My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


  We have a full service area for the birds
bird bath, lots of bushes for them to rest in,
and 4 (four) feeders and a suet cage.


  1. Wow...that is like HD Bird TV!! We just have a suet cage on our Bird TV, time to ask Mama to subscribe to the full feeder package!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. Wow, you must have bird superstars because they are getting first class service!

  3. OUR birds want to move to YOUR yard!

  4. That is some primo bird tv, Madi. Good thing you're in the dining room cause we bet all that bird-watching makes you hungry!
    >>Smooches<< from your besties at Angel prancer pie.

  5. Wow! You got a mega wide screen for Bird TV! Mumsy expanded our Bird Station with a water bath and suet holder. Now we got those things, and a tube feeder and a platform feeder.

  6. Finally, a TV channel worth watching!
    Madi, did you know that for the last couple of years the BBC has had a daily two minute radio item called "Tweet of the Day" just before 6 a.m. in which a well known naturalist (sometimes David Attenborough) gets to talk about a particular bird and its call. We love it!
    Toodle pip!

  7. Miss Madi, Do you have full service like that INDOOR ???
    Just saying ;)

  8. Excellent Bird TV!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  9. We gots a burd feeder outside da window where da cat tree is stay-shunned... fur our kitties burd tv... it are very popular viewing fur Crockett, Travis and Angelique. Sometimes I watches out dat window, too, cuz evful skwirrels show up to eats da fallen seeds...
    Enjoy yer burd tv!

  10. Hari Om
    Better than anything on offer from the oblong in the other room corner!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. That's a great Bird TV channel. You should have some great programming there.

  12. Wow, that is terrific. We are putting the word out to our birds and giving them a map on how to get to your house, Madi. That is terrific. Mom here wants some bird feeders but with all the outside cats, it is a little dangerous for the birds.Have a great day.

  13. I would say it's more like you have your own home theater with all those birds! Enjoy!

  14. I wish we could do that here, but Jakeasaurus would have his on buffet.. you do get really clear reception and looks like you are 'focused' on that show

  15. Your yard are so nice for birds!!!! we love it!

  16. Putter Jean loves bird TV too! Madi, I bet your tail is twitching!!!

  17. OUR dad loves feeding the birds and squirrels, he is wasting our college money.
    stella rose

  18. OH Madi.... you have the PURRRRRfect location fur watching Bird TV... If you lived HERE it would all be COVERED with SNOW today... BUTT that makes the Birds Show up better... Just sayin.

  19. Oh, you lucky kitty! We're teleporting over, we want to watch too!

  20. Those are some lucky birds that live by you!

    Hugs, Laila, your LLS and Minchie, your BFF

  21. Oh Madi, I just love bird TV too! We get big buzzards flying over the back yard a lot and I love to bark at them. Happy Tuesday!

  22. wow that's like a seat in the first row! I'm not allowed on the table, even when I wash my paws, no idea why...
    easy Rider

  23. Very nice entertainment your oeeos provide, Madi!
    Does it bug you that you can't go out there to chase them?!
    I like to stalk birds, but they cheat and fly away! I guess they don't like to play chase like the neighborhood cats who come to visit me in the yard!🐕
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Molly and Kathy'

  24. Ha ha! This is a cute picture of you Madi hunkered down on the table doing bird watching! Madi, forgive me for not commenting as much but I have been having a heck of a time getting signed on here at your blog. I think I have my Feedly google identities all messed up! Ima working on it!!!

  25. Wow! Your mouth must be watering
    Lily & Edward

  26. Dang, you don't even need a remote control for at Bird-TV!

  27. Bet that is your favourite show Madi!
    Dip and Elliot x

  28. we R sew pree tendin we dinna even stop heer two day....

    la la la la la lal al....wunder what madi's up two rite bout now...may bee we shuld go vist....

  29. Wow, you gots a great looking spot.....all we gots here is big birds that dive bomb you!

    The Mad Scots

  30. You have got very good Bird TV at your place Madi.

  31. A nice viewing spot you have there Madi! We have Flickers (and other birds) that come to our deck. They come right to the glass door where I sit and watch them. If they only knew . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  32. Crikey ....... get a load of the size of that screen!!!! That's sure some Telly you got there Madi and you get to watch something good on it. Mum reckons there's nothing good on our telly. You sure are lucky, aye??

  33. That's quite the show you're watching, Madi.

  34. We like watching bird TV too. You can see them from our napping spot.

  35. Do you speak to the birds like our sister cats do??
    Wally & Sammy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi