My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday Tale from the Bowl

we had no idea the funny comments we'd get. 
Since Mom had been very long winded on during her Tuesday post on 3/7/17, we
just posted the photo.  However, your comments reminded mom of another 
Tale from the past.

When my human sis was about six Uncle G (Dad's brother) was visiting.
At the time he lived in Syracuse, NY so needless to say they were all excited to have him visiting.
It was summer time they were all sitting on the patio. As mom told the story,  sis was 
on her swing set.  She was having a grand time showing Uncle G all the 
tricks she could do.  
As all  little kids often do, at the  last minute sis realized she had to scurry to her 'litter box'.  Mom told me sis ran in the patio door lickety split  to the hall bathroom.  There was an open window in there.  Sis did not turn on any lights.  All of a sudden there was SciFi scream 😠 from the bath room that probably broke the supersonic sound barrier.  Sis was hollering for mom to come help her.
See Uncle G had just been in there,  Not only had he left the toilet lid up he left the seat up.
Sis was only 6 so she was small.  She had fallen into the bowl cold water and all of the toilet.   She was hanging on for dear life to the edges.  Alternately bellowing for mom and scolding Uncle G
for leaving the lid and seat up.   Mom was pretty sure all the neighbors heard it too.   Thankfully sis did not drown.  But boy did she give Uncle G a stern talking too about proper toilet etiquette when you live with girls. Uncle G was a confirmed bachelor until his mid 50's.  
Hopefully Uncle G remembered this etiquette lesson when he met and married Aunt K.  

The end of this tale from the toilet bowl.


  1. Crikey Madi ....... too funny, aye??? Mum has a mental picture of your human sis hanging on for dear life to the rim of that toilet bowl with her little botty dangling in the water. It's a wonder it didn't turn her off using the toilet for life. And the neighbours heard it all, aye?? My human sis used to keep everyone amused with her toilet habits when she was little too. It wasn't too bad except when we had visitors. She would take herself off to the toilet alright but when she did one of those BIG jobs she wasn't confident on getting her botty clean so she would just sit on the toot and call for help. Always the same call and always at the top of her lungs. "FINISHED ON THE TOILY DOING A POO POO" over and over again until someone, anyone, came a running. Too funny aye?? Crikey I'll be in strife if she ever reads this. I also hope Uncle G remembered his etiquette lesson.

  2. Gosh it's much easier to find a lamp post or a tree. Isn't it?
    Toodle pip!

  3. that was a super-bowl story!!! love it... and we probably laughed loud enough that we broke the sonic barrir today with laughter :o) glad your sis survived and I hope she could furgive her uncle G :O)))

  4. We just love your mom's stories, Madi☺

  5. You made me smile today. Which I need very much, since the H is still around and I am getting thoroughly sick of it!

    Mara from Norway

    PS: for a Halloween party one year, I had hung a massive fake spider in the toilet bowl (using fishing wire). However, I had completely forgotten about it and when I needed to go use the potty, I screamed my lungs out after seeing that spider!

  6. :) That is every girl's fear! Lady has Man trained very well to put the seat down!

  7. Oh my.....I'd probably scream bloody screams too. That would truly be a wake up call wouldn't it? I don't even wanna picture it. But then again, I'd surely seek revenge..............somehow.

    LOVE your new header Madi.

  8. That is a funny story but not for that child. That must have been so scary. Have a great day.

  9. Poor human Sis! I have had that happen a couple of times but not for a long time! I would have loved to hear your human Sis giving Uncle G the what for about that toilet lid!

  10. We had fun at PhotoMania, Madi☺

  11. Poor Sis. Bad Uncle G. You'd think as many times that I have slammed the lid down my redneck would get it by now and quit leaving the lid up.

  12. that would be so shocking! glad she was okay! there would have to be some butt kicking. LOL

  13. ROFL... BOL MOL LOL.... I have done that in the dark but was always to big to fall all the way in... I am betting Sis looked before sitting after that dunking..

  14. Hari OM
    OMC....flashbacks!!! Can you believe that exact thing happened to me??? My daddy used to be very bad at bathroom etiquette... my mother was the one giving the lecture after that episode! ..shudder... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. BOLBOL!! We are laughing because MAMA left the seat up once after cleaning...and couldn't even blame Daddy when she almost fell in!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. BOL! Oh Madi, that story has us rolling on the floor laughing! I think maybe there is a deeply hidden memory similar to this one in our family as well.

  17. BOL - very funny to read but very scary for little Sis! Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  18. BOL Yups truly a hilarious tale. This is something I think all Mom's have experienced at some point or other in their lifetimes.

    Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest

  19. Oh my dawg that is hilarious
    Lily & Edward

  20. My humans always put the lid down on the toilet in our house, so I can't drink out of it. I never understand those humans sometimes! Ghostwriter says when she was a kid, her Mom used to say, "did you fall in?" whenever somebody was in the bathroom for too long.

  21. BOL - that is just so funny - really made us LOL. Our Dad is pretty good about toilet seat etiquette, but once in a while he forgets. Mom always knows because the two princess grands run to tattle to Grandma all the time:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  22. madi...awww ~~~~~ we iz laffin WITH yur momz sis..knot at her...her prob a blee thinked her was gonna keep fallin down inta de toy let if her dinnna hang on two de sidez ! ☺☺♥♥

  23. Oh! Too funny! Mom says she is lucky that Dad is very curtious with the toilet seat!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  24. We are wondering how often the family reminds Sis of this childhood incident?
    Toodle pip!

  25. Bwahaahaa! SHE once helped transport two kids and their cats from VA to Seattle. One night after dragging luggage into a motel room, SHE heard someone in the bathroom. Creeping in, SHE found the cat perched on the seat! It apparently had taught itself. But a bit scary when you didn't know.....

  26. Yikes! Close call! My Mom is weird because shes thinks there would be a good anthology of potty stories like your Mom/human sis's tale that could be put together and called "Tales from the Toilet". Yep - I told you my Mom was weird!

    Love, Angel Sam and Ted

  27. THAT musta been scary. I fell in the toilet one time and I cannot remember how. I was a little pug then.
    Love Noodles

  28. OMC OMC MADI... we are laughing like Squirrels on Steroids... We let MOM read this one... and she is laughing SO hard that she has Tears running down you legs...

  29. That is funny. I am still laughing at last week's story of your Mom filling the coffee pot at the eye wash area :)

  30. OMC that had to be so scary for a 6 year old! I have fallen in as well but my butt is so huge I didn't go far! MOL!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  31. OMD! We are laughing our tails off at that one. Our mom has trained dad to keep the seat down. He didn't use to when they first met but it didn't take long to get him to change that habit.

  32. That is funny BUTT not funny cuz mom knows exactly what that feels like! Madi, do you use the toilet?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  33. BOL!!! OMD, Ma is ROTFLMAO at that one! The same thingie happened to her! Except it was her brudder WHO SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER! In the middle of the night!!! (Ma thinks he did this on purpose, butts he denied it...yeah...) Don't worry, she gots him back...
    Ruby ♥

  34. That's hysterical! I can picture this all so clearly - probably has happened to many little girls. In fact, this happened to my assistant a few years ago. She got up in the middle of night to use the bathroom and didn't have her glasses on (she's blind as a bat) and you guessed it she sat down and almost fell in. Though she is not little so she didn't fall all the way in.

  35. MOL! Men! We bet his wife reformed many habits.

  36. Men and proper toilet bowl etiquette never match up. Funny story!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi