My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

They are backkkkk

I was so happy I did something unexpected and...

I call this lap hokey pokey.  I put my front paws in and leave my back paws out!!

Mom said it was the best welcome home present!!
MOL I did it when all mom had was her Ipad and Dad was not upstairs. Jumpin' cat fish friends she was so happy!
Every now and then I totally surprise TOGM (the old gray mare).  It is good to keep
her guessing!!

MORE TO COME ON ALL THE FUN they had at the BAR...

Today Crazy Mom is showing the last official BAR Picture that was taken
on Sunday 6/12/16.  Several families left Sunday Morning due to travel time and heat.
Missing are moms of Frankie and Ernie, Crabby Girls,  Stella Rose, Jester, and Whitney and Zoe,
Here it is are you ready...
Top to bottom and left to right one each row:
Back Row:Carol (Murphy and Stanley), Andrea (Casey and Jessie
Middle Row: Beth (Dory and Arty) and Kristen (Hailey and Zaphod
Front Row: Diana (Oreo got in too), Cecilia (Madi) and Yamini

There will be more pictures  as soon as mom gets all the dirty clothes washed.
Brown Co. State Park is absolutely gorgeous and the perfect spot for this type of meeting.
You can do just about any outside activity you want to do there.  We all highly recommend you visit if you are ever in the Taylorsville/Columbus, Indiana area.


  1. Crikey Madi ... How good is that? She's home!!! You sure missed her, aye? But what a wonderful time she had. Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Always good to be home.

  3. We to are happy that Mom and Dad are safely back after their wonderful trip.
    Welcome home HiC!

  4. Goodness Miss Madi, perhaps TOGM should go away more often ;-) - only kidding. It looks as if everyone had a super time at the BAR.
    Big licks,
    Wally & Sammy

  5. Yay, glad your peeps are back hoe safely Madi.
    I bet you can't wait to hear all their tails about our furfriends, I nose I is impatient to see the photos and hear all the news
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. We know you're ecstatic that your mom is home, Madi! We love the BAR photo!

  7. Madi, you sweetie. You have a soft spot in your heart for Mom and that proves it. I know she was thrilled by your attentions.

    Glad y'all had fun, but am indeed happy you are home safe and sound.

  8. that was a super welcome home idea Madi.... I always smile when I see the photos were so much friends are together...

  9. that is a super shot of all of you and the frame was an excellent idea... will try to remember that one.. try being the clue word. Madi was so glad to see you she did a new trick... don't tell her I said you should go away more often... MOL

  10. Pssstt: you're supposed to punish the hoomins for leaving you, Madi!!

  11. Hari om
    OMC I need to get me a copy of that pic... we came out okay! Glad you werexso happy to have TOGM home Madi... she's kinda worth knowing, eh? :-) hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xx

  12. Good for you Madi, too surprise the Mom. That is one terrific picture and so glad everyone had such a good time. Have a great day.

  13. Madi, Madi, Madi, when will you learn! You were suppose to ignore them for 87 minutes and miss the litter box (by accident). Then stick your feets on the woman.
    Lily & Edward
    Pee S
    We are so jealous. What an awesome and fun time

  14. I'm sure you missed your momma a lot! Pigeon is still meowing at us about leaving her behind.

  15. That is a wonderful photo, and I'm glad you can hang out with your mom again, Madi! Oh, and Oreo did a FANTASTIC job photobombing. Good work, big guy.

    Your friend,

  16. So happy that your peeps made it home safe and sound Madi!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. Awwww! You must have missed your peeps! That's so sweet, Madi!
    Love the pic from the BAR!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. I know you missed your momma and da a lot Madi! Brown county was very beautiful. stella rose

  19. OH Madi I know you were so glad that they all came back home!! Great photo of everyone.

  20. waves two ewe madi...grate ta see ewe bak...lookz like mom hada awesum awesum time !!! tell her if her reel lee wantz ta see sum thin kewl.....go ther in de fall when de leevez bee a ternin !! ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  21. Lovin' the group pic!! And I bet Madi is STILL thrilled to have you back home.

  22. Looks like you sure missed your mom while she was away having fun with all your blog friends.

  23. SHE googled Brown County NP, and it does have LOADS of activities, BUT of course, meeting and talking to Blog friends was the best! We are soooo happy it went well. Lovin' all the pictures.

  24. What a great picture! We can't wait to hear more about the BAR trip! Sounds like so much fun!!!

  25. What a great picture! We can't wait to hear more about the BAR trip! Sounds like so much fun!!!

  26. That is a great photo!! And you look adorable too.

  27. Homecomings like that are just so wonderful pretty Madi!

  28. You really missed your mom, Madi. We can't wait to see more pics!

  29. Good job Madi. You gotta keep her on her toes.


  30. We has such a good time and made some wonderful memories at the BAR!!! MAdi, I don't blame you for trying out your Mama's lap...I made myself comfy there a few times. Your Mama gives the best pets ever!!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi