My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, August 29, 2014

FFHT and Show and Tell


for hosting this event.
The phrase for this month is
I can't believe I ate.....
If you missed pawticipating this month,
be sure to visit their blog click on the tab
FFTH to find next months phrase
On July 22nd I posted about the new food 
Mom switched me to due to a itty bitty
elevation in one of my kidney enzymes.
She was worried I would not like it. 
HA..I never met a can of food I didn't like!
Click here it you missed it.

We have to buy the food from my vet...first mom
bought 3 cans (they are twice the size of Fancy Feast).
She was still worried I might decide I didn't like it.
Next she bought 6 cans...not very economical but still
she was being cautious.

I counted the rows
I counted the cans in each row

After I did the math, I said

Mom I can't believe I can eat 24 cans of food.
But I'm willing to try!! MOL

Show and Tell with Bacon

 This time though, let’s highlight toy that you really loved as a child and absolutely could not live without – that you had hours and hours of entertainment playing with.  You don’t have to still have it but try to find a picture of it to post and talk about.

Madi's Mom Here:

Flashback to Christmas 1954... (photos developed 1/55)
First of all pardon the head dresses (more on that later*) my Mom and I were wearing.
 That year I was torn between being a tomboy and a prissy missy.
  I asked for cowboy or Indian suit,( shown in the chair you see the Indian suit and drum there was also an Indian headdress but I couldn't find the picture) a Betsy Wetsy doll not pictured. Betsy came with a bottle, you put water in it then feed her..then she wet her pants.  

I also asked for a new watch and charm bracelet pictured below
Also pictured below is the fancy hair do you got when you
slept with your hair rolled in bobby pins and your head wrapped in the head thing.


  1. What WONDERFUL stories both you and your Mama told us today Madi!! We wonder how many of those food cans you can eat at one sitting BOL!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. Great stories and adorable pics of your Mommy as a little girl!
    Enjoy your new foodables, Madi.
    Happy Friday!
    >>Smooches>> from your furriends at Angel Prancer Pie.

  3. Twenty-four cans? Go on Madi you can do it.
    And ten out of ten for Maths!

  4. Hari Om
    Crikey, that's some tray of food... but I bet mom hides them and you still only get some at a time.... you should definitely get extra for being so good at counting! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. OMD we so could gobble that up no worries. We agree adorable pix of mum fro the past. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Shame I missed the 'can't believe I ate', the story of the guitar plectrum will remain untold !
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. Madi, I can help you with the food, just give me a sign lol. How great that your mom got an indian suit, she could wear it together with my mom who was "Pocahontas" once. Her pawrents need hours to explain her, that she can't wear that suit in school. I remember the bobby pin-hairstyle, mom even bought a special pillow to get some sleep while wearing the pins and rollers on her head, sadly the pillow wasn't the real mc coy lol

  8. "I can't believe I ate" was made for Ashton, who eats all kinds of crazy things! We'll have to check it out. We get our food in big flats like that, too. It vanishes faster than you expect, Madi, trust us!

  9. I remember when we had cats we would get so frustrated over special diet foods - just when we thought they would eat it and bought a case or large bag, they would quit.

    Monty and Harlow

  10. Howdy Madi, wowza you could have a pawty with all that food. Enjoy it sweetie pie. We loved your mum's Christmas photos. Our mum had a doll the same when she was little. Have a great weekend all.
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  11. Cute pictures! I had a Betsy Wetsy but she didn't last, wasn't much into dolls. Love the last picture. I am sure Madi can handle that FOOD!

  12. What great pictures. What fun to see that old timey heater with the tea kettle on top of it.
    What a lucky kitty you are Madi, to have all that food. Now if you just had thumbs so you could get those cans opened up. Happy Friday to all of you.

  13. wow, that is a LOT Of cat food... should last a while... glad you like it and it makes you feel better. i had many a hair do done with bobby pins.. blowsy is the word for what i look like.... i don't have any pics, they are all 400 miles away with my niece.. also remember the head gear, also had cowboy and Indian outfits, also had a stove like the one in the head gear pic...i don't remember what i got for any Christmas but i know there was always a doll and books and paper dolls.

  14. Awesome!! Love this my friend. XOXO - Bacon

  15. OMD Madi.... your I can't believe I ate.... story is super... we are glad that you have 24 cans of GOODNESS... That was also a super MATH lesson. A story that has somethingy fur EVERYBUDDY.
    OMD the pics of your mom at Christmas are super. Our mom wanted to be an indian princess... She is all GREEN with Jellyness that YOUR mom really GOT to be one!!!

  16. What wonderful memories. We have no pictures of our XMAS's as a kid.

    Madi, I'm sure you'll find a way to eat that whole case .....

  17. We are sure you can polish off all of those cans, Madi. :)
    Loved the old photos and I remember Bobby pin curls too!
    Hugs and nose taps
    Kathy and Molly

  18. Madi, Phantom gets special cans from the vet too, but Mom says it never devours it. In fact most of it goes down the drain:( Maybe she needs to get him some of that cat food.

    Mom's favorite toy that she remembers was from the Christmas when she got a Chatty Cathy - perfect for a mom named Kathie (well almost perfect). And she too had a Betsy Wetsy doll.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  19. Oh yeah madi dietzy can eat that much food also, he is really a big in a mean cat costume.
    stella rose

  20. Madi, you can do really good math! I am not that good at it. I bet you can eat all that food just not all at once maybe. We love the flashback pictures.

    Loveys Sasha

  21. OMD OMD OMD! Mom says she had a Betsy Wetsy doll too!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  22. Seven of us could go through those cans in no time pretty Madi!

  23. When Mom stocks up on a food we like, we decide to NOT like it. We hope that doesn't happen to you.

    OMC....our Mom had a Betsy Wetsy doll too.

    Hugs, Your guy Raz and
    The Florida Furkids

  24. Madi you're a genius! Checking out those cans and counting them. I bet you know exactly how long that will last too! We loved the black and white photos!

  25. You had better get to eating! MOL! Oh, the famous Betsy Wetsy doll ♥

  26. madi....yur math iz WAAAAAY better N ourz coz we tallied up de canz ta equalz 78,443..course round heer that wood last like three dayz ☺☺

    oh kay, just kiddin, we dont eat THAT much...

    5 dayz !!

    heerz ta a safe happee long week oh end…may de bass bee bountee full in yur bowl ♥

  27. Now we're thinking you can eat that Madi. Just a little bit at a time and before you know it your mom will be back buying 24 more cans lol! We loved the pics too! Great job & thanks for pawticipating!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws
    "Use Your Noodle & Vote For a Doodle!"

  28. Great pictures of your mom Madi. I think you will manage to eat all that food Madi, but not in one sitting.
    My mum buys my food when it is on offer. If it is a good price she gets 24 each of my 3 favourite flavours. That's 72 tins!

  29. MOL! Madi, we don't think you're expected to eat 24 cans all at once! The mom bought that food for us one time, we didn't like it much.

  30. Your Mom is stocking up for you Miss Madi! She also had great taste in Christmas toys!
    Marty's Mom

  31. Oh Madi, i thinks you will have NO PROBLEMO eatin' all that food!!! BOL
    (if you need any help, you knows where I am!!!)
    OMD, Ma said she had a Betsy Wetsy and it was her MOST FAVORITE doll in the worlds!!! BOL!!! She loved that thingie!! Her brudder hated it cause she used his tshirts as diapers!!! hehehehe
    Ruby ♥

  32. well thats a lot of cans of food!

  33. That sounds like a reasonable amount of food to eat to us!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi