My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday Tale and Happy Bday

here is her tale and she is sticking to it!!

On Monday 11/21/16 I was on the way to the post office
I took a short cut through the back of the parking lot near Target.
Lo and behold I could not believe my eyes when I saw this pile of
snow.  What in the world we haven't had snow in Raleigh since probably January 2016.
It was near the loading docks at Target.  My guess is maybe some
trucks were there from up north and left the snow
  I agree with Frankie and Ernie snow is freaky and sneaky too
For encouraging me to put my old digital in the car, just in case.
Recently Mad Snapper mentioned that she keeps a camera in her car just in case she sees something interesting (that is why she is a mad snapper).  I commented that I had an older digital camera but the software was not compatible with my 'puter.
MS told mom me I didn't need soft ware to load the photos. Lo and behold MS was right all I have to do is turn on the camera, plug the cable into the camera and the 'puter and lickety split you have photos.
Mad Snapper thanks to  you I  grabbed the camera.
 I am a Mad Snapper in Training!!
Mom, Dad and I would like to say happy birthday to 
my human brother in law (BIL), their son in law who is also the best Dad to 
Frisco and Mia
Frisco and Mia would like to say happy birthday  to their human Dad too


  1. Let's hope that's all the snow you get....MOL! Happy Birthday to your BIL!

  2. We still want to know where our snow is? Happy Birthday to your dad, Frisco and Mia!

  3. Happy Birthday to the BIL.Hppe he has a wonderful day and many more. Glad you got a picture of that silly pile of snow. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Happy Bday BIL!
    Sorry, we sent some of our snow to you!

  5. Hari OM
    Birthday wishes from me too.... and golly that is some pile of snow!!! Well done to mum for having the camera to hand, cuz without that photo it would have been hard to believe. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. YAH now you can use the old camera... and I think your new name should be MadiMomSnapper.. or MOMMADSnapper.. that snow is freaky and now I am pondering where it came from. maybe a defrosted refrigerated truck? very strange

  7. Glad she told you about the camera.
    Happy B'day, kitty daddy!

  8. seems your target got a lot of chocolate snowmen... and they had no litterbox in the truck BOL
    Happy Birthday to your BIL and a wonderful day with hugs and kisses and tons of gifts!

  9. snow??? you're turning into a MadSnapper! lol
    happy bday to your BIL! he has cute furbabies too! :)

  10. Happy Birthday to your BIL/SIL. We can't believe you found a pile of snow. We have plenty here if you want us to ship you some more.

  11. Happy Birfday to your BIL... We hope that he shares some I Scream with Frisco and Mia.
    OMD OMD SNOW in Raleigh???? In NOVEMBER...???? WELL don't blame it on US..beclaws OURS is already Melting.. and beclaws we would NEVER send REAL snow to anybuddy... it is just TOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo evil fur that... We think there must have been a bunch of Migrating Snow Freaks going through and saw that Pee Mail Hydrant... and ... DUMPED a Load... OH is that too indelicate fur your Southern Lady's Eyes? Sorry Madi. The Sight and Thought of SNOW... brings out our PRIMAL side.

  12. Madi is the woman losing her mind or did she really see snow?
    Lily & Edward

  13. I love your Mom's story--I am one of those people who LOVES snow and winter. :-)Happy Birthday to your brother-in-law!

  14. Happy Birthday BIL!🎂🎈🍾
    Have a wonderful day!
    That is a great idea to put a camera in the car, I've lost count of how many times I've regretted not having a camera with me.
    Very strange to see that snow.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  15. Everyone seems to be having snow. The only thing we have is rain! And lots of it!

    Mara from Norway.

  16. Happy Birthday BIL!!! Hope you going to have a beautiful day full of fun. And NO more snow!!!Dora

  17. Seeing a pile of snow like that wouldn't have given me heart-palpitations! Happy Birthdays all around, and I'm glad my company cell phone has a camera, 'cause I shoot photos of all kinds of things now.

  18. Oh no on the snow pretty Madi! Happy Birthday to your BIL from all of us!

  19. Happy Birthday to BIL! Mom saw a pick up with snow on it inthe costco parking lot Sunday and we have had no snow either although that is supposed to change
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. Snow??? What the fluff? We're not quite there yet. Happy birthday.

  21. happee birthday two yur dad frisco & mia...hope him haza soooper grate day; getz lotz oh pie cake & beer ☺☺ N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N health ~~~~~ madi....tell yur mom ta go bak two de parkin lot N bring de snow home for ewe ta play in...well, ore may bee just chex out.... ☺☺♥♥♥

  22. Happy Birthday to BIL! I do think that snow was shipped in :)

  23. Now you know if Flippy was updated that your mom would have a camera with her all the time! Sorry, mom MADE us type that! Happy birfday to your BIL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  24. BOL at M&S's comment, our Mama was thinking the same thing...But we are very proud of your Mama for bringing her camera with her!!

    A very Happy Birthday to BIL!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  25. It's curious how that snow ended up there. Happy Birthday to your BIL!

  26. Happy Birthday to BIL! That snow would have had me thinking what the heck!!!
    Good Morning!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi