My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Mews from Manor Madi


Mayor Arty and his Assistant the lovely Mabel are hosting

Hop over the Arty's or Mabel's for all the scoop!!

I, Madison D. Cat will be hostess to a mostest fun event during Spring Break too.
More on that later.

Mom went shopping...I heard bags rattling, so I came running 
to see what she got me!!

Nuttin' for me so I turn on a dime and 

 headed back up to my suite to pout

Mom recently learned how to put a picture in a picture...using Pizap Pro.
WooHoo   it appears old gray mares can learn new tricks

I had a wheelbarrow

of fun weekend pawticipating in Angel Sammy's Bacon Harvest

Louis Dog, Blogville's director of arts and entertainment 
Comedy Film Festival

Thank you Angel Sammy and Louis for such great events!!!



MOM AND DAD are going to buy a new computer.
Since 2013 they have been using Angel PaPa's puter.  It was about 4 years old then.
Geek Squad worked it over good in 2013.
In 2015 mom had Geek Squad come out to give it a once over and clean up stuff.
At that time the geeks told mom it had about 2 more years life in it.
So............before it goes postal on them they decided to get a new one.
Once it has been selected they will have the geeks come over and switch all our stuffs
from the old one to the new one.  Mom sure does hope the learning curve isn't too deeeeeep
'cause we want to tell everyone about the event we are hosting for
Blogville Spring Break extravaganza.


  1. So much Monday fun!!! We can't wait to hear more about YOUR new pooter ;-)!!

    The Spring Break Pawty is going to be a BLAST!!!
    Arty, Dory, Jakey & Bilbo

  2. Your human SHOULD have brought you something, Madi!

  3. Crikey Madi ...... good luck with the new pooter. I sure hope your old grey mare is better at learning those new tricks than my old grey mare. She changed over from windows to Apple for our last pooter change. It's been a few months now and she's still getting used to it. It was a fun weekend in Blogville, aye?? I'm so far behind with all of Blogville happenings I don't know about the Spring Break extravaganza so I sure hope your Mom manages to get things up and running to tell us all about that. We are on holidays so we are having very big days and a lot of fun but at the end of the day there's not much time left for my Blogville friends. How bad is that??

  4. ooooh... a spring break party... the greatest dream of the mama comes true...her heartless parents said no! once to spring break in spain...and since that time she is sad for missing this event...
    all paws and fingers are crossed for the new puter, hope you make the BEST deal!

  5. Oh how exciting...can we PLAY wiv the wheelbarrow, I finks we could have loads of FUNS wiv that Madi!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Good luck with the new puter, Madi! We hope you master it quickly!

  7. Oh boy! A new computer! Sounds like a CHALLENGE....the new computer will be nice since your Mom has a new computer desk CHAIR...that means she will be able to work for you even better than before - yay - sounds like a win/win to me. Louis' film fest was a hoot AND you did us a big favor being in charge of snackables at the bacon harvest. We love you!

    Hugs, Angel Sam and Teddy

  8. Oh wheelbarrows are just so much fun. That is so exciting about the new computer. We know you will just fine with it. You all have a great day.

  9. Hari OM
    Struth... with all the new tech skill and product.... you never know Madi; pawhaps the bloggy makeover might happen yet!!! (Though to be fair, those peeking pandas are truly cutesome...) hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. That spring break event sounds fun. We have our paws crossed that all your stuff can get from the old computer to the new without any difficulty.

  11. good luck to Mom and Dad on the new purchase... I forget each time to comment on the beauty of the sunbeam showing us one of your eyes in the header photo. each time it opens I see that beautiful eye.

  12. Somebody got a new cooking toy. We love cooking toys.

    Glad Dad is getting a new 'puter.

  13. Sorry they didn't get you anything, how mean. I am glad they are getting a new computer, in a way that is for you so you can blog. :)XO

  14. I'm always up for a break pretty Madi! The peeps will have fun with the new computer, maybe!

  15. A new computer... how exciting! Oooo and the electric skillet... I see pork chops in that!

  16. Good luck with the computer stuff. The spring break sounds like fun. We'll be sure to check it out!

  17. Hey, someone can make bacon in that electric skillet! Don't wander off too far! MOL!

  18. That was some fun you had with the Bacon Harvest,xx Speedy

  19. A new computer is really exciting! Mom is trying to update her old computer that was before the computer she uses now. What a process!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. Oh boy this is going to be a blast
    Snorts and a Woof,
    Lily & Edward

  21. Oster is my favorite! we bought a new toaster oven and it's another Oster.
    Have fun computer shopping. :) Can't wait to see what you choose. :)

  22. What a disappointment that the box wasn't for you....AND the box wasn't even open so you could sit in it. Something wrong there.

    Good luck with the pawrents on the new computer. May we suggest you don't get Windows 10--still driving HER crazy after 18 months!

  23. Wow, a new computer! Could be really fun!

  24. madi...due knot bee two fast ta run up de starez...ya noe what kinda fish N ham meel ya can pree pare in that pot !! best fishes two yur mom on de new pea sea....if we heer her yellin frum down ther up heer; with ten iz all we can say !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  25. That looks like a very big dish for Mom - maybe to prepare some special meals for her Madi:) Good luck with the new 'puter.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  26. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTttttttttttttttt Madi... Once your mom takes the cooking thingy outta there... YOU HAVE A BOX.
    Darn girrrrrl... your Posts are always SOOOOO exciting and interesting. So many thingys going on. BUTT the BEST is that SOOON you will be getting a BOX.

  27. Good luck with the new PC, Madi. Your humans are pretty smart -- they picked YOU, after all -- so we are sure they will figure it out in no time.

  28. Sighs. That was just wrong, getting your hopes up, then it not being for you.

  29. We can't believe she came home with nuttin' for you, Madi. Good luck to your peeps with the new 'puter.

  30. NOTHIN' FOR YOU??!!!!! WHAT??!!! Wells, that just won't do AT ALL GURL!!!! I thinks you should gives your Moms the cold shoulder for at least 87 hours! That'll teach her! AND, maybe gets you some extra treats and Friskies! BOL/MOL
    So, Ma doesn't wants to jinx it, butts her puter is still runnin' pawsome, butts it's almost eight/nine years old, so she knows she should gets a new one too....great, she REALLY shouldn't have said that.....
    Ruby ♥

  31. We are so excited for Spring Break! A new computer will be pawsome!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi