My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, December 13, 2013

This Moment, See Beautiful

These pictures were taken in Mid November
at the mall where my peeps walk every morning.
Mom's intent was to use them for December's 
This Moment, See Beautiful
This moment is especially beautiful because we
are going to write about many special Moments
we have experienced since November 24, 2013
when my sweet BIL had the stroke. 

First of all we thank you all for all the moments
you took to ask about him and offer encouragement.

One call we never expected to receive was the one telling us our very healthy and active son in law had a stroke. He had no 
health problems to cause a stroke.

After receiving the call from my human sissy, mom and dad
headed to Greenville, NC where my sis and BIL were.
The first moments after they arrived were very scary
BIL was gravely ill and my beautiful sissy was so sad.

My peeps immediately put on their Parent Hats
trying to do what they could to ease my sissy's heart
and let my BIL know they were there to help

The moment they saw BIL open is eyes they could tell
he was very sick but they could all  see they 
determination in his eyes. 
Mom and Dad went down without extra clothes.  They did not 
have time to find a cat sitter so Dad decided to come back
home to look after me....he is sweet like that.
When Mom and my sissy left the hospital on Sunday night,
they went to 24 hour Walmart to buy mom some
PJs, toothbrush etc.  I won't even tell you about Mom
and my sissy trying to pick out an electric shaver for

 It was late so they did it in a hurry
Now I wish I had been there the moment Mom
realized exactly what kind of PJs she bought....
yep she just looked at the size and did not notice
they were DUCK DYNASTY PJs.  Mom doesn't 
watch Duck Dynasty so she doesn't know names but
let me just say when she realized a picture of the old man with the

 do-rag and bushy beard was on the front of her PJs
it was a pretty FUNNY moment.  She and Sissy had 
their first laugh of a very long day.

That is about all  of the back story before Mom started posting some updates on the daily progress of BIL getting the feeling back
and of the scary stent operation

Now for This Moment, See Beautiful
BIL has been making superb progress in Rehab.
So well, in fact, yesterday Mom received the best news in the world from my sissy.  BIL is going to be released from Greenville
Rehab on Thursday, 12/19/13 to go home.  We are positive being home will have him doing a dance in no time.
He will have outpatient Rehab 3 days a week at his local hospital.

Vidant Medical Center and Rehab, in Greenville, NC is a state of the art medical center and teaching hospital.  It is affiliate with East Carolina Medial School.  Every single person who has helped BIL
has been superb at their chosen profession.
So even though we had rather not have had this experience we must say at
This Moment, (we) See Beautiful
and we are thankful. 


  1. Beautiful post! We are so happy that the BIL is progressing quickly! We know that this will be a memorable Christmas for all of you.
    The pics are just lovely, too.
    ((Hugs)) and smooches from your main mancat, Prancer Pie.

    Pee Ess - thank you for the kind words on the sister's graduation.

  2. That is great news that BIL will be home for Christmas! That is awesome that he is recovering so well, and I hope this scary time will just be a memory before long.

  3. How exciting that your BIL will be home for Christmas, that alone will make him feel almost good as new. We can't think of anything more beautiful than a family together for Christmas.

    Mama is giggling over your Mom's choice of PJ's. Too funny.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria

    PS, Mama says thanks for the reminder on See Beautiful you posted earlier this week. Otherwise she would have forgotten it again.

  4. A beautiful, brave post. All the best for a bright future for SIL and family.
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. We agree the whole family home for Christmas is the best. Beautiful pix Madi. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. OMD what wonderful news, it had been such a worrying time for you all. Love all the photo's Madi and those PJ's are just great. Have a super day. We have just seen all your cards WooHoooooo :) xxxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. That is fabulous about him being released in time for Christmas. So happy he has done so well.
    Beautiful display in the shopping center.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  8. Okays, furst...lemme laugh just a moment bout da PJs....BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I bet your mom is rockin' those!
    Second, I am SOOOOOOO excited and thrilled beyond words to hears BIL is bein' discharged! He is surely a fighter to be goin' home dis soon. I just knews he would be so determined to gets betters quick.
    Please continue to give our love and hugs to your hooman sissy and BIL and let them knows will is still thinkin' of them.

    PS: your mom is da only mom I knows dat takes a camera to da mall while her does her walkin'...hehehehehe!

  9. We are so happy to know that BIL will be discharged very soon and that he's doing so well!
    Those are very beautiful Christmas photos from the mall. :)

  10. What great news. We're so glad that son-in-law is making such good progress and will be home for the holidays. We're so happy for your family. Big purrs for his continued recovery, and for your mom's PJs. Because those PJs left us speechless.

  11. Grrreat news that BIL will be home for Christmas !

    Psst , my mom-person would have taken a lot of photo´s in dat shoppingmal too :)

  12. This is wonderful news and the best reason to celebrate. Sending our best wishes and hope for a full and speedy recovery.

  13. Wow, that is a sad and scary story. Every now and then we hear about someone that is totally fit and active just falling over and dying, having a heart attack or stroke. We are so happy he is improving and going home. We also love that even with the tragedy, you could find humor in the Walmart trip! Have a beautiful day! Emma

  14. That really is hysterical about the PJs. Great choice. But I have to tell you, I would have done the same thing. At that point who cares. So glad the BIL is doing so well and that he can be home for Christmas. That is quite a Christmas present to get to go home. Have a great day.

  15. We are so thrilled that BIL will be home for Christmas. We know he has a long road of recovery ahead of him, but this is a huge step. What a special Christmas you will all have. Lee and Phod

  16. this is a Christmas Miracle, so fantastic he will be home for Chrismtas and that he is doing so well. tell Mom i enjoyed all the photos and had a really good howl out loud about the PJS... to funny... maybe you could snap a shot of her in them Madi...

  17. We are all so happy to hear that your BIL will be home for Christmas! That story about the PJs though is just too funny. It was a happy accident that your mom and sister needed at the time.

    Millie & Walter

  18. OMD the PJ's... OMD OMD We are ROLLIN on the FLOOR over that one.
    What a Beautiful Post this. So full of GOOD news fur BIL (Mr. Greg). Having him home fur Christmas is the BESTEST Pawt. THAT will be FABULOUS fur Everybuddy. PeeS... Your DAD gets the gold STAR fur GOOD DADDYship. He was NOT gonna let you be alone or to starve. THAT kept your mom and sister from having an extra thingy to worry about. BRAVO DAD!
    BRAVO BIL fur being so STRONG and BRAVO Mom and Sister Marlu fur being SO supportive and Wonderful.
    You are a BEAUTIFUL Family!!!

  19. Oh Madi, he will be home for the holidays! This is the most exciting and most Beautiful news ever! I am doing zoomies for you and your family right now.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  20. Madi that's wonderful. It feels good to read good news and I'm so happy for you! I think the PJ is beautiful, it's a memory that this funny PJ was the reason for the first laugh on a long day. btw: my dad bought accidentally a snoopy pj once, it's not really according to his age, but it keeps him warm :o)

  21. This was a simply beeYOUtiful post! I'm glad your BIL is doing better, and I know he'll keep improving. It's the season of miracles, after all!

  22. ...this beautiful moment brought tears to my eyes. How loving and cherished he is. And to have a family like y'all...he is blessed.

    Wonderful to read that he is doing well enough to return home.

  23. Very beautiful. My paws are still crossed for Mr B

  24. Such happy news!
    These are beautiful photos! Is this at the Crabtree mall?? We stayed very close to there on our first trip to the area. :)
    Happy Holidays!

  25. so beautiful! right down to the PJ's to bring some smiles to a long day. We are so happy that BIL is doing so well. We will keep all pug paws crossed for his continued recovery. Hugs to you Madi, Mom , Daddy, Sissy and BIL
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  26. Madi so happy for your family that your BIL will be home for Christmas. To tell the truth I hardly looked at the pics as I read this frightening story. So glad there is a happy ending!

  27. Indeed, Madi and mom. Golden Happy for the good news. The miracle of Beautiful and healing prayers from family and friends. Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE and seeing beauty in such moment is precious. Golden Enjoyed to see the malls tree and decorations. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  28. madi...this Iz total lee way awesum that BIL will bee home in time for Christmas, and be home...period !!! this be like de best present ever !! we noe once him iz home with loved ones...his progress will be soooper grate two...happee week oh endtwo all ;) !!~~~~~

  29. I sure am happy that Good rehab progress. Hugs from all of us.

  30. Beautiful post, Madi and Mom. We loved all the pretty pics, but more importantly we loved the ending of the story with the great news about BIL. We wish him and your Sissy all the very best as he moves through his recovery.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara,and Lightning

  31. What pretty decorations, Madi. Thanks for sharing them with us. And we're so glad BIL is doing better and seems to be on the road to a full recovery. We continue to purr for him and your human sister.

  32. Madi & Mom that is one beautiful story and we are so glad SIL is doing so well that he can get out of Rehab early and be home for Christmas! What a great ending! Those pictures are beautify too Madi!

  33. Madi and C, I'm bawling my eyes out with joy for your family! xx Trish

  34. What a great moment for your family. Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas to you all.

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  35. What a beautiful story told with beautiful pictures!


  36. What beautiful news. We will continue to keep him and your entire family in our thoughts and prayers. Sending see beautiful thoughts your way.

    Lydia @ See Beautiful

  37. That is wonderful news that BIL is doing so well and can come home for Christmas. We hope he continues to recover well, and I send my purrs to all of you.

  38. That was truly beautiful and I hope BIL continues to do well and is back to him old self in no time. The Christmas pictures were very stunning. I laughed at the pj too. Have a happy holidays.

  39. Outstanding news on BIL's health and recovery.

    Glad he's sooooooooooo much better Madi.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi