My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bags, boxes, shoes WooHoo

I think most everyone knows my peeps
take a power walk every morning.
Recently they started noticing their shoes had lost
their bounce and tread. So shoe shopping they
went.  OMCs/OMDs they came home with
a huge bag with two boxes in it.
Needless to say this Box/Bag Diva was 
intrigued. I jumped up and down from the
bedside table trying to figure out the best angle for  jumping in the bag.

There was a lot of math involved too.

Notice my quick bag to box transfer...
then box to box transfer
Oh my cats.....
 Of course Mom was documenting everything so 
all of a sudden I lost interest in the shoes....
Mom says sometimes I have the attention span of a gnat!!
 Mom's new shoes are almost the exact color of my furs 
and they are trimmed in hot likes bright colors
FYI: Dad's shoes are black with black soles and black laces!!
The style shoe mom likes does not come
 After all that activity,  this kitty needed a nap
MOL once again Mom missed my leap...
but she is very good at landings!!




  1. Wow...we are amazed at your magical kitty math skills Madi....the bag jump was amazing!!
    Dry, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. Wow, Madi, you were in bag and box heaven! My human prefers all black shoes with black laces - sometimes she wears red tops and sometimes purple, so the black goes with everything.

  3. that was a pawsome bag diving dive. You are better than the humans diving at the olympics, we give your dive a pawfect score of 87.

  4. I can never understand why you cats don't accompany their humans on walks. Gosh, you should see some of the power walks I have 'encouraged' Gail to take…
    Toodle pip!
    PD Gail says nice shoes.

  5. Hari Om
    Neat feet!!! ...and you, Madi, are neat ON your feet!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. All that maths! Yous sooo clever Madi
    Luffs Mom's new matching shoes
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. Wow what got it in the bag girl LOL. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. It's so awkward when the humans don't remember to lay the bag down like a civilized bag would.

  9. I'm quite impressed with your jumping and landing ability. As you know, I am still working on the landing thing ...


  10. Wow, it is a kitty Christmas at your house Madi.Bags and Boxes, what could be better. And by the way, great jump.
    Madi, could you tell that Mom of yours that we are going to have an auction for Winnie's wish BUT it isn't going to start until Feb. 5th. So just let the Mom know to get those fingers a working.,
    Have a great Tuesday.

  11. You hit the jackpot there Madi, two boxes AND a bag!

  12. shoes? who said shoes? I totally love the shoes your momma bought, for me New Balance is the best, forget the rest :o) This shoes are really made for walking, you never will need a blistering plaster, that shoes are like bodyparts :o)
    Easy Rider

  13. Boxes? Shoes? Sounds like kitty party time :)

  14. when i saw that last leap it scared me so bad i forgot what i was going to say.. MOL BOL LOL.. is your last name Wallenda? love the transfer from bag to box and of COURSE you knew the bag would fall over.....

  15. OMC OMC you got NEW Boxes and a BAG, too???? You must have felt like it was CHRISTMAS and your BIRFDAY all in ONE.
    You did some MAJOR Advanced Math to get that ENTRY just Pawfect. No wonder you needed that PAWer Nap !

  16. A bag and TWO boxes?!? OMC! That is super great! Think of all the fun you can have with all those great play things! I love your leaps, Madi. You are always so graceful.
    Purrs and hugs,

  17. Such excellent skills you have, Madi, my LLS! We got maybe an inch of the white stuff last night. Whew!

    Hugs, Laila, your LLS and Minchie, your BFF

  18. Bags AND boxes? You're struck explorer gold there! We like your math better than ours. Ours has people numbers and that makes our heads go all as8 ur[ eowhfup waeyrpo wviucro nav?ljg inside.

  19. Your Mom and Dad got a present and you got three! A bad and two boxes we think that was a very winning combination!

  20. Excellent entry in to the bag Madi! Our mom needs to do some power walking too
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  21. Madi, if you saw how big my mom's shoe box is you'd probably faint! Our mom likes bright colors too. Our pawrents track the miles on their shoes and replace them every 300 miles.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Great diving, Madi and the box transfers. What a score TWO boxes a bag and tissue paper!

  23. Excellently performed maneuvers Madi.....and you didn't even need a calculator!

    Hugs, Sammy

  24. I take it they finally gave you some nourishment or you wouldn't be able to maneuver all that. Good job! How sweet of Mom to match her shoes to you.

  25. madi...sum thin else yur mom missed in thiz post...letz take a closer look shall we !!


  26. Madi...we know you are a small kitty...and them boxes are big are their feet?

    The Mad Scots

  27. You sure hit the box javkpot pretty Madi!!!!

  28. What a day you had Madi!!! I love boxes almost as much as you. Mommy found a picture that she is putting on my post for Wordless Wednesday dedicated to Madi!!

    Loveys Sasha

  29. Oh Madi a shoe post! Well pink is pretty close to RED! Lucky kitty you are to have that big brown paper bag! And boxes too! Your Mom has coordinated her socks and shoes.. excellent. I wear boring off white socks.. so not cool.

  30. Madi, we give you a "10" for the dismount and twist into the bag, cascading into the box!!! BOL
    Hugs and nose taps
    Molly and Kathy

  31. yup, I need to get a new pair too. I finally threw out the old ones cuz they had blown out on the sides.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi