My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday 
Angel Sammy has suggested one of these  E words:
earth, evil, escape, empty

When my bowl is empty, from mom I get no sympathy.
I whine and I mew for her attention I beg. 
I even threaten to escape these digs.
I try not to get evil by showing my fangs 
Surely there is a place on this earth I could roam 
Where food is plentiful and calories don't count and no one
watches the clock go 'round.


  1. Crikey Made ..... I didn't know you were a poet. Tell your Mom that my Mum's accommodation at the buffalo farm was just like a bit tent. It was screened on three sides sides so you could see out. The bathroom was at the back so it had a proper wall. No-one could see in as there were only animals and trees around the room. No-one could walk out the front as the buffalos weren't friendly and would charge at you.

  2. I hear ya Madi... empty bowls are the worst thing on earth... no wonder that we become a little evil ;o)

  3. I chew on empty bowls... it doesn't get them filled, though.

  4. Hari OM
    you need a bowl like the magic pudding!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. It's so unfair that we don't have access to the cupboard and frig like the hoomans do. Great poem, Madi!

  6. Madi, that is one extra good poem. We think a bowl full of food at all times is in order. You all have a good day.

  7. you are sooooooooooo mistreated, do you want me to come up there and help you???? MOL MOL... from one calorie counter to the other I hate it toooooooooooo

  8. Madi, when you find that place invite me there. I hate to constantly watch what I have to eat and worry about what the stinkin' scales will TELL on me (errrr, I mean say).

  9. Empty food bowls are BIG this morning! We can't have you starving there. Maybe try working on your Dad! I need to drop a few pounds but so many kinds of food sound so good in the summer... like potato salad, hot dogs, and CHEESEBURGERS!

  10. Momma says if you ever find the place where calories don't count, let us know!!

  11. Oh you and Toby do think alike Madi! When you find that place on EARTH Toby will be glad to join you.

  12. I have an automatic feeder because Mara is TOO LAZY to feed me all the time. But she is good with the treats. As long as I come in when she wants...

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  13. We SO understand, Madi. Mom was really late getting home last night from the grands because their Dad worked late and then got stuck in bigtime traffic. We had to wait almost two extra hours for our dinner. We made sure she got up extra early today to serve our breakfast extra early.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  14. I'm finding my dinner bowl isn't as full as it used to be lately. I wonder why?

  15. Food bowls should always be full ! What are they thinking??

  16. This poem really touched me! Empty dinner bowls are so sad. Our mom starves Maggie and me. Well, sure ... there is breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. And a bedtime snack. And Mom and Dad share yogurt with us when they eat lunch. And there are other treats throughout the day. But we're HUNGRY!!!

  17. Oh Madi! Well done!! You used ALL the prompt words! Fabulous!!!!!! I hope you don't blow away in the wind - your Mom better keep your food bowl stocked up.

    Love, Teddy

  18. Oh dear Madi. Hope you're OK.
    Not wasted away yet?
    Toodle pip!

  19. Madi, as much as I understand your plight, Angel and Chuck ruin it because they beg and beg and then when I've spooned up some wonderful noms for them...they only take a few bites and walk away for a nap! WHA!?!

  20. "Where calories don't count" Awwwwwwwww, we'd all love to go there.

  21. madi.....we think even de peepulz wood like ta bee at de wear cal o reez due knot count place !!!!! ☺☺♥♥

  22. You poor thing. Your stomach must be empty
    Lily & Edward

  23. We want a magic refill no person needed food dish.

  24. There you go being an over achiever again using all the words- great job! If you find a place on earth that has calorie free food, please tell me where it is.

  25. We hope you are no longer skin and bones Madi!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. Well said Madi. We hate to wait for our meals too.

  27. No food bowl should remain empty, Madi. Nice poem!

  28. Oh gurl, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!! OMD, I gets my feeder bowl taken AWAY...can you believes it??!!! Somethings about me SNEAKIN' extra kibbles by punching the side of it....fake news I say! I gets no sympathy from my Ma eithers! I thinks it's an epidemic in Blogville! Maybe we needs to take a survey or somethings and make a LAW! yuppers, that'll work!
    Ruby ♥
    the hungry one

  29. Such a great poem Madi...and we soooooo get it!!
    Arty & Jakey


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi