My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Caturday Art and Flower Saturday

First and foremost we all thank you all for your kind comments about the passing of 
Mom's first cousin.    He was a funny, kind and generous soul.  He will be missed.

Welcome to  Caturday art hosted by Athena
See more Caturday Cat Art HERE.

Mom has busy busy hands. She is my typist, chief cook and bottle washer here, photographer
and she crochets.  Recently she is showed me an itty bitty baby afghan she is making....
BUTT she said Madi don't touch it.  So as you can see I had to hold my 'reach out and touch things front paw' with my might bunny back paw! I don't know if she thought I'd rip it to smithereens or get kitty kooties on it!   Either way I suggested maybe she should keep it out of this kitty's face.  

Happy Flower Friday on Monday hosted by 

Last Friday we showed you this sad plant and the tree rat that caused it
Since this pot was the main one the tree rat was attacking, Dad decided to 
transplant the ivy into the pot in the above photo along with the purrty pansies and the
taller plant in the back

There was one pitiful pansy left in the yellow pot above.
He moved that to anther pansy pot in the backyard.
Thus far no tree rats.  Maybe Wanda the Wonderful Witch  and Madi-ator will 
keep them away.



  1. Hari Om
    Yikes, the Madiator would keep most things away I'd say!!! That is a very pretty little blanket the mum is making... but definitely not cat territory. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. The baby blankie is coming along beautifully! We love the colors! And we love your Halloween header, Madi! It's awesome!

  3. We really like the picture with all the pumpkins and pansies. But then, all the pictures are good. Have a great day.

  4. All very cool pictures. Dad doesn't have the patience to take care of such things as plants and flowers. Happy weekend!!

  5. So your Dad is like CH and likes to do that gardening stuff! Laughing at the picture of your bunny back paw making your front paw behave... lol!!! If your Mom is crocheting a baby blanket you can bet it will be special. I made the pictures BIG and it looks very sweet. I am glad your Mom and Dad are home... :) Love you in your GOOD witch's hat!
    Good Morning!

  6. Super photos. We think your Mom should WANT your special "touch" on that afghan!

    We hope the tree rats stay away from the flowers. Our Daddy loved planting things.

    The Florida Furkids

  7. We are sorry to hear about the loss in your family. Hugs.

  8. That is such a pretty baby blanket. We really like the colors. Your dad is very diligent with his flowers. We hope the tree rats stay away this time.

  9. heh heh heh on the Med-I-ator look. the pansies are beautiful and I like the pumkins on the steps... that baby blanket is really beautiful... hope you did not put paw upon it.. for whatever reason. MOL

  10. Mom's baby blanket is making our Mom want to get going on a crochet project. She wishes there were a new little baby coming to our family.

    The pots are so very pretty. We bet those pansies are going to bloom very well.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timbe

  11. Hey, since when is anything off limits to kittehs? There oughta be a law!

  12. Yeah, I don't knows if she should puts stuff RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSEY if she doesn't wants you to snuffle it! Just sayin'....
    Anyhu, I am glads your peeps are home safe and sound, and you are back in charge.
    Ruby ♥

  13. Gosh - something that's so close is off limits? Not fair! Purrrrhaps she should keep that baby afghan ELSEWHERE?! Tree rats seem to think that potted plants are a BIG CHALLENGE....when they have a whole huge yard to terrorize why do they choose a potted plant? Because the soil is LOOSE and they can dig easily that's why!!! Little devils!

    Hugs, Teddy

  14. OMD, we love what your Daddy has done with the pansies!

    We think we may need the Madi-ator here to take care of our Mole problem!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  15. We think your Moms blanket will be purrty. . .

  16. We must have missed a post. So please accept our belated condolences for Mom's cousin.

    Those evil squirrels never leave anything alone! My Joanna human had flower boxes on her second story apartment windows. The City tree rats would still get into them, dig up all of her flowers and herbs and bury whatever trash they stole from the restaurant garbage bin from across the street in there! She got her first kitty cat then, named Maddie (short for Medusa) who would sit by the window and scare the squirrels away.

  17. Your mom is good at crocheting, that is pretty. XO

  18. A very pretty baby afghan your mom is making. And your dad did great with the pansies
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. We think that blanket would be better with a little kitty kooty on it. :)

  20. Hoomins don't let kitties have any fun!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi