My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday Tale:Tire

The other day I was finally it has been raining for 87 days basking in a sun puddle when Mom told me at was so far fetched I 

Mom said Madi I kid you not!!
So here is the rest of the tale
She and Dad had just left the house when a strange light came on
Gracie the Highlander's instrument panel.  Well the peeps are 
still getting used to all of Gracie's bells and whistles.  Dad said
what in the world that is the sign? It looks like a tire...Mom pulled Gracie's handy dandy TLC book and sure enough it was the 
symbol for check tire pressure.
Luckily they were very close to a service station so they pulled in....
 sun puddle to check it out....

Would you look at the size of that my sweet Gracie's tire.  The mechanic told Dad most people don't pay any 
attention to the symbols on their instrument panel. The mechanic had to put a plug in Gracie's brand new tire.  He said it was a pretty big hole and for Dad to keep a watch on the instrument panel.
Dad was very proud of Gracie and her internal computer!!
I am happy to report the plug did the trick and Gracie is pleased as punch.


  1. Mom Paula had a nail in her tire after only having her car a couple of months. She likes the warning lights in the car.

  2. THose little nails can cause a whole bunch of troubles!! Good thing for the warning lights!! Tell the peeps Good Job!!


  3. Humans actually ignore those symbols?! You wouldn't know that by how my human freaks out and rushes her Mini to the mechanic every time something lights up.

  4. Many moons ago, our stoopy Mommy picked up a whole screwdriver in her new car's tire! How could she have missed that?
    Sounds like your pawrents are much more responsible than ours. MOL!
    >>Smooches<< from your BFFFs at Angel Prancer Pie.

  5. Yikes, dat looks like a pretty big nail! Glad da mechanic fixed da tire.

  6. We're glad Gracie could help herself and keep your pawrents safe.

    Our friends at the river have a coffee mug that comes up when they've been driving for 2 hours to remind them to take a break...

  7. Oh my clever Gracie and peeps to listen to her. Wow modern technology. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. Wow, that's very clever. Mum's thinking it would be handy to have one of those thingys fitted to me as well! Cheeky !
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  9. Too funny, in Sweet Gracie's tire. Thank COD for Gracie's computer skills. That really is kind of neat. Next thing, it will send you a message saying, screw in tire.
    You all have a great day and try to stay cool.

  10. Amazing.....I was telling Bud a while back, with all the computer jargon on the dash these days..."Why don't they add some kinda software that tells you your tire is getting low?". My goodness. Yes, I am AMAZED

  11. so glad he paid attention so you did not get stranded. my Kia does this to. i got in the car early am and said, what does a little red car on the dash mean, with a funny thing off the back... it meant the hatch was not closed. then i noticed when we are getting the little red car has 2 front doors open until we close it... so i got out and opened just the back door, not open, but almost closed, the little red car had the back rear open... amazing until they stop working and say things that are not true. we did have the tire pressure one and they were all low.. no nails. i hate living in a world when my car is smarter than i am.

  12. Our car (named Smurfette) is happy Gracie is ok now!

  13. Warning lights in the human mobiles are awesome! Albert, mom's little Smart Car, has all of those flashy, blinky pretty lights that come up from time to time. What did we *ever* do without technology? But you know, this has me thinking. What if WE came equipped with flashy lights? Wouldn't that be pigawesome?! XOXO - Bacon

  14. She's one smart car! Am very familiar with having to get tires fixed. Running 100 miles a day up and down the interstate has resulted in lots of tire problems.

  15. Mixed feelings about those pressure loss indicator thingies. The one in my Mini has a tendency to flash on at random, usually when I am on a remote road in the Scottish Highlands in the middle of winter. Many a time I've been in a major panic, only to reach a garage and find out it was a false alarm....
    Cheers, Gail.

  16. So Sorry that Gracie's New TIRE got a GIANT Screw in it... Butt GLAD that she TOLD your dad there was somethingy going on.
    Out Jennifer has that feature and it is super.
    We are so glad that the rain stopped so you could enjoy your beloved SUN PUDDLE.

  17. That Gracie is a very smart car. All our cars are too old to talk to us like that.

  18. OMD, poor Gracie. Glad she's all patched up now!

  19. We are glad the screw stayed in place long enough to get to the service station!
    That is so good they could patch and plug the tire up for Gracie in the nick of time.
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  20. Thank goodness there is someone out there that listens to Gracie. This nut drove us around for 87 weeks with the cute symbol illuminated. Thank goodness it was a change of temp that made the light go on! No nuts or bolts in our tire
    Lily & Edward

  21. Hey Madi!
    Wow, poor Gracie and her sore tire! Glad that light gave your peeps the heads-up and now she's good as new. Looks like you had a super sun puddle working there!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  22. We are sure glad that Gracie's tire is on the mend pretty Madi!

  23. Gracie tells your pawrents when her tires have a problem? We're impressed!

  24. Glad Gracie is a-okay now and that she is able to let you know what condition she is in. Ha! We name our vehicles too.. we have a Casper and a Wendy. One talks and one doesn't. We like the quiet vehicle.. :)

  25. Glad that the mechanic could fix Gracie´s tire and that your humans cared about the symbol on the dashboard :)


  26. OMC dat's a purretty big screw alwight. Ow caw has a panel dat tells us da same kinda fings. Mommy pays weal close tention to it, even tho' hers can't always afford to fix whatevew it tells hers is wong. Da change oil lights been on fur munffs now, but weez not had da munny to fix it so it'll just hav to stay on a little longer. MOL Enjoy yous sun puddle.

    Luv ya'


  27. Yowza! It's a good thing that they were paying attention to the panel. You have very smart peeps. But don't tell them that, ok?

  28. Well done to Gracie for warning your peeps Madi.

  29. You were very clever to warn them. It sounds like Barrie's car as there are lights that pop up for all sorts of things.

  30. bout day ja vue that all reddy food gurl hada nails in her tire just yesterday tho we think it act shoo a lee sticked it self rite rear tire....troo lee...on sunday.. N de tire just happened ta spin sew her could see it just then.... her wundered why her thinked stones bee in sticked in de treads....

  31. Lucky thing for those warning lights. Mom has one of those Highlander thingies too and she has to pull out the manual to figure out what the light means.

    Glad they were able to get that tire fixed before it blew!!!

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  32. Yep, Dads in the tire business, you would never believe how many peeps ignore that
    warning, if fact you wouldn't believe how many peeps never check their air pressures, their answer is tire don't leak. Yea right, got some real interest land available out in the Pacific ocean for them idiots!

    The Mad Scots

  33. Madi Mom's check tire pressure light stays on all the time. No one can figure out what it is and the tires are fine, but we are super duper aware of all those "idiot" lights. We are glad everything was OK with your Mom's car tires after getting rid of that screw!

  34. Yikes. Glad that your humans are safe and they got the screw out of the tire before it caused an accident.

  35. We're glad Gracie's tire was able to be fixed. The mom has had more flat tires than she cares to count!

  36. Good girl Gracie, thank you for keeping Madi's peeps safe. And Madi, good job by your peeps too on paying attention to the warning symbol.

    We are glad you finally got to enjoy a sunpuddle after all those rainy days.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
    Georgia, Adam and Gloria
    Vincent and Marky
    Loki and Freya
    and soon to be named little boy kitten

  37. YIKES! Gracie is one clever car :) Mom once had a 2 inch nail in her wheel, she couldn't believe it when they started pulling it out and it just kept coming and coming and coming. Mom's car isn't as clever as Gracie though, mom had to figure it out on her own.
    Wally & Sammy

  38. Whew...we are so glad your Daddy payed attention to the warning adn saved Gracy's tire!! That was a close one!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  39. That thing was HUGE! Glad Gracie had that warning and your Daddy was so observant!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi