My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Exchange from Sasha!!

First of all I want to thank
for once again organizing a most wonderful Christmas Exchange. I've pawticipated in all 5 of them.

I was tickled pink when I found out Sweet Sasha had my 
name.  Sasha is a great shopper and knows how to pick out
the most purrfect gifts.  I think maybe Sasha has an itty bitty
smidgen of feline in her DNAs.

Oh my gosh Ms. Anne Sasha's mom wrapped each and
every item in the most beautiful crinkle paper.  

As soon as mom opened the box, I got a whiff of the best nip in the world.  I have to give them all a sniff  and then......
Eureka I found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom says the catnip in the Yeoww! Toys is organic
MOM step away from the counter and give me that nip sardine
This nip makes me slobber and it makes my eyes big!!!
So here is the loot and Ms. Anne even
sent my mom some dark chocolate peppermint patties
they make Mom's eyes big and make her slobber too

As you will see in this short video I made,
sure the candy cane nip knew just who was boss


Now mom needs to add Sasha's card to my card door!!


  1. Wow what a great bunch of pressies you got! You sure showed that nip candy cane who was boss. You got pretty excited in the end. That Sasha sure is a great shopper.

    Millie & Walter

  2. Good thing they don't make dognip! Jack is crazy enough as it is!

  3. I sure do love a ladycat who can take down a candy cane like that! Enjoy your Christmas loot and have a wonderful Wednesday.
    XOXO from your main mancat, Prancer Pie.

  4. Miss Sasha knows what girls like even the feline variety. It was fun to watch you show the candy cane who's boss.

    Er, Madi, there is a little slobber still on your chin.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Adam, Georgia and Gloria

  5. Sasha DOES know how to shop. Madi, we think you're a bit high...that must be some quality Nip.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. Those are great presents - we are BIG fans of Yeowww catnip!

  7. We had to smile at the thought your Mom slobbering over the chocolates. Heehee.
    We have a feeling Madi is going to sleep very soundly tonight after all that nip action!

  8. BOL! Madi, we howled when we saw your fangs and slobber - you are a real junkie for that stuff, er we meant enthusiast....
    What lovely gifts from Sasha, the candy nip cane looks like a lot of fun.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  9. Wow you sure hit the jackpot there Madi,
    And Sasha's card is just so adorable? She is such a sweetie.
    Toodle pip!
    PS I am wondering if there is such a thing as dognip?

  10. HOLY NIP what a great package Sasha sent! Her is a most excellent shopper...and cooker...and furiend. Has you evers seen her afters a beer? Sorry, off topic. Anyways, I is so glads her sent you so much different kinds of nip. Soooooo, how bouts a sample of it fur a Puddles?
    Nows I wanna knows why you not videotape your mom slobberin'? I was so lookin' forward to dat.


  11. That was a pawome swag bag there Madi. Sasha done you proud. Enjoy. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. That's a lot of nip, Madi! Are you going to have a hangover in the morning?

  13. Wow Madi, that is one terrific box of goodies. You sure are having a wonderful time with all those goodies. You should be really busy for a long time. Take care too.

  14. Oh that Sasha, what a fab shopper she is! We can see how delighted you are Madi with all those wonder prezzies from her and her Mom.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  15. I smiled and smiled, then laughed out loud at the video then a big SMILE at Sasha card and you reading it... ho ho ho has been to your house.

  16. What great presents! That cute little woofie did a great job!

    Hugs, Laila, your LLS

  17. Wowser Madi, you racked up with that box of neat presents.

  18. What a treat!!! You deserve it, Madi!

  19. I love all your gifts, Sasha is really a super friend! I would like the Stinkies, bet that's the perfect snack what I could eat in my bed :o) Have fun and enjoy this super gifts! 10 paws for Sasha!

  20. OH MY KATZ... Madi that Video is MARVELOUS. Your pressie package from Sasha is just the VERY VERY BESTEST. She really did Chews WELL. You will be a WILD CHILD fur DAZE to Come!!!!

  21. Santa Sasha knows a felines favorites!!
    Whoohoo! Cute video, Madi!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  22. Wow! Those gifts are wonderfur!

  23. Psst Madi, are you going to share your catnip with me on New Years Eve?


  24. That was a fantastic package of goodies, you'll be enjoying that for a long time to come Madi!

  25. Oh, Madi...what wonderful gifts! And you sure did show that catnip candy cane who was boss. I thought you were very cute in your video.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  26. Wesa was just kinda wondering how that nip got through port authorities? Great box!
    stella rose

  27. madi...ewe iz rite...for bein a pup..sasha doez haz grate taste !!! way kewl gifts ewe N yur mom getted !!! enjoy N haza sardeenz for uz ~~ rock on !

  28. Ahahaha! "dark chocolate peppermint patties
    they make Mom's eyes big and make her slobber too" - that was hilarious!

    Glad you got such great presents, Madi! Wow - you really hit the catnip jackpot there!

  29. Wow, what great gifts! You are one lucky kitty!

  30. What a wonderful box full of goodies you got ... and we could tell you really loved that nip.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  31. OMC! Madi, what a fun package you got from Sasha. We can almost smell that nip too.

  32. Madi, I am so happy that you like my gift so much. I felt so honored when I got the "Mayor" for my exchange. I took things very seriously in selecting just the right thing for my sweet BFFF!. Mommy purposely used that paper cause she read that sometimes kitties like shiny and crinkly papers. I love your video and I am glad you got that candy cane under control. I love you Madi and Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am still crossing paws for SIL and Mommy prays when she comes to your page.

    Loveys Sasha

  33. Oh my goodness what pawesome pressies Madi!!!


  34. That was the most amazing bunch of gifts sweet Madi!!!

  35. Hey Madi!
    Wow, that Sasha is definitely a super shopper! You pressies look fabulous and I love Jazzi's exchange too. I have to wait until the 25th to open my goodies. Oh, your video is wonderful! I like your rolling technique and that tail-swishing action is fun. Thanks for letting me watch you with your nip-cane. BOL/MOL
    Grr and a Festive Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi