My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, October 23, 2015

Freaky Friday: DownUnder visitors

Last Tuesday Dad came in from the mail box with a huge gray box we cut away the gray to find......
 It was clear to us that someone had ordered a box Crocs  BUT why!? 
FYI I'm not sharing my food with them!! 
After they sat in the box for 24 hours.....I told Dad
Lo and behold we discovered......
Surely there was a mistake and they must be returned...
Mom finally told us after the 15.5" of rain we rec'd in 12 days, she discovered her ankle high rain shoes to be useless.
The Farmer's Almanac said this was gonna be a very wet winter 
so in a lickety split nanosecond she went on line to 
order knee high boots....(along with every other female  in the world)...Mom was heart broken to discover there were no 
RED boots big enough to fit her BIG FOOT...but at least she didn't have to order WHITE...'cause WHITE is her least favorite color.


  1. I am sorry they weren't the right color, but I hope they keep her footies nice and dry and warm. I was scared for a minute when I saw you got a croc in your house. Whew I am glad it was boots.

    Ziggy your brudder Out!!

  2. Crocs are so awesome!!
    Pink is my mommys signature color. Legally blonde you know. xoxo your bff MaddiethePug

  3. OMD...Maybe your Mama can get red stickers for them?? BOL

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. Our Mommy says if the water is that high, she's not going anywhere to need boots! MOL!
    But, she thinks they are cute.
    XOXO from yout besties.
    PEE ESS - it just started raining here...

  5. My momma has some pink rain boots, we think we're gonna need em dis weekend!

  6. Well we hope they removed the teeth first....... And that they'll be okay on icy driveways....just in case.

  7. Gosh, how disappointing. I was thinking someone had delivered a real live crocodile to your mailbox. Wouldn't that have been exciting?
    Toodle pip!
    PS Blue is the favourite colour in our household. Gail says if she decided to buy some blue wellies, she'd probably find they only had red..

  8. I'm glad it weren't real crocs in that box, they are always hungry :o) maybe your mom ordered that crocs at the same store like my daddy ordered our not-black-butt-white chairs? Blue is cool too and with wearing blue no one will step on your mommas blue (suede) shoes :o)

  9. We are expecting an El Nino season here, which means lots of rain - my human needs to invest in some rain boots! She saw some that had a paisley pattern - she is probably going to buy those.

  10. Nothing like being prepared! Bummer that they didn't have red for your mom though, Madi.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  11. Those are such good looking boots even if they aren't red.Glad the Mom is all prepared for more rain. You all have a fantastic Friday.

  12. Hari OM
    When it comes to keeping the footsie dry, fashion is the last thing on my mind! No leaks... that's the important bit. Pawhaps now they're bought, the rain will stay away!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  13. Love your Mom's BOOTS! Wish she could have gotten her favorite color RED. But these will do the trick!

  14. WE think that your mom's new HIGH WATER Boots are a GRRRRREAT color... butt we know that your mom LOVES her some RED... Maybe you could PAINT them... or get some Red DUCK Tape and put Racing Stripes
    on them. THAT would be FUN.

  15. Oh my, we hope she doesn't need those boots any time soon pretty Madi!

  16. Wow that was too much rain - Now that your mom is prepared for more rain it will be dry! BOL!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. At least you got a box out of the deal!
    Lily & Edward

  18. It's still a very nice color. It was wise of you to stand guard though. You never know....

  19. Well, blue is the Momster's favorite color, but she can't find boots to fit her BIG and SKINNY foot properly. We think your Mom will like the blue very much as long as they keep her feet dry:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  20. Very stylish. Navy is one of my favourite colours for shoes or clothes. Sorry you couldn't get your red ones.
    Yes, white would have been like working in a morgue.
    Dip and Elliot x

  21. OMD, BOOTS!!! Ma has been on the hunt to try and find some waterproof shoes to fit her freaky feet too! So far she has ordered 10 pairs, and sent all of them back! (thank you Zappos! ☺), so the hunt continues! BOL
    She hopes she won't need boots, butts you knows it's gonna rain like cats and doggies this winter, so she might have to order some croc boots too!!
    Ruby ♥

  22. Your Mom will be HAPPY to have those boots I'm sure.....we are in for a doozy of a winter I think. I like navy blue ALMOST as much as I like long as they keep your Mom's feet DRY right?

    Hugs, Sammy

  23. Sorry your Mom didn't get her red, but those are nice.

  24. madi...but think oh de fun mom will haz with thoz bootz and ...chalk !!!!! bee sides....they R way kewl in bloo.....we loves crocs heer in de land oh trout !!!! heerz two a velvet belly lanternshark kinda week oh end ~~ ♥♥♥

  25. Those remind us of the boots that dad bought mom when they lived in the other house and had to irrigate. Mom never did do it, even though she had the boots. We are glad that a real live crocodile did not come and try to eat you up!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. Now that Mom has her new rain boots, it will probably be a drier winter! Just sayin' : Murphy's Law!
    Not the Golden Doodle! Although Molly would love to romp with Murphy and Stanley! :)
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  27. Those boots will suit your Mom just perfect in all kind of stormy weather.

  28. OMC Mommy hates white too Madi. And mommy has "skis" too, so she offen dusn't have many choices when twyin' to buy shoes. Sowry yous mommy kuldn't get red, but blue is one of our favowit colors.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  29. Those should keep your mom's feets dry!

  30. Glad to see there wasn't a real croc in that box. Too bad they didn't have any red boots.

  31. Sorry they had no red ones Mom, but nice dry feet are beyond being color picky. Cause nuttin' is worse than ice cold rain water in your shoes!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi