My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, September 18, 2017

Mews from Madi Manor

Last week Mom was messing around in our storage room. The door to this room is
always closed.  Of course this curious kitty takes full advantage of an open door.
I sniffed around checking things out

While I was up on the dresser  noticed something odd

Today is you last chance to sign up for Blanket Volley Ball event at the Blogville Picnic
DEADLION is 5pm today DST aka East Coast

If you would like to pawticipate in my Blanket Volleyball, 
please send me a picture of you standing on all fours or NOT...MOL
Mom can maneuver them with pizap.  Just send photos...
If you send in more than one photo, please note your name(s) that go with each photo 

EMAIL to: 
Please send it to candb214ATattDOTnet

I'm 'borrowing a GREAT idea from Da Phenny'!
Below I'm listing furiends who have sent me photos for this event:
If you sent me a photo and don't see your name Roar or Grown OUT LOUD.

Tuiren, Lucy, Misty, Fenris, Yang, Scylla, Chimera, Lightning, Yin,
Mayor Arty and Jakey, Christmas, Yam Aunty, Da Phenny, Hazel and Mabel,
Millie (dog), Siddhartha, Millie (cat), Walter, Phoebe
and Introducing Timber the newest Woo, Bentley and Pierre, Phod, Lee and Chester, and Speedy the Cheeky bunny, Ruby the AireGal, Princess Leah
and Mouse....a mouse from Norway!


  1. hahaha I'm glad he is just on the phone... and he wasn't holding his head because there was no colission between head and car like it happened here... the mama said either the elephant skate is smaller or she became taller... my dad said she just had tomatoes on her eyes while leaving the car...

  2. How fun to have a new room to explore - and a new window to spy out of!

  3. Well, we have sent you a photo now, but Mouse had landed already instead of being on all fours!

    And Madi: watch out with new rooms to explore! Before you know it someone has closed the door on you! Just ask Miss Oswin...

    Mara from Norway

  4. Oh what fun - a new room to explore....did you find anything INTERESTING in there? Dust bunnies? Bugs? At least you got to see in the FORBIDDEN TERRITORY!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Thank goodness that Mr R has you to check up on him, Madi - and that the situation wasn't worse!

  6. Oh, wow, those mystery rooms can be so much fun. We have one here that mom absolutely refuses to let us in to.

  7. Hari OM
    Neighbourhood watch is an impawtant activity Madi - better safe than sorry! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Oh what fun Madi to get to look in that room. We love to get in places we aren't supposed to be in. You all have a super day.

  9. Did I read that correctly, the peeps DARE to close a door to you???? Well, I am very glad to hear that you DID get in to investigate Madi!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. You are a good neighborhood monitor Madi. That room looks like it's fun to explore. We think the door should be open all the time.

  11. How kind of you to be concerned about Mr. R, Madi! We think you should be allowed in there more often; no locked doors!

  12. Wow! You're good at jumping to the rescue when you think someone is in trouble. Just be careful not to jump to conclusions!

  13. You are so nice to watch out for the neighbors pretty Madi!

  14. Ahh, a storage room sounds like lots of fun. I bet there is lots of trouble to get into in there! Very nice of you to be looking out for your neighbors!

  15. Sometimes we follow mom into the spare bedroom and then she leaves and shuts the door!
    I let her know about it!
    Hazel too

  16. I laughed at Mabel and Hazel's comment. That has happened here too!

  17. You sure are a very curious senior cat, Madi. And Mr. R. Should be very happy you were watching out for him.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Hey, blanket volleyball. That sounds cool. We are off to search for a suitable photo right now!
    It's good to be back.
    Toodle pip!

  19. food servizz gurl haz been lay zee witha cap a tull S & we willna bee abe bull ta getz ewe any fotoz....thanx tho for hostin a way awesum eeevent; looks like a good crowdz gonna bee ther !! :) ♥♥

  20. Madi you are just the cutest!! That is good that you worry the way you do ,but this was too funny!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  21. Nothing wrong with a super imagination, Madi, we always say. You never know what might turn out to be more true than ever imagined!

  22. A locked room in House of Madi??!! That can't be right.

  23. Madi you are hilarious! Glad your mom straightened you out and that the guy is okay.

  24. My goodness, You got to search your storage room??? I am banned from ours and so is dog-guy...though Minko used to try and sneak in there, Tee-hee. We don't have a window in ours though...
    I sent you some pictures (at the last minute almost, BOL!), for the Beach Blanket Volleyball event you are so kindly hosting.
    Pipo sends you some purrs to greet you too:)

  25. A storage room! One of THE best rooms to explore. Always good stuff in storage rooms. You looked in good form pre-dismount!

  26. Ah, so Toby isn't the only Nosy Neighbor! Oh Madi what if he looked up and saw you watching? Our neighbors see Toby every morning when they leave for work.

  27. We like how you spy on your neighbors, Madi. We do the same thing. :)

  28. OMD!!!! GURL, you gots the bestest view EVERS!!!!! I would LOVES to spy on the weird neighbors all day, and bark my arse at them comin' and goin'! You are one lucky kitteh, you are! Nows, you didn't find your Moms secret stash of cookies in that room did you???? Inquiring AireChicks want to know....
    Ruby ♥

  29. It's always a good idea to keep your eyes on the neighbors Madi!!
    Jakey & Arty

  30. Always good stuff in storage rooms. You looked in good form pre-dismount!



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi