My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, April 24, 2015


Boys and Girls it is that time again!!!

We think our Mayorz Murphy and Stanley for hosting this fun event...



Last Friday mom gave me an most wonderful ME-ssage...
As you can see I thoroughly enjoyed it.....

BUTT I knew
 IT my head smelled like
Aveeno Lotion that mom uses all the time
to keep her hands velvety soft!
 Aveeno proudly claims on the bottle that it is
BUTT it is not
which meant I would have to run off lickety split to secretly do a lot of this

so that it (my head) did not smell like 
Aveeno any more.
That's my  FFHT and I'm sticking to it!

Breaking Smell news
The peeps bought a new plant last weekend.
It is a variety of Ajuga...they love them.
If you smelled it for 87 years...
you'd never guess the name!!!

Yep another bit of false advertisement..
it is called 
Chocolate Chip!!! 


  1. BOL....Wow, we bet it took like, furr-ever plus 87 hours to wash all that Mama/Aveeno smell off!!!

    Hmmmm...why do they name plants after cookies?? That just isn't right!!!
    BOL Smileys!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. Maybe I can make some cookies out of the plant?? Do you think it is safer for dogs than real chocolate??? My Mommy loves lotions from Bath and Body Works and sometimes they smell pretty good like foodables but they do not taste good ever.

    Loveys Sasha

  3. One thing I love about doing cat shows - my human is very careful about putting on lotion and stuff because she does not want to ruin my careful and meticulous grooming!

  4. But the head massage was worth it, wasn't it Madi?

  5. Hari Om
    Massage then a full bath? Seems that things were good and gooder... smell or not smell!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Our crazy dog likes to lick the loshun off my momma - she are a nutso.

  7. humans always have funny smells about them Madi,xx Speedy

  8. We hate when SHE has stuffs on her hands and we end up SMELLING! Shouldn't be allowed.

  9. it's probably because our noses are much more sensitive than human trunks... I always avoid my momma when she smells like that tiger balm of the pt :o)
    a chocolate chip plant?... it's on my list... I want one too, that could be the solution: chocolate with zero calories :o)
    easy rider

  10. I'm not sure I'd like the fragrance chocolate with a plant.
    And're hilarious, washing off the smell of 'love' from your mom. I'm gonna tell, I'm gonna tell!!!!

  11. A chocolate chip plant !!!! Wow, I've gotta haf one of those to chew!
    I nose what you mean Madi, I is always getting covered in Mum's handcream and stuffs, poohey!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  12. a plant that smells like chocolate chip would last about 30 seconds in our yard, baby has been busy eating the flowers off my moss rose, a first for her in 14 years, no idea why... i love the way you look while cleaning that nasty aveeno off your face and head...

  13. okay, chocolate chip....I'd have to watch the Redneck around that plant!

    Madi, you keep Mom and Dad straight this weekend.

    Happy weekend.

  14. chocolate chip?! it doesn't look like chocolate chips. lol I should try Aveeno for my hands. I wash them very often since I have four pups. :)

  15. My assistant uses Aveeno, too! Though she likes the lavender version so definitely smells good, but probably wouldn't taste very good.

    Chocolate chip? That's a funny name for a plant

  16. Oh Madi, I know first paw that Aveeno is not scent free. How did it taste? I cannot imagine having to lick that stuff off my furs. Ick!
    Cairn cuddles,

  17. OMC Madi !!! Your mom gives the BESTEST ME Ssages EVER .... We wouldn't CARE if we smelled like Aveeno afterwards... if she would give US some of that.

    OMD a PLANT that Claims to be Chocolate Chip??? That is sooooo crazy.

  18. Hope you got that smell off Madi. Us cats sure don't want to smell like Peeps. That is an interesting plant.

  19. A chocolate chip plant would be awesome!

  20. Our mom uses Aveeno too! We would like a chocolate chip plant! Did Aveeno taste like chicken? Well done!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  21. Some of those human smells sure smell human!

  22. We think we have some plants just like that! What a funny name for it.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  23. When our mom puts her beauty cream on her face gussie always tries to lick it off......we have that plant also but yours looks much better than ours, we need mulch and rain...p.s. we added a couple new pictures to our post today, our computer was not downloading correctly. stella rose

  24. Eww, imagine having to smell like human stuffs like handcream Madi - quick wash it off!
    Mum had to smile at the name of your plant :)
    Dip and Elliot x

  25. I know Madi when Mom puts the stink on me I have to clean it off quickly too.
    Does the plant smell like Chocolate chips?

  26. madi....frank lee... less we haz fish oil stinx on uz...nothin smells good we think....say, speekin oh cookieez...does that flowerz yur mom getted sprout ...cookeez !!! now THAT wood be awesum ~~~ ♥♥♥ heerz two a frogmouth catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  27. Madi, I just love my mom's lotion, also suppose to be fragrance free, but it drives me crazy!!
    I have to lick it off her hands! Maybe it's "Dog nip"! BOL
    Your K9 friend,

  28. I don't blame you fur licking that smelly stuff off.

  29. Our moms and their lotions!!! Geezzz


  30. Lightning loves to lick Mom's legs and feet after she puts her lotion on.

    Ajuga - Mom played that word in WWF and someone accused her of cheating:) Chocolate chip??? Hmmm, that's interesting:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  31. Scented lotion and chocolate chips?! Interesting combination!!!

  32. Hummmmm...guess we need to keep that kind weird stuffs with strange smell away from our Mom!

    The Mad Scots

  33. We agree that even if it says "unscented" we can still smell it. We bet that Me-ssage was nice even if you did have to wash the lotion off afterwards.

  34. We don't like when the mom gets her stinky lotions on us too. We hope you get it all off.

    pee ess...the mom saw a good plate today...Redhd13. And yes, the driver had red hair!

  35. Funny that the unscented lotion has a scent! Wishing you a very happy weekend.

  36. Mom has that same lotion and we has a scent!!!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  37. Wow, Madi I think that me-ssage looks heavenly! I gotta get Dad to do that for me. Lotion huh...well I guess it's better than perfume or nail polish. Sometimes Mom smells like that icky stuff. Well, at least her hands were soft while she was rubbing. BOL/MOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi