My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, April 4, 2014

Waiting is hard

According the the hummingbird migration map
we rec'd via email from Ms. Kit...the hummers are
all around us....
 Mom has the welcome flag out and a brand new
feeder with fresh food awaiting.  Mom is 
practicing her happy hummer dance but
Alas we are still waiting.  Maybe their
GPS is messed up or their itty bitty wings are weighted down
from all the rain....BUT we are ready!!!
So if you see them please give them our coordinates:
turn a hair to your left, make a tiny altitude adjustment to ten degrees northwest.
You can't miss our Al Fresca Cafe.


  1. The last time my human put out a hummingbird feeder, all she got was ants. :-(

  2. Everything has been nuts this year, maybe the hummers are just making sure there's not surprise snow or anything...

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. If you build it, they will come.

  4. Hey Madi we hear they are on the way. We re-programmed their tweet-nav for you LOL. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Fank youz for making my birthday so special. Wez away'z the weekend'z
    so catch up'z wiff you Monday'z xxxxxx

    Load'z of Hug'z

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. When u said Hummers, mommy thought of those huge car things. I think you will need a bigger bird feeder if the humming birds are gonna arrive via a Hummer Limo or something.

  7. We didn't know there was a hummingbird migration map. How cool. They'll find your feeder soon, we are sure!

  8. We'll pay nearly new chews to see your mom's Hummer dance *BOL*
    Wally & Sammy

  9. lol with Wallace's comment above mine.

    We still only have the one female in our yard. Maybe it's that they know how cold it was up north and taking their time heading our way...s'pose?

  10. Try as we might, Mom and Dad have never been able to entice hummers to our yard. Mom used to have tons of them at her house in NJ. We think the winds here on the beach are too strong for them. We hope yours show up soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Oh what fun to have hummers come visit you. We used to have feeders out for them too but with so many cats now, the Person doesn't like to put feeders out. The nice spring flag is nice too. Have a great day.

  12. we were not bird watching this morning, but we had a 10 minutes of laughter listening to a mocking bird in our tree. we could not see him but boy was he singing. so loud we had to laugh... hope the hummers get there soon so Mom will not get to tired from the humming bird dance.... what kind of tablet is that on the table

  13. THAT is the most beautiful Hummingbird Cafe we have ever seen. We hope they arrive at Your house Soon... Let us KNOW when they do.. beclaws that will mean is that they will soon be HERE on our hill. Can't Wait.

  14. We have over a month before our hummers show up. We can't wait to see yours.

  15. We are with Wallace, Madi, you need to use the iPad camera on Mom doing her Happy Hummer Dance!! BOL The Hummers should be there soon!
    Hugs and Nose Taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  16. They sadly don't like my area and I never saw one for real. Once mom thought she saw one, but it was just a big dragonfly. But I can watch them on your blog, Madi. Please keep me informed when they visit your back yard. Have a super friday!

  17. I will send you some. They dive at my head when I'm outside
    Lily & Edward

  18. Oh man Madi! I hope they didn't get caught in that crazeee weather front yesterday. No hummers here yet and we are also waiting on Mr. Tanager and his girl who usually arrive about the middle of April. If I was a hummer I would definitely visit your place!

  19. All beautiful things are worth waiting for, I guess! I hope they wing their way to your place very soon!

  20. Hope they show up soon...

    Have a super weekend.

    hugs, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

  21. We sure hope the hummers make it to your place soon! We wish they would visit us too because they sound very interesting. :)

  22. Come on overs Madi!! Our burdies are just abouts to leave the nest!! Can you believes it??? It's gonna be time for a second hummer to lay her eggs!!
    In the mean time...abouts that dance....
    Ruby ♥

  23. madi...TRUST UZ....if we see humminburdz....sparrowz, robinz, wrenz, finchez, crowz, cardinalz, jayz...ewe name it...we will be MOR N HAPPEE ta send em ALL yur way...troo lee N with R sinceer est thanx !!!

    heerz two a wild whitefish week oh end ◄►

  24. They sure are cute but I have only see one hummer one time.

  25. I hope they come soon. I would love to see hummer up close

  26. We can't wait to hear more about your hummers. Do you have problems with ants getting in the hummer feeder? We did.

  27. Don't worry Madi, I am sure they will be there before long.

  28. We don't get many hummingbirds around here, but we did have a few cardinals in the yard today. That's a good sign, right?

    Ruby (and Angel Pip)

  29. Madi,

    Dose hummers will be dere soon, we just know it!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  30. oh how sweet - we hope the hummers come soon. Mom would love to have a hummer feeder, but sadly we must admit we like to chase all the birdies awayz;9

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  31. We love the hummers! We hope they show up soon. They won't be at our house for a few more months.

  32. Oh my cats, if those hummers have internet and see the photo of your cafe they will be making a beeline for your house. We figure it will be at least another month before they make it this far north.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria

  33. Hope they show up soon!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  34. If we see them we will give them your coordinates for sure!!
    We hope they come by soon!
    ❀Siamese Smothers and Tuxie Tickles❀ from Mikko and Jax at Happiness is Siamese!

  35. We'll send you some of ours...obnoxious little birdies...

  36. How could any hummer refuse that most beautiful eating establishment?!
    Happy Sepia Smileys!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  37. Wowwzers! Wes never seen those maps before! Wes will has to makes sure that Daddy reports for us this year! Wes gets LOTS of hummers and adding our location to the Map would be so cool!
    PS, Mes is catching up. Poor Mommy had the week from hell


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi