My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 4, 2016

Freaky Friday

We call this photo 
Cat on a leaky roof
(instead of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)
You might remember we had a ton of rain a few weeks ago, which leaked around our chimney flashing. That was repaired.  On Tuesday 2/16 we had straight line winds come through our
neighborhood.  They blew the glider off the back porch, blew our porch ceiling fan up against the ceiling and ripped up the repaired flashing and shingles.  BUT we didn't know this until it rained really hard on 2/21...lo and behold we had more leaking inside. So they wrapped our chimney in 

 Then we had tornado warnings and watches all day on 2/23.  Heavy winds all day
they huffed and puffed until they blew our neighbors basketball goal over on 
his car.  (This is where Kasi lives...the dog Mom walks). 
Some how both cars only had minor scratches on them no dents and it missed the
windshield too.

The basketball goal has been there for nearly 15+ years and never ever blown over.  It kept falling over all day long.  Finally Kasi's Dad moved it to here.  Any buddy wanna play a game of hoops?
I'm happy to report the roof was repaired on 3/2/16 and the tarp is G O N E


  1. I'll play Madi!!
    Xxoo BabyBelle Pug

  2. Hari OM
    Cripes... we're facing roor repairs on our building too, but the weather isn't giving the blokes a break to put their scaffold up!!! Sigh... get the Younger One out to play Madi and distract her from the troublesome stuffs... hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Madi!!!! What are you doing up there on that roof????? Oh please come down, I is gonna haf kittens until I nose you are safely on terra firma again
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. YIKES! You're sure having some scary weather, Madi - now please come down off the roof!

  5. oh boy that wind can do a lot of mischief...I hope the indoor-pool ios gone soon and you can fix efurrything... specially when Santa comes to visit you through the chimney :o)

  6. Wow, that is a scary amount of wind. Glad no one was hurt!

  7. Wow, they are so lucky they didn't have more damage from the basketball pole. The weather has been a little scary here too. Lots of wind and rain. Glad your house is fixed Madi. You all have a great week end.

  8. We're very glad the damage was limited.

  9. I'll shoot for hoops with you, Madi! Sounds like our weather in Virginia. We had tornado warnings here the same day--Feb. 23--and an EF3 hit the next county over. Scary! I'm glad you got the roof repaired.

  10. No more leaks - YAY!!! Our grand boys would love to use that basketball hoop

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  11. Wow, Madi, with high winds and tornado watches do you feel like Toto from the Wizard of Oz?!
    We are glad they have fixed the chimney and roof, no more leaks!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  12. OMC OMC what a time you have had, and there you are up on that high roof.. glad it is fixed. i would have been scared to death with those kinds of wind.. hope the fan is still usable...

  13. I'm glad you got your roof fixed! That basketball goal was sure tired, wasn't it? I bet standing up for 15 years is exhausting. I'd be falling over too!

  14. Glad you were up there repairing the hot tin leaky roof
    Lily & Edward

  15. That kind of weather is scary! Glad you all survived and the roof is fixed. about 10 yrs ago we lost about an 8 x 4 foot section of shingles off our roof due to high winds.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    Pee es
    Willow comes over quite often on Sunday evening with her peeps. This last Sunday we raced and raced out in the yard. Can you believe it that I am faster than Willow!!! Mom will have to try to get video next time

  16. Wow, they must have been really high winds to do so much damage! Glad your car wasn't under there Madi.
    Dip and Elliot x

  17. AIEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee WHAT were you doing on the ROOF??? You could have Fallen.Silly Girrrrl.

    WHEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fur the FIXED ROOF...

  18. That's some pretty scary stuff pretty Madi and we're glad all is fixed!

  19. madi.....we iz sorree bout de leekz N stuff... we noe how yur mom & dad feel...hope full lee thiz will be de last fix up huh.... !!

    heerz two a king oh de herrings kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  20. I am glad you didn't get any tornadoes and that your chimney is fixed.

  21. I hope those leaks and the wind have gone for good!

  22. We hope the weather cooperates this time and doesn't mess up the work that has been done this time.

  23. We're glad it wasn't worse Madi! Also, are you good at hoops? It looks like you might have some skills!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. We're glad you weren't on that roof for real, Madi. You might have been blown off.

  25. OMD/OMC!!!!! WOWSA GURL!!!! Sounds like you guys have had a WILD WEEK!!! I hopes the new plaster wasn't damaged!! I knows how you hates strangers in your house!!! I'm glads it's all fixed nows though. And i thinks you could be (almost) as good as Steph Curry!!!! Ma's most FAVorite BB player!!!! his nickname is the Babyface Assassin!!! BOL!!
    Anyhu, we are getting TWO storms like that this weekend. One tomorrows, and another one on Sunday. I gots my paws crossed that nothin' comes tumbling down! They winds are what's gonna suck...50mph plus...yikes!!!! Better stock up the margarita truck!!
    Ruby ♥♥

  26. I am glad that the scary weather has moved on and your leaks have been repaired. We have had to do foundation repair work so we can empathize with you. I looked forward to wine time every single day they have been here... :)

  27. That sounds like crazy Kansas weather! We're so glad your roof is OK now! We know all too well what a MESS that can be!

  28. Glad the room has been repaired. Leaks can ruin everything down below them.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi