My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wordless Wednesday and Pantry caper

Note from Mom
Yesterday I mentioned  someone being in solitary confinement in the Pantry...
Madi told me to tell you why but I didn't so here is the rest of the story.
Since I was not a part of the event, Madi will tell you:

One night last week, Dad got up about 11:30 pm because someone had a nice hairball.
He went to the kitchen for a towel...the moi producer of said hairball might have followed him into the kitchen.  (He was not wearing his glasses) He opened the pantry to throw the evidence away and says  Moi must have slipped in the pantry. I was there until 6 am the next day..............YEP....and evidently happy a clam because I didn't make a sound until I heard the peeps get up. Then I raised the roof.  And might I add no accidents in the pantry.  Mom thinks I must have slept in the paper recycle bin.


  1. OMC! Bless your heart. At least it was during the night so you could just sleep peacefully. Bentley snuck in my closet during the day and I didn't see him. I closed him up and spent 30 minutes searching for him. I opened the door and he was sound asleep on a pile of dirty clothes! LOL!

  2. Madi, we can see that you were workin' around the clock...MOL! We don't think we'd be quiet if locked in a small room...

  3. Maybe you should make the pantry your new hangout, Madi!

  4. Hari OM
    Never too old for an adventure, right Madi?! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx
    (Who is jelly about your sun clock)

  5. Well I think grabbing a chance to have a private room for the night was a brilliant it was QUIET in there.....hahaha

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. OMD - what a pawty you could have had, Madi!

  7. Sounds like you had a good sleep anyway Madi. Glad they found you the next morning. You all have a wonderful Wednesday.

  8. BAHWHAHA! My assistant does all kinds of silly things like this when she gets up and forgets to put her glasses on!

  9. I had already surmised this report when I saw the comment yesterday... sorry Madi but I am laughing really hard... so glad you survived the pantry caper... seems to me like someone had a drawer caper in the past... hummmm????

  10. I relly wish MOM had captured the SOUND of the pantry caper

  11. Haha, Madi! Knowing a teeny bit about the pantry, I am thinking you enjoyed a five star deluxe suite! I would have loved to have heard what you had to say! You truly are a sun puddle lover!

  12. We would have been howling if we were ever shut in a room by ourselves. At least you didn't get too up set by it and had a nice sleep.

  13. hahaha, you and Scooter are sisters. She got shut up in the computer room the other night.

    Last night was a different matter. I let her and Lucky stay out instead of putting them in their room. WELL, that won't happen again. Around 1 AM she started her crazy kitty calling. YOWLING at the top of her lungs.

    I got up and put them both in their room.

  14. BOL - we can see exactly how that would happen. We are still hoping you found something tasty to nibble on during your confinement.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Did you get to have any snacks while you were falsely imprisoned?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. BOL! We occasionally get shut is one of the spare bedrooms cause we follow the peeps in there with out them realizing. Then they are in a panic "where is ???" BOL!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. There were a couple times Joey dog or I got stuck in the laundry room by accident. You see, Dad is very hard of hearing. We followed him in, and he didn't hear us. Usually ghostwriter would hear us howling and let us out.

  18. We closed Angel into a closet for an entire day, but she was happy to nap on the clothes basket, and no messes! Glad you were released tho', Madi!

  19. Ooh, paper box! Brilliant place to sleep. Even if you are shut in. Mara had a pussycat once that got locked in the meter cupboard (where the water and electricity and gas meters were). She never made a sound, not even when they called for her! I would have screamed the house down!!

    Miss O from Norway

    PS: Mara says well done on not having an accident, even in the paper box!

  20. Yikes Madi! Good thing they didn't run out to do errands first thing!

  21. It was an adventure, clearly. But you must still take revenge. It's in the Book of Kitteh Rules.

  22. Wow Madi ! You sure were a good sport about being shut in the pantry ! We're glad everything turned out all right. Enjoy your sun puddle.

  23. Oh my goodness Madi, that's quite an adventure!
    You were very good to stay so calm in the pantry! I tend to get a bit claustrophobic in small spaces - I'm very impressed you were so brave!!
    Lots of licks, your good friend Morrie :)

  24. You poor kitty, wrongly imprisoned. XO

  25. Can't believe they didn't notice you were missing! Glad you were found safe and sound.

  26. I thought maybe you hit the Mother Lode of treats in there MOL!! Thank goodness for no accidents!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  27. Goodness!!! Locked up all night with nary a peep!?!?!
    I, Marvelous would have sung the songs of our people!
    I don't even like it when Mommy closes the bedroom door when we have company!

  28. Wow, that was quite the adventure you had, Madi. Hopefully that won't happen again.

  29. That is such a funny story!!!! And you were quiet? I'm impressed. One time recently, R followed me into the bathroom. When I was finished in there, I departed and closed the door behind me. Guess who didn't follow me out fast enough? He let me know - very loudly!

  30. Wow Madi, what a trooper you are! Too bad you didn't find any extra fishy treats while you were in the pantry!!

    We love your sun puddle time skills!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  31. OMC Raz is so should have sent him a telepathic message!!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  32. WTD??!!!!! OH MY!!!! Oh gurl, I am so sorry you were locked up in solitary confinement!!!! OMD/OMC!!! Wells....if you HAVE to be locked up in a room, it might as well be where the foodables are! BOL! Well, I sure am glads you survived and I hopes you gave your MOms and Pops a what-for! Sendin' lots of AireZens gurl! That had to be traumatic!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: make your peeps feel reeeeeaaaal guilty! That's when you gets the bestest treaties!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi