My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday Madi Moos

BE WARNED:  Swallow anything that is in your mouth!!


Last week Dad took mom to Chick fil A (I bet he won't do that again) for breakfast.
OMCows when they walked in at 7:15 am they were greeted by THE COW!!
Imagine Dad's surprise when he turns around with a tray full of hot coffee to find 
Mom with her arm around the Chick fil A cow. 

Mom asked the Cow if he had breakfast he shook his head no!!

Mom said, Oh moo I don't have my camera (FYI: mom still uses a flip phone)!
One of the friendly employees told Mom she'd be happy to take a photo to send to her.
She told mom you'd be surprised at the number of adults who want a picture with
the Cow!! OMCows there are other crazy 2 leggers out there too.
We want to thank Ms. Barbara and her friendly co workers at the 
Chick fil A on  Glenwood Avenue/Hwy 70 in Raleigh.

What a way to start the first week of a New Year.  No telling what else she will do the year is young!!
Has your human done something recently to embarrass you?


  1. Hahaha oh hey Mom! That is too cute! I love Chick Fil A. When ours opened by my house, they gave out stuffed cows! Which ended up becoming a pug toy, of course. xxoo

  2. Did your humans bring home any chicken for you, Madi? That's the least they could have done after that excursion!

  3. MOL, my momma would take a pickshure wif da cow too if she saw one!

  4. Hari OM
    oooooooooohhhhhh I luvs cows........... super jelly of mum's piccie with that beastie! BTW Madi, I just upgraded.... to a flip phone!!! (Actually, it does take piccies, but very poor quality.) Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. A cow in pyjamas? Wow, wonders never cease. I never do anything to embarrass anybody. Not much anyway. Well. Ehm...

    Mara from Norway

    PS: love the ghost photo in your previous post. Spooky!

  6. LOL! Is that cow wearing pajamas? Glad your dad didn't spill the coffee.

  7. Hehe, what a GREAT photo.....fancy being greeted by a moo cow in a restaurant, thats sooo cool!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. Crikey Madi ..... how do you cope?? My Mum would do that too. Talk about embarrassing. It's a wonder your Dad didn't spill that coffee.

  9. What a superfun picture. We love it!

  10. Pawsome picture! We're just glad it's your mom and not ours. And yeah, she embarrasses us constantly. We're used to it.

  11. A cow in PAJAMAS? We've seen it all now. Too funny!

  12. Oh Madi, you Mom looks so cute with that cow. What fun to have a cow around to talk to. Good stuff.

  13. Madi, your mom is a hoot!! Holy cow! Mol There are a lot of crazy humans about ;) xxxx

  14. i can tell you Ms Madi, that is i were in there and a cow walked up to me, i would want my pic with it to. guess that makes me one of the crazy 2 leggers... love the pic and the fact the lady emailed the pic to Mom

  15. OMD....Sometimes our Mama can be crazy too Madi...sheesh!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. Not just a cow but a cow wearing PJ's! We have to admit your mom looks happy hugging that cow.

  17. OMD OMD OMD OMCow OMCow OMCow.... we are glad that you WARNED us not to have any Kibble or Water in our mouths... OMC your mom gotted her picture taken with THE cow !!! THE Cow... of Chic Fil A FAME and Commercials...!!! OMD OMCow... this is just TOO funny.
    Your mom got her picture with a Celebrity... did she get his HOOFtograph?

  18. Mom says she is gonna get a picture next to the cow cuz it is a very slenderizing effect BOL! Nice photo! We had the cow at one of our races. Wait a minute . . . you have chicken for breakfast?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. You mom should put that picture on the wall!!!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. That had to be utterly fun pretty Madi!

  21. What a great picture, it's not every day you get to meet a cow in pyjamas!
    Dip and Elliot x

  22. MOL! I have never seen a cow wearing pyjamas before! Your mum is funny!!

  23. Our Mommy would have posed with the cow too!

  24. Mom probably thought of you cause you have the same collars
    Lily & Edward

  25. madi....we....iz ......crackin....up !!!! N we bet 18 centz anda sack oh friez de COW .....asked for.... BACON...... for brekfest huh !!! ♥♥♥

  26. Very cute photo :) I have never been to chick fil a, but I may have to so I can embarrass my kitties too.

  27. Your Mom cracks me up! We love Chick-fil-A!

  28. Momma would've totally taken a picture too. She loves the Chick-fil-A cows!

  29. Momma would've totally taken a picture too. She loves the Chick-fil-A cows!

  30. Chic-Fil-A...believe it or not mom says she has never had food from that place. Mom says it looks like a fun photo op though...and is also saying she should start going and maybe get a picture with the cow!

  31. Ha roo!!!! Oh, that's GREAT, Madi! Your mom met a celebrity!!! (And one my mom actually has heard of, being something of the dinosaur persuasion and all.) That's mighty awesome - and how nice that one of the employees took a photo for her! (Our mom would have done the same thing!)
    We love Chick-fil-A! Eat mor chik-N!!!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  32. That is such a great photo of your Mom with the Moo Cow. We are really confused as to why a chicken place is featuring a cow????

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  33. What a pawsome photo!!! Mom and Dad have seen the Chick-fil-A cow before (they cater the adoption events at the courthouse) but the cow has NEVER been wearing jammies!!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  34. We have a new golden retriver cousin named sadie our mom drools all over her and talks baby talk to hers, our cheeks are very red, but at least it was not a cow...stella rose

  35. At least she didn't try and tip the cow - teehee!

  36. The cow is in his PJs! MOL! And we can't believe your mom was without a camera. Doesn't she keep one with her at all times?? ;)

  37. That looks like something our mom would do!

    Hugs, Laila, your LLS and Minchie your BFF

  38. Ohhhhh myyyy CAAATTTTT We LOVE that cow!!!! That was so nice of them to take a picture for your Mom!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi