My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, September 8, 2017

3 F's and a reminder

There will be games, a food truck, fun activities and a Dance Hosted by Mayor Arty and
the Marvelously gorgeous Mabel.  
Rest assured Mabel will be dressed to the 9's and Arty will be twirling her all over the dance floor.

I, Madison D. Cat will be hosting a very fun event:

Blanket Volleyball OMCs this should be fun
  • Objective: To pass the ball over the net in pairs using towels or blankets to propel the ball.
  • Towels or blankets for each pair. Net. ...
  • Divide the players into two equal teams. ...
  • You may use beach balls or volleyballs

If you would like to pawticipate in my Blanket Volleyball, 
please send me a picture of you standing on all fours or NOT...MOL
Mom can maneuver them with pizap.  Just send photos...
If you send in more than one photo, please note your name(s) that go with each photo 

EMAIL to: 
Please send it to candb214ATattDOTnet
My absolute deadline for receiving all photos is 5PM on September 18, 2017

For all the info on all the events click HERE
or HERE to see the sign up sheet for those hosting events

I'm 'borrowing a GREAT idea from Da Phenny'!
Below I'm listing furiends who have sent me photos for this event:
If you sent me a photo and don't see your name Roar or Grown OUT LOUD.

Tuiren, Lucy, Misty, Fenris, Yang, Scylla, Chimera, Lightning, Yin,
Mayor Arty and Jakey, Christmas, Yam Aunty, Da Phenny, Hazel and Mabel


  1. WE sent our pictures!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  2. roar... roar... roar... ;o) I thought it is a good idea to make sure that all are on board... the mama said I'm a smart virgo with da bestest ideas ;O))) (no worries she will change her mind after she saw what I did with the laundry)

  3. Hari OM
    I's having trubs keeping up with things... but am doing my best!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We had to laugh at your fake flower Friday, Madi☺ You are very creative!

  5. Those sound like great activities. Sounds like fun. Have a good day.

  6. You have a great spot there, Madi! Are you keeping track of who enters the door???
    Good Morning! Guess where we have been? Visiting our NEW great niece!!!!!!!!

  7. Well Madi, you know my ears perked up at the word "dance". We love to step it and shake!
    Happy weekend. Praying for your family and everybody that Irma is bearing down on.

  8. love that black and white fake flower in the center of the circle of fake flowers. I will not be participating in the fun this time but will be browsing. I am not in the mood.

  9. We're going to enter! Hopefully Momma will send out our pics this weekend.

  10. Picnics!! Yumm ! Will there be Meowgaritas ??

  11. TAIL SHOT! TAIL SHOT!!!! Oh, Madi, you beautiful girl ... you sure know how to make our day :)

  12. madi...can we tozz a bass terd frozen turkee ?? ☺☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ just kiddin coz we wood knot wanna bee within 984 milez oh one ~~~ !!

  13. We can't wait to play blanket volleyball. We have to send you one more photo:).

    Woos - Misty and Lightning

  14. Sounds like lots of fun.

  15. Thanks for the reminder, I need to get those photos to you. XO

  16. We love the flower with you in the middle of it, we think it is the purritiest flower we have seen and we think it is a CREATIVE Flower not fake.

  17. We think you make a most beautimous flower center Madi! We can't wait until the volleyball game!
    Arty & Jakey

  18. We gotta get the mom moving and send some photos!

  19. OMD, Ma has to gets off her arse and send you my pics! I hopes she can find one that'll work! Thanks for the reminder my pal!
    Ruby ♥

  20. We just sent our pictures. Thanks for hosting this picnic event.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi