My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The party in Mom's head!!

.....was a recent discussion with mom's good buddy Pix.  They were talking about what goes on when she writes our post.
 Pix you will see the party goes on non stop....keep reading
Mom has  a morning ritual this is where I sit during the ritual

The products needed for said ritual...
TOGM needs lots of help

washes her hair with Suave for Kids, washes her face,  puts in her contacts, 
rubs magic potion lotion all over her face, takes towel off hair adds mousse.

Sooooo mom's other good buddy Mad Snapper and mom  often share crazy stories of things they do that no one knows about and there are no photos because the photo takers are the subjects...
Sunday (12/4/16), Mom sent this email to Mad Snapper


  1. MOL!!! That is too funny. Right before our trip, Mom opened a can of cat food, and after she scooped out half, threw it right in the trash instead of a plate. Hoomins!

  2. What a bummer there are no photos! Our mom says she understands this completely. Your Red Maple is just beautiful, Madi!

  3. Pretty darn funny. Silly Mom. That doesn't sound like a lot of fun though. Hope your day went better after that.

  4. Hehe, thats just soooo true Madi, the peeps haf to haf a ritual otherwise it all goes WRONG!!!!
    Butts, be thankful there is a pawty going on in your Mom's head….I'm convinced there's nuffin going on in my Mum's head, nope, completely empty….unless I put a little TREAT thought in there fur her!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. LOL... that is a special change from your common ritual ;o) I once confused my bodylotion with selftanner... I was shocked as I saw the result after some hours...

  6. Madi your Mom is a Mom has her "hoot" moments too like almost brushing her teeth with Dad's Aspercreme but we won't talk about that - this blog is all about YOU and your adventures with YOUR Mom. Hey - gotta love them - after all they're only human!

    Love and Angel Hugs, Sammy

  7. glorious is the word for that Maple and I got yet another laugh of The Story of TOGM.. still funny today. Hilarious is the word for the story and I am soooooo glad I am not the only crazy lady with a party in my head

  8. Madi, I am delighted by that party in your Mom's head! OhMyGosh it makes for some laughs and I find that there is someBODY out there loves some of the crazy stuff same as I do. Your Mom's morning ritual products look very interesting! Funny conversation with the Mad Snapper! People with parties in the heads are very good people to know!!! Your Mom is always crackin' me up! That is one gorgeous tree!

  9. I am so jealous of that tree. I love red leaves. Perhaps I need to talk to my landlord and see if he will get one for the garden next year.

    I like those kind of parties. They are ones I am increasingly invited to!

    Mara from Norway

  10. I feel the same way when my mom grabs my leash only to go walk a neighbor's dog for her pet sitting business! "Ahem, MOM, don't you realize I'm right here???"

  11. Your Japanese maple is just gorgeous. It's funny how one day they are beautiful and the next it's all on the ground.

    Your mom should look before she grabs a bottle willy nilly like that. BOL!

  12. With a tree like that to admire, who wouldn't forget which bottle to open?

  13. We humans grab the wrong bottles sometimes; usually it's funny, but sometimes HBO words come out of our mouths, Madi! Your red tree seems to be glowing!

  14. That is so funny BOL - peeps do have the strangest rituals. What a beautiful tree - there is a garden in our village with one of those pretty red maple trees and the leaves do fall off all of a sudden too. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  15. BOL BOL BOL! Would have loved to see a photo of that! Your mum is such a hoot.
    Oh my dog, that is the most stunningly beautiful tree we have ever seen!
    Elliot and Cricket x

  16. Hey,everyone likes a pawty pretty Madi! That tree aure is pretty!

  17. That tree is beautiful! Now, our mom would have laughed at what your mom did BUTT on several occasions mom nearly used MY toothbrush to brush HER teeth. It hasn't happened yet cuz I bark at her and ask what is she thinking?? BUTT it will happen sometime. I am sure of it. Gotta watch those old ladies!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Ghostwriter says that happens to her too!

  19. That must be a thing with the Moms. Ours does some pretty crazy things too. We will have to remember to share the next time:)

    Your tree is just so beautiful. Too bad about the winde - guess what? It is snowing here, just light flurries but we can't wait for Mom to get home to let us out in it. She is off taking care of Ruby.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  20. I always say senility sets in so soon!

    We're expecting light snow here. Some trees do seem to drop their leaves all at once. So sad when it's such a pretty tree!

  21. MOL! That reminds us of our Mom complaining about some suds-less, greasy shampoo she was using and didn't like only to find out it was hair conditioner all along instead! Moms! Your red tree is beautiful and we bet it will be even more so next spring!

  22. Our routine involves letting the dogs out, tablets, coffee and computer before trying to look human! (Hairspray in the armpits isn't fun either, BTW)

  23. BOL for some reason mom gets it!
    Lily & Edward

  24. BOL!!! our mom is chuckling thinking about all of her "miss steps")
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  25. Ha roo! Your mom sounds an AWFUL lot like ours!!!

  26. madi..... we iz laffin N laffin at yur mom....noe, we meen WITH yur mom !! N de tree iz awesum; even with a tinee bit oh chalk in it ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  27. Hey Madi!
    Wow, the peeps surely do like their bath products! I don't understand that at all BOL/MOL Why would anyone go through all of my Mom does the exact same kind of stuffs. WEIRD
    Grr and Woof,

  28. I have put face wash in my hair thinking it was my leave in conditioner. :)

  29. OMC OMC MADI.... THANKFULLY You did NOT SEE that... SITUATION... BaaaaaaWaaaah... Bet it would have made you Laugh though... WE did.

  30. OMC! Madi, your mom sounds like ours. She's always mixing stuff up...she says she has too much on her mind...we say she's just getting old. Your tree is...was...beautiful!

  31. BOL...We are sooo happy Mama swallowed her tea before reading about your Mama's switcheroo...BOL!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  32. My Momma does stuff like that ALL THE TIME. She truly needs help. Though I did enjoy her getting frustrated because she kept trying to flip the light switch on the refrigerator (and no, you're not missing anything ... there is no switch on the fridge!).

  33. That is funny. Glad no Mom was hurt when all that was done.

  34. mousse on your face?? lololol! you will be laughing about this one for years to come. :) love Throne of Madi...puuurfect for your beautiful girl. :)
    your tree is so gorgeous! we've lost so many leaves before we could really enjoy them.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi