My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thursday

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Angel Sammy

Today's post is brought to you by the letter

(and this is a true story)*

The year was 1958 it was Christmas Eve
When the old gray mare was just a philly,
her Dad overheard her say she did not BELIEVE!
 This he thought this is something quite silly
How had she become so deceived?
She was about to be ten and quite grown up then.
Her dad was a wise man.  He hatched a plan
with the neighbor man.  Together they
would make sure on this Eve the kids believed.
Twas late and all non believers were told to get themselves to bed.
Just as the silly philly was about to drift off into dreamland
there arose such a clatter of bells and Ho Hos she
sprang from her bed to see what was the matter.
She was about to look out the window, when up on the roof
she heard a thump thump thump.
Was it Santa about to land? Yikes she said
I better jump back in bed
It is Christmas Eve and all who now BELIEVED

Below is a photo of the philly  Christmas Day 1958

*side note from the Silly Philly aka TOGM
That year my older cousin and I, were getting too big for our britches, started talking nonsense around the wee ones in the family.  My Dad and Uncle decided to put the Spirit of Christmas back in our heads.  Back then houses had allies between them. My Dad and my uncle met in the alley with bells and a ladder.
One rang the bells while the other knocked on the roof with work boots.

Needless to say Mom was and still is very Thankful for her Dad and her Uncle
making her believe and to always be thankful
We join Brian's
And we are extremely thankful for each and everyone of you !!
We send you kitty kisses and mom hugs


ON THE 23rd.  Their room is upstairs near by blogging office.  We
don't want to bother them when they are sleeping.
I will be back in the office sometime on Christmas Day
Everyone have a lovely remainder of the week
Hugs Madi your bfff  and Mom


  1. Happy holidays! I hope you have an awesome Christmas celebrating with your family.

  2. What a great story! We are back online just in time to wish all of you a Merry Christmas from all of us!

  3. that is a wonderful story!!! and your dad and your uncle had a super plan to make this christmas to a special one. My parents failed with their "Santa-exists-plan", they hired the neighbor who always used snuff tobacco and I smelled the "Glacial Touch" as he came close LOL

  4. What a lovely poem and story. And very clever thinking too!
    Have a great time with family and such and have a great Christmas.

    Mara, Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

  5. What a wonderful story and we love the photo!

  6. That is such a great story. We all need to believe. Great poem too. Hope you have a most wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas day too.

  7. I absolutely LOVE that true story and it's a PERFECT "B" for today's Poetry challenge! The photo is cute as can be too.....I'm glad you're taking some time off to enjoy your Christmas Company too - it's all about family and I hope they bring you some PRESENTS too dear Madi!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  8. enjoy your human family and I loved the Believe Story ... Tell the silly philly she sure was cute. I had a green pinafore like what she has on.. but in 58 I was well beyond pinafores.

  9. Your dad and uncle were great men. Very cool story!
    Enjoy your family.
    Will be out till the 27th. We are off tomorrow and Monday.

  10. That might be one of the sweetest things I have heard in a long time!♥ That party you have going on in your head just made a wonderful poem for B... Believe, tis the season! Merry Christmas to you all! Have a great time with your human Sis and BIL and enjoy the FOOD!

  11. Hari OM
    OMC Madi, that tale of belief made my heart swell!!! Have fun with the relos and I look forward to touching paws across the ether with you on Chrissy Day. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. Oh Madi I love your mom's story! My uncle used to dress in a Santa suit every Christmas Eve for the family party, after the dinner. We all pretended he was really Santa, and my cousins and I were the 'elves' helping pass the presents out. I had a large extended family and it was lots of fun.

  13. That is such a sweet story and I love the photo too. Enjoy your visit with sis and BIL. XO

  14. That is an awesome poem. And such a neat thing for them to do.

  15. That is the most awesome story from your youth, and we love the photo. Christmas is absolutely the best time of year when you're a responsibilities, just all the fun. Wishing you a blessed holiday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. What a great story. Your dad and uncle were very clever. Have a great time with your sis and BIL. Merry Christmas.

  17. Great story!we love old photos
    Lily & Edward

  18. OMC Madi your POEM told the story so BEAUTIFULLY... that Silly Filly Surely learned to BELIEVE after THAT. What a grrreat thingy fur the Peeps to have done.

    WE want to wish YOU and your Peeps and your Sister and BIL the mostest MAGICAL CHRISTMAS time together. Nothing BETTER than FAMILY TIME. Savor every Second of it.

  19. Your poem reminds me of Ralphie, in "A Christmas Story" movie!

  20. That was a fun poem pretty Maid and the photo is terrific too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  21. Such a cute photo of your mom when she was a wee kitten! Once when we were kids our dad took us to look at the lights. When we returned home there were pressies under the tree. Santa had come while we were gone! We cornered mom for the story of how it all went down. All our mom could tell us was that she went into the bathroom and totally missed Santa. It took us awhile to get over that one!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. What a brilliant story, your dad sounds like he had a great sense of humour! Love the photo, so sweet.
    Hope you have a wonderful holiday with the family.
    Love, Elliot Cricket and Lynne xxx

  23. What a wonderful memory! Enjoy your time with family!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  24. That is a great poem and story, and of course a lovely memory.

  25. What a great poem and lesson your Mama learned that night!!

    Have a blast with your Sissy and BiL!!!! Tell your Mama, my Mama is making Monkey Bread for Daddy on Christmas morning!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  26. We BELIEVE!!! Great poem. This year is a tough one with the 6 grands. Three believe, three do not. And the hardest part is that the twins are split:)

    We are going to believe FOREVER!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  27. That was a wonderful poem! Loved it! Hope Santa comes to your house and brings lots of presents! Happy Holidays!

  28. What a great poem/story, Madi! We still believe! We wish you and your whole family a very Merry Christmas.

  29. What a fabulous story!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  30. Merry Christmas Madi! Me thinks your linky on the blog hop am going to a Dell link instead of your bloggy... Thanks To Kathy Keisha who figured that out we could let you know <3

  31. What a great story! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi