My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, May 9, 2014


Power of the Prayer 
Chef Sasha's sweet Daddy is having surgery today at 12:30.  Sasha and her family have asked
for the POTP from all of their furiends.
Sasha's mom is reading her blog and ours at the hospital.  So let's put our paws/hands/claws together to send our healing thoughts to them.
Click HERE to visit Sasha's blog to leave a message.


Today is the 2nd Friday in May and that means it is time to join

It is said beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...
we just have to look around us.
In early April my peeps went to the beautiful
North Carolina coast to visit Sis and BIL.
We are sharing some beauty and some funny.
Funny because Mom thinks laughter is 

I guess the meaning is up to each one reading it.
  It was on the dock in Beaufort.  Mom LOL'd  

Much anticipated new shop on the boardwalk in
Morehead City.  BIL is an excellent chef so we 
expect he will be going here a lot
Now for some fun pictures of boats and their names

The itty bitty dot in the middle of the picture is a 
man on what looks like part bicycle part surfboard
paddling like crazy

Big Rock monument honoring all ships
who have want the contest


Our sweet daughter and son-in-law/
aka Madi's SIS and BIL
strolling down the boardwalk in Beaufort

Just 5 months ago he could not walk.
We have been blessed with a true miracle.
Each moment of life is beautiful never
ever forget it! Hold those you love close
and savor each beautiful moment spent with them.


  1. Beautiful pics of Morehead City, the boats and M&G!! The funny sign about black soled shoes: they are not allowed on boats because they leave scuff marks!
    Great names for the boats in the harbor!
    You are so right, find beauty everywhere!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  2. We've been thinking about Sasha and her dad all day. Hope everything goes well.

    That is a beautiful place.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. Madi, how beautiful to see your Sis and BIL walking along the boardwalk. Miracles do happen.

    We love all those boats. Do you think the owner of the one called Wear 'Em Out might have children? Of course our only interest in boats and water would be the fish. MOL!

    Our sweet friend Sasha and her Dad and Mom are in our thoughts. We have known them so long they feel like family. POTP!

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria

  4. Lovely seeing all the boats and the shoe sign made us chuckle along with Sea Hag.
    We are praying for Sasha's daddy. The family are in our thoughts and prayers. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. we are off to visit sash thanks for letting us know

    retro rover

  6. We certainly will go visit Sasha and her Mom. That is such a great picture of the BIL and Sis, walking down the boardwalk. It truly is a miracle. I am a firm believer in miracles. Have a wonderful dayl

  7. We just left purrs and prayers for Sasha's Dad.

    That really IS a beautiful post!!

    Your Guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  8. We love those fun photos that make us smile...especially the black shoes one! So happy that your son in law is doing so well! Have a beautiful day!

  9. Our paws are crossed tight for Sasha's dad!!! Oh and that last picture is beautiful ...have a few tears on my furry nose.

    Angel Pip and Ruby

  10. Hey BEAUTIFUL GIRRRRRL.... this is a super See Beautiful post. WE like the Stroll down the Dock. And of COURSE the FLAGS.. LOVE a good Flag.
    OUR PAWS are tightly crossed fur Sasha's Dad.

  11. Oh we stopped over to Sashy blog today and left a message, our heart is hurting for them today. thank you madi for sharing those beautiful pictures wif our mom who is sitting at her desk, in iowa, looking out at the concrete pavement with heat shimmering off of it, yes she really appreciated seeing the difference of where you were at and were she is at....bahahhahaha

  12. We see lots of beauty in your post ! And yes, all our feets are crossed for that surgery
    Lily & Edward

  13. We think the last picture is the most beautiful!

  14. Beautiful pictures, especially the one of your Sis and BIL!
    We are keeping Sasha's Daddy in our prayers
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  15. What a beautiful post Madi!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. I visited Sasha and I cross my paws for her dad, of course. Your mom is right, laughter is beautiful - even to lough at ourselves. I would like to have a ship with the name Bill Collector, then all people know I'm anyway on the rocks and there is no reason for envy.Many thanks for a beautiful post, Madi&Mom!

  17. Those were sure beautiful and fun photos sweet Madi! Purrs to Sasha's Daddy from all of us.

  18. Madi we are so happy for your BIL and your SIS. WE agree that is so beautiful and now we will offer up our purrs for Sasha's Daddy.

  19. Oh Madi, you so see beautiful!! We have been thinking about Sasha's dad all day today.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. This is Trixie and Lily! We started our new blog (in case you don't recognize our ID, that is why.) Those pictures sure are beautiful! We've never seen the ocean in person (and our mama would probably never let us near it anyway because she thinks sharks will eat us) but we like looking at your photos!

  21. It is a beautiful sight to see SIL up and about.

    Love the pics and thanks for sharing with us.

    Hope all went well with the surgery.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi