod forbid you get a wrinkle all up in there...

  16. Well, Madi, of course you can not sit on such a wrinkly towel! What a disgrace and an embarrassment that would be!
    We too had remembrance sunday here today.
    Pippa :)

  17. Sometimes we just gotta shake things up! Maybe madi needs a softer towel?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Seemingly, Madi has changed the routine...Kitty never ever do the same thing twice!! Madi is good girl...

  19. Madi...personally I feel it is always good to mix things up every now and then, lest you get bored with your habits.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  20. We are all about keeping the humans on their toes!!

    Dory and her Brothers!

  21. I think you have the right idea pretty Madi!

  22. Good for you for keeping your Mom on her toes! Blueberry does the same thing to me. I set up her special blanket at the foot of the bed and she usually loves it - but every once in a while, she will decide she likes my side of the bed instead - including my pillows! You animals like to drive us bonkers - don't you? ;)

  23. Hey Madi!
    Wow, great job keeping your Mom guessing! We all need a little variety once in awhile. BTW: Beautiful quilt!
    Grr and a Patriotic Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  24. I'm with Puddles, all these questions and she didn't even notice that you are starin' at the towel sayin'...'straighten out the wrinkles Moms!!!!!'. Geesh. Good help is hard to find now a days!!
    I says minus 2 demerits!!
    Ruby ♥

  25. Miss Madi you sit wherever your gorgeous tushie wants to sit!

    Your BFF's

  26. Humans, you've got to keep them guessing! Good job, Madi.
    Happy Monday from your favorite mancat, Prancer Pie. XOXO

  27. Madi, you're a smart girl. Just when the humans think they have your routine down, you gotta change it up. :)

  28. madi...we due knot blame ewe...we counted mor wrinklez on de towel than 90 cases oh prunes N raizins haz.....yur mom better get ta gettin de ole iron out :) !!

  29. If you always sit on the towel Madi, it is about time you chose to sit elsewhere.

  30. BOL - Mom gives us each a towel in our crates. Phantom pushes his out all the time:)

    We think if we had a choice between napping on that towel or that beautiful quilt, we would for sure go for the qult.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  31. It is good to mix things up!
    Thanks to all who have served. Lee and Phod

  32. Oh, Madi! It is nearly impossible to train our moms correctly, I know. Doesn't she know it is not her place to question you?

  33. Crazy times! I say live on the edge, Madi and mix things up a bit! Sending you lots of love.

  34. Wrinkles? Well of course you can't sit on a wrinkled towel. You need to reprimand your mom for such a mistake. Sitting on a towel like that might give you a case of wrinkle-butt. What was she thinking? MOL!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Adam, Georgia and Gloria

  35. Keep her confused Madi.

    Thank you Veterans.

  36. Life is always a mystery living with a feline! :)

  37. Good job, Madi. Keep the momma guessing.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi