My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Sammy

Today's post is brought to you by the letter 

Today we are going to "TRY" to write about....

Can be long, short, curly and prickly.
I once had a friend who was called Mr. Whiskers...he was not picky,
My whiskers are well known and have been shown
disguised as an antenna on a railroad.

My whiskers are long not curly they sprout from my jowls
and my browse.

Dad has whiskers that can be rather prickly.
It has been my life's work to snoopervise his morning routine.
As he shaves his whiskers I by sit on the potty lid.
At the Blogville Awesome Retreat in June my dad realized his
 Edge whisker cream was running low
My friends Frankie, Ernie and the Crabby Girls heard this, they said OH NO....
It became their mission to remedy this omission
They stop at the drug store they looked high and low and finally
the Crabby girls clacked their claws with delight...
they found just what they wanted Nieva cream.  
It is smooth and creamy and goes on just right.
And when he kisses his girls at night...
they squeal with delight!!

Side note:  Photo above was the first time I snoopervised Dad
with the new cream.
Dad used the same shaving cream (Edge) for 87 years.
I was amazed he would try something new!!


  1. Sounds like a nice routine you have with your male human, Madi!

  2. Never too old to try something new....

    Looks like your sunpuddle is escaping in your header!

  3. Hari OM
    Poetic - and biographic!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Love your poem Mads!
    We remember your whisker being used for an antenna, so cool.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  5. Lots of uses for those whiskers, even as an antenna. Good for you Madi, snoopervising the Dad with his new shaving cream. You all have a great day.

  6. I loved the idea with the whisker-antenna.... have your daddy's trains names? like that orient-eggs-press or the racing roland? maybe your dad can name the train after you?

  7. Great poem Madi!
    Mum still laffs at the photos of me as a baby pup 'cos I haf whiskers sprouting out in all directions, I look like an alien!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx
    PeeS The ceiling still isn't fixed, uh oh!

  8. MOL we love your whisker antenna. We had our Dad get that Nivea after you told us about it and he LOVES it!!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  9. Yep, your dad could totally never get by without you.

  10. That is an ingenious use of your whisker Madi. Dad is a smart man.

    Smooth and soft skin are much better for kisses.

  11. Fabulous Poem... and we LOVED the Pawt about your Dad... we suppose trying a NEW Shave Cream made him a bit EDGEY... butt with YOU right by his side he gave it a go. THIS Post brought back all the Fabulous Memories From our time at BAR. That time just WHISKED away so fast. All the plans that Went so SMOOTH... Except fur the excessive heat... that had us all LATHERED up. We were all DRAINed by the heat butt meeting everybuddy in the furs was COOL. Everybuddy was so BUBBLY.

  12. I keep telling Mara to use some of my hair in her knitting, but she thinks it's a bit silly. I will show her your antenna photo and that way she knows it is NOT silly!!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  13. You have some cool whiskers. We sure are jealous. Ours are teeny
    Lily & Edward

  14. Oh Madi that is another really super poem. We can almost hear you and Mom squealing with delight at receiving a whiskery kiss from your Dad.
    Toodle pip!
    Berte (and Gail).

  15. That was a fun poem! Ghostwriter gets mad when Dad leaves his whisker trimmings around the bathroom sink. She says he always does this right AFTER she has cleaned it!

  16. sometimes we are forced by circumstances to use something NEW and then when we do we love it. this worked out great for all of you... Jake lays in the hall and watches, he can't sit on the commode and our bathroom is so small there is nothing left but the tub. MOL....

  17. Your whiskers are beautiful, Madi! They keep making us change the things we are used to and it gives me a cranky! Reading your poem helped my cranky go away!

  18. Oh how I love this poem! WHISKERS - what a GREAT subject for "W" what are you gonna do about "X"???? HMMMM???????? Love the whisker antenna on the car....tee hee.

    Love, Sammy

  19. W is for wonderful - that's what we think about your poem:)

    Woos -Lightning and Misty

  20. Oh Madi, your whiskers and your dad's whiskers are NOT the same thing, even though they have the same name and both grow out from under one's nose! Such a cute poem about it all, tho!

  21. Wonderful! wonderful Whisker Poem!! Our dad has prickly whiskers too!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  22. That was fun that your whisker was used for an antenna.

  23. That was a perfect poem about whiskers. Maybe you were sniffing the new cream so much because you could smell Frankie & Ernie?

  24. Great whisker poem Madi. I also loved Raz's poem for you. XO

  25. madi...yur whiskez poem total lee rockz !!! N how manee catz due we noe that can say ther whizker iz bee in used aza an tennaz !!!!! just one....EWE ~~~~ !!!

    we bee out til munday ~~~ heerz two a halfmoon fish kinda week oh end ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  26. Whiskers sure help make our world a better place sweet Madi!

  27. We heard that it was a special time for you and your dad. Good thing all your friends saved the day at BAR! We got some snow today. Mom went to the dentist and no cavities but dad had a tiny one. His furst one in 25+ years! Mom ordered a special thingie today and will get it Saturday. It is to help her bursitis when she is at her computer.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  28. Madi1 Darling grrl Furrend!
    Yous got the prettiest whiskers!
    How cool one is a car antenna!
    Many kisses

  29. That was a great poem, Madi. You included all sorts of whiskers.

  30. OMD, that was such a FABulous poem gurl!!!! And, I loves that you snoopervise your Pops with sharp objects. This is VERY impawtent! Peeps have a tendency to do damage to themselves without our keen watch. or....maybe it's just my Ma. and NO, no I did NOT bump into her and cause her to stab herself with the box cutter. it's just a nasty rumor....
    Ruby ♥

  31. What a fantabuous Whisker poem!!!
    Dory, JAkey, Arty & Bilbo


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi