My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Flat (snow)FreakS

The Flats Sarge, Beachnut and Shelldon
arrived late on a hot August afternoon.
I really believe they were suffering from 
heat exhaustion from being stuffed in an
envelope.  Sarge was hallucinating about AUGUST in the SOUTH.
I convinced the 3 flats form Pencil VAN IA
it was just the heat...a goodnight's sleep
 and a good meal would surely rid them of
all their freakiness....but let me tell
you they were thrashing about in their sleep
all night hollering for Frankie and Ernie leaving the
door to the moving truck open.  
Snowfreaks were everywhere
Just plain crazy pants

The 2nd day of their visit I awoke kinda grumpy so
I convinced mom to take THEM AWAY for a while.
Just as she was parking the car Sarge let out the most
earth shattering HOWL...S N O W F R E A K S
are here too....

Mom was sure a good meal at McAlister's and some delish sweet ice tea and some pleasant conversation would ease their minds...nope Sarge was starting to see freaks floating around

Mom told me she nearly inhaled her lunch so she could take The Flats know shopping cures everything
First stop was Pet Supplies.  The Crabby Girls
wanted to buy some new plants for their CRABiTAT
But there was a chill in the air

Beachnut and Shelldon found some darlin' hidey holes they wanted to buy but they came with Freaky neighbors....

Mom suggested they move
to the Kitty aisle...for sure there were no freaky things there
'cause Felines don't put up with any nonsense...
Mom said there was a nice sales person there with a broom
Sarge was shaking like a leaf..the crabbies suggested
maybe Sarge needed a nap
Mom found this nice doggy bed for Sarge but he said
the entire time he slept he had visions of Snowfreaks
skiing in his head...

While mom was looking for the exact food I like,
Sarge hollered used his inside voice to warn the 
Crabbies to take cover because there was a 
Freaky Snow storm a brewin'

Good thing Flat Sarge is small...he went right under the
shelves to the Milo's Kitchen but there was a 
freak show over there too. 

Furiends I'm here to tell you this feline was thrilled 
when she realized all this was just a FREAKY dream...
Sarge awoke at home...His Dad assured him that not even 

one Snow Freak had escaped from the moving van...none were in his house they were all still at Frankie and Ernie's house

 Frankie and Ernie we hope you enjoyed
this Freaky dream!! You have been gone 87 years, 87 days, 87 hours, 87 minutes
and 87 seconds and we MISSED YOU!!

We want to thank Lassie and Benji for thinking of this great SnowFreak event
to welcome Frankie and Ernie back to Blogville!!! 


  1. That was some crazy dream Sis, I am glad you woke up. I had some of the freaks at my house, but I took care of them for Frankie and Ernie(he he)

    Ziggy Out!!

  2. We could use some of them snowfreak temps over here in Oklahoma.... MOL!
    Happy CAturday, sweet furriend.
    XOXO from your besties.

  3. Oh what a nightmare, those snow freaks are invading dreams as well!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. OMC! They're EVERYWHERE in your neck of the woods! SHEESH! We hope this nightmare ends soon.

  5. Hari OM
    MOL and a great big phew and thank The Cat that was that........ Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. A dream....only a dream. Phew...that was scary.

  7. wow, i see on the links blogland had a snow freak festival all over the USA.. you sure showed your visitors a great time. that sandwich looks divine.. glad they all got back home and survived this DREAM

  8. pheeew... I'm glad it was just a dream... otherwise we had to grab our mommas hairdryers to chase them mom said it's sad that the shopping trip was just a dream too... she knows no mercy when it comes to the s-word :o)

  9. Wow, those snow freaks are just everywhere. Sure hope they get rounded up soon. Poor Sarge. Hope he can sleep now. Very exciting around your house Madi. Have a great week end.

  10. Looks as if it might be round up time for the snow freaks. Let me nose if you needs any help.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  11. Great CATastrophe! Look at all the escaped snow freaks! They are everywhere. AAAAAHHHH!

  12. Dang, the snow freaks sound a bit scary, but maybe they will melt!

  13. We think snow freaks would be less scary at a place with so many treats!

  14. Wow.... dat was one freaky dream !!!! Well done.

  15. Oh MY Madi! We were having Snow Freak dreams too! They are everywhere!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Really it wasn't real! I don't know, they are all over Blogville. It's an invasion like War of The Worlds. Jeepers Creepers run for your life.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  17. hehehe those snow freaks get everywhere,xx Speedy

  18. Well, now was it really a dream???? We found a curious visitor on our deck today, and he came bearing gifts:)

    Welcome back, Frankie and Ernie.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  19. Snow freaks!!!???? It's barely September!! MOL that really is a nightmare! xxxx

  20. Now that was some dream!
    Snow freaks!!! We're still sweltering in 90 degree temps.

  21. Wonderful Freaky "Snow Freak" story!!!
    Photos were excellent!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy & Molly

  22. Hey Madi!
    Wow, that's was so super scary and freaky...snowfreaky that is! BWAR HAR HAR Gosh, they were even in the car. Mom says that lunch looks delish and the crabby girls are giggling about this post. Thanks so much for the fun FnE snowfreak post.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  23. BTW: I really think I need a nice nap...but I'm a little afraid to go to sleep! BOL/MOL

  24. That was a nightmare!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  25. We are going to start sleeping with our eyes opened! Yikes!! LOL!

  26. Whew...thank goodness it was all a dream....or was it??? Mwahahahahaha!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

  27. Howdy Madi. Phew, thank dawg, er, cat, it was a dream. Although...... we have heard they have seen some snowfreaks near Bella, Roxy and Dui's place. Oh no.........
    No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  28. And 87 waves for Frankie and Ernie.

    We're relieved that was just a dream.

  29. OMD OMD OMC OMC.... MADI... Furst THANK YOU FUR THE GRRRRREAT CARD.. We love it... We were glad that DONNA the Letter Lady...was able to find us. We even went to the Post Office to MEET HER... so she would KNOW Who we are... AND SHE LOVES us.. Just like our Miss Patti (DID.. snifff Sniff)
    OMC that was the mostest SCARY Night Squirrel we have EVER heard of... NOW we will be up fur 87 hours trying to Erase the Snow Freak HORROR from our brains.

    Love from the Flat Landers.. of Pencil Vane E Ah.

  30. That was a snowfreak nightmare u had! Lol. Thanks fur your help in making this snowfreak day possible!

  31. That sure was a nightmare filled with snowfreaks!

  32. hahaha, looks like Mom had a good time with your friends Madi. the last picture!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi