My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, August 26, 2016

Flower Friday with....

I'm happy to hop on Dory's Flower Blog hop today

Today we are showing our ornamental Pepper Plant again.
It first appeared (#2) as a Purple Pepper Plant 7/15/16
Now about a month later it is a Red Pepper Plant (#1) 8/5/16
The Lantana is blooming again bottom 3 photos.
Mom loves all the colors of Lantanas.

Oh my word this is not a flower collage but we are sure you will love it
Sunday night (8/21 about 7:30 pm) mom noticed an unusual glow coming through the front door transom window.  She ran for her camera and look what she saw...
The most amazing sunset...she was madly snapping toward the west when all of a sudden
she looked behind her to see a double rainbow that was quickly fading..but she snapped some of it
She was using night portrait and night landscape settings on Niki!!


  1. What a beautiful post, Madi! Your lovely flowers and your fabulous sunset and rainbow are just gorgeous!

  2. Hari OM
    Rainbows are the flowers of the sky so all is good there Madi... what an astounding stormy sunset! Happy Friday Darlin'. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Lantana is so beautiful! The head peep says it's a good thing you have it in a container. The time she tried it in the garden, it took over!

  4. The flowers were pretty but the sky took our breath away!

  5. Beautiful pictures. My sunset pictures never turn out. Lovely double rainbow, too!

  6. I love the sunset... ours look mostly not good... but I think it's more the fault of the mama and not the fault of the sun :o)

  7. Great pictures! Love the rainbow. The plants are looking good.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Those are some great pictures. I love the sky pictures too. Well done. The flowers are pretty too. I like the pepper Plant.

  9. the sun does amazing things and this is just beautiful. don't think I have seen a sunset rainbow before. love the flowers with berries and that whole pot full is beautiful....

  10. Orange sky. Can't get any better!

    I saw a double rainbow a few weeks ago, but I didn't have my camera with me! And I can't take photos with my phone (too old-fashioned). But it sure was pretty.

    Mara from Norway

  11. Oohhh pretty. Our mom got a double rainbow recently too, it was pawsome.

  12. Madi do you have butterflies all over the Lantana?!
    Sunset with double rainbows, amazing color!
    Hugs and nose taps,
    Kathy and Molly

  13. Beautiful photos but where's my GAL???????

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  14. Those are some beautiful healthy-looking plants. Mom loves lantana. We have some here and we also have penta that looks a lot like lantana and does well with our heat. Lots of boomers again overnight so lots of good rain for the flowers, but not such a good night for Ciara - the monster returned and he is still making his appearance multiple times:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  15. Oh my dog, what an incredible sunset!
    Love the plant with the red berries.

  16. Gorgeous photos!!! We especially like those sky shots!

  17. Beautiful pictures Madi! love the rainbow. Yes mom is convinced that Angel Greta was there with us
    Mr bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. Wow, what a beautiful sunset! The tough thing is it changes so quickly that the hoomans gotta spring fast like a cat in order to get a picture. Did your mom spring fast like you Madi? Happy National Dog Day!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. OMD...Our Mama just LOVES lantana!

    What a most beautimous sunset!!!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. yur mom iz taken credit for yur fotoz again madi....N theeze R awesum shotz;
    total lee kewl ya saw a double rainbow.....thoze iz kinda rare !!

    heerz two a barbel~~less catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  22. The sunset is beautiful. The flowers are lovely too.

  23. Does it produce pepper.
    I understood it grew on a tree, but it is a pretty plant.
    Great sky shots.

  24. Everything looks great, beautiful photos.

  25. What beautiful flowers and a stunning sunset.

  26. WOW......amazing sunset.....I love it when we have one like that - it's kind of magical!

    Hugs, Sammy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi