My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday Photo Hunt: Pets


 Saturday Photo hunt word is

PETS: domestic the definition in the dictionary

Mom's definition is: 

Pets: domestic animals who make a family complete

To find the list of photo hunt words click here

Family Pets in order of their arrival

Toto this family's first pet

Toto the mighty Mini Dachshund with my human sis
Sis was about 5, Toto was 2

Milky-Way (on the right) was this family's first cat
Cali (on the left) was my human sis's first cat
Milky- Way and Cali were the best of friends
Mom has always loved this photo of them on one
window perch which held all 20+ pounds

 Me....MADI age 3 months.  I took over the house lickety split
I'm the 2nd cat in this house

Madi and Lucy...they were litter mates.  My uncle adopted 
Lucy when my peeps adopted me.

Harley was my human sis's 2nd cat.  He and Cali were both 
Cornish Rexes

Last and surely not least

 Frisco (on the right)  my human sis's 3rd cat and Mia her 4th cat
Frisco and Mia have thoroughly bonded.  Not only do the sit and sleep together now they
groom each other too.


  1. Aw I love all the throwback pictures! I need to find some of our old pets and post them. xxooo Maddie's mommy

  2. Thanks fur sharing those wonderful photos of your pets.

  3. How cool to see all the pets, past and present!

  4. We're so glad those two are getting along so well. There is nothing so special as peace in the valley.

  5. Such beautiful family members!

  6. i laughed all the way through and showed each pic to bob, he loves cats.. Madi was full of mischief even when a baby. i love the last shot of Frisco and Mia.. and it makes my heart happy that they love each other so much

  7. Such a wonderful family! We're SQUEEEING over baby Madi!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  8. Seriously, this could NOT HAVE BEEN a more purrrrrrrrfect subject today.

  9. What a great family album. Fun to see all the before kitties and doggie. So glad that Frisco and Mia are getting along so well. You all have a wonderful day.

  10. Great post, Madi! Nice to see all the family... ♥

  11. Those really were terrific pretty Madi! One of these days we need to share some from here.

  12. You have a lot of history of love in your home. Thank you for sharing it with so many small furry souls.

  13. Cats turn a house into a home!

  14. I love these pictures! I think it's adorable how they connected they are with each other and your family.

  15. Jan wishes any of us would bond and be best buds. A great group of cats from over the years in those pictures.

  16. It is nice to see all the pets, past and present.
    I like your header. You look lovely amongst the poinsettias.

  17. Pets leave foot prints on our hearts, never to be erased!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  18. Aawwwwww....What a lovely "pet" post! We loved seeing all your animals..past and present!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo (and Mama too!)

  19. Mom agrees, no family is complete without at least one pet. You have a wonderful family tree of pets.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  20. I love your new header and I enjoyed seeing all your family's past pets ( and present) too.

  21. I love seeing these sweet photos and Madi, I love your header pic. xoxoxo

  22. Mom says it's not a home without a pet -- I wonder if she'll let me get one!
    We love the old photos!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  23. Those are some great pictures, Madi. We love the one of you raiding the refrigerator.

  24. We love your fridge photo! It reminds us of mom BOL! Don't tell her we said that!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi