My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, November 11, 2016

This Moment, See Beautiful

It is said Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
Today is 


We have a slightly different twist to TM,SB

I have always been 100% fearful of the sucky monmster. 
Mom nearly fainted when she found me sitting this close to it.
She seems to think this is a beautiful sight...because she doesn't want me to be
afraid of anything in my home.

Mom's are so silly!! I told her to get a grip...
I knew it was not plugged in and therefore I was safe!!

A few weeks ago Mom just happened to go out way before sunrise.
Beautiful photo taken 10/28/16 6:30 am of a 1/4 moon and Jupiter.
 Mom here: If you look closely you can see the shadow of the full moon too.  Taken with Nikon 8100.  I thought it was a pretty good photo especially since I don't have a high powered zoom. I think if you click on the photo you can enlarge it.

Also we'd like to tell Mayor elect Arty and vice Mayor Elect Mabel and
Candy Date Christmas and Oreo that each moment during the Mayoral Campaign was 
BEAUTIFUL and Fun and Kind Well done my friends.

Concatulations Arty and Mabel......
and OMCs Arty I love that you have neck wear to match Mabel's lovely leopard print frock!!
That shade of purple matches the Blogville Flag purrfectly

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  1. MAbel should be a fashion designer, was all her!! Doesn't that dress ook beautimous on her!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. I hate the sucky monster too...except when it's not plugged in BOL Lovely moon photo :-) nose licks and love from Moth xx

  3. Hari OM
    Clever claws Madi; unplugged indeed! As for TOGMs photo - wow!!! I swear I can see the Man in the Moon has his eyes closed in slumber!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. that's a beautiful photo, well done!!! and a big THANK YOU to all veterans!!!

  5. You are smart, of course you knew the Beast had no power! And we think that's a fantastic moon shot too.

  6. That is such a great photo of the moon. Well done. Be careful of that vacuum thing Madi, you just never know when it is going to come to life. You all have a great day.

  7. You're so brave, sitting that close to the rug sucking monster! We vanish if it comes into the same room with us.

  8. What an awesome post!! Full of ALL the news!! You are WAY more brave than us...there is no way we could get that close to that rug sucking thing!! We usually run upstairs!! Happy Seeing Beautiful!

  9. We hate the sucky monster too Madi. You are very brace to go near it.
    What a brilliant photo!
    Congrats to Arty and Mabel.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  10. I quite lucky when the sucky monmster appears, I'm outside !

    My mom think it's pretty good because she doesn't have special zoom too. Her moon is always blur or look like a light glob.. MOL

    Have a good weekend, Miss Madi

  11. It looks to me like you are guarding the plug so that no one can plug plug it in and make it loud. We have never had a dog that like the vacuum but baby was terrified of it and would leave the room. Jake just as far on the other side. Proud of you for sitting that close. Tell Mom that is a good picture of the moon and I didn't large

  12. You had be seeing beautiful the whole post through!

  13. First of all... love your festive new header! Your Mom got a great shot of the moon and Jupiter. I did not know you were afraid of the super sucker. I don't like the super sucker much either and try to leave it parked in the closet!

  14. You're lucky your Mom doesn't use a shop vac to do the cleaning like Dad does. Talk about noisy! Ghostwriter says as long as it picks up the dirt! That's a good picture of the moon and Jupiter. We'll been watching for the Super moon on November 14. I hope it's not cloudy here that night!

  15. Mara has talked about getting a robot vacuum cleaner. I told her I want to move out then! I think vacuum cleaners must be made by the most vicious of dogs!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  16. I don't mind the vacuum until the wand comes loose - then I want to attack it.
    Thanks so much for the concats!
    My fashion designer did a great job didn't she! Arty looks very handsome in his tie
    Bailey & Hazel too

  17. Whew! We thought you were going to say you weren't afraid of the sucky monster because you chewed the cord in half! Not that anyone here would know anything about such a thing ever happening in the entire history of cats and sucky monsters with cords...

  18. hSister Zoe will smack our Dyson if it gets too close, she is fearless! Hey pretty Madi, we love your header!

  19. WE also HATE Vacula... Good that YOURS wasn't Powered up... WHEW.
    OMD the BLOGVILLE ELECTION... what a thingy of BEAUTY... GOOD Leadership... EXCELLENT Candy Dates... THOSE are the KEYS to a Peaceful Transition of Pawer... and BLOGVILLE has it ALL going fur it.
    Love the Moon and Jupiter Pic. Truly Beautiful.

  20. Impressed with the moon shot! Whenever SHE tries with the cheap's all wavy....maybe that's not all the camera's fault, on second thought.

  21. We hide from the sucky monster too Madi and we think your Mom's moon shot is gorgeous!

  22. I don't mind the sucky monster as long as it doesn't get too close. That is a good photo of the moon smiling.

  23. This is a great TMSB post. The moon shot is amazing. We are hoping to see that supermoon this weekend. As for the vacula, Misty seems to like to chase it and bark at it, but it makes Mom's job a lot harder:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  24. madi...conga ratz for sure two arty & mabel; N two christmas & oreo az well....who all ran WAY better cam panez than de peepulz did ~~~~~ yur mom cap sured a grate shot oh de moon....☺☺☺

    heerz two a pacific albacore kinda week oh end ~~♥♥♥

  25. The vacuum never bothers us at all. That sure was a cool moon picture too.

  26. You are adorable Madi and brave to go near the sucky monster even if it was unplugged.

  27. I've got a similar picture coming up soon. The hubby took it.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi