My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday Madi Mews Lab results

Friends I must tell you my mom was a tad bit worrrrrrried about my Senior Blood panel fact she was worried enough for both of us.  So I just do what I do best gave the worry to mom
and took nap.  Photo taken on Thursday 12/7/17.

Mom spoke to Dr. S on Friday morning OMCS my kidney levels were stable..
in fact my Creatine level  was improved greatly now 3.5...was 4.1.
My BUN stayed the same.  We have an itty bitty issue with my phosphorous
levels though.  Dr. S. suggested a phosphorous not a notebook binder...
this one binds the phosphorous in the blood to lower it.
We are trying Alternagel.  It has a minty flavor. In a PURRFECT World I WOULD LOVE IT.
Mom was hoping she could put it on her finger for me to lick
BUT alas is is a wee bit soupy so it goes in a syringe and is gently
squirted in the side of my mouth a wee bit at a time.

Sunday Morning update on this
Good news I'm not fighting biting mom when she gently squirts this into my mouth.
But she is gonna check into the possibility of getting it compounded into a flavored powder to sprinkle on my food, just in case I decided to spit it on her.

We 3 seniors livin' and lovin' one day at a time!!

Now for some craziness, a few outtakes of the the start of Decorating on Saturday

We'll be showing you the real purrty stuff soon.
New tree after we plugged it in
OMCS it was a bargain at Bed Bath and Beyond in 2016 was 150.00 on sale for 50ish
It is easy peasy to put up...not a monster like the other one that took brute force to bring in and
then assemble.
The new one came with 4 light settings?!  Lights are tiny and LED
 Good and BAD supposedly
1. all white
2.all multicolored
3. alternating multi and white blinkin' winkin' and noddin'
4. fading from all white to multi colored
Thus far we can't get all white setting to work MOL.  I gave it a look see but it was past my pay grade

Maybe that is why it was on sale.
Spoiler white chair that sits here has been moved
and OMCs a new wonderful world of adventure has opened
Da Phenny you will not believe your eyes when you see my new
accomplishment.  A 5' horizontal move with back feet in one time zone
and front feet in another time zone. 
Senior kitties rock!!
 Mom found this cute little Avon Christmas mountain with a train hiding in
the garage closet.  Evidently it has been there a worked for 
a nano second. MOL    And OMCs that little engine struggled up the snowy hill


  1. I love your tree... and we love that is was a bargain!!! YAY! and we send hugs and potp and healinh thoughts to you... we hope the next test shows much much better results... maybe you had just one of this days where nothing is like it should be and therefore the test came back with not so good news?

  2. Hi Madi, so pleased the lab results were mostly good. Now you and Mom can have fun with the Christmas decorations.
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (still snowed in at Torridon).

  3. We think your new medicine should be catnip flavoured....but otherwise, what a great report. Napping was a good plan.

  4. That is great news about your numbers, Madi! I hope the meds work for you, compounded or otherwise.

  5. Madi I'm ever so happy that you got a good blood report other than that one TEENY WEENY little thing which Mom is handling for you with the minty stuff. As for your new tree - sounds like it's easier to handle and as soon as you figure out those fancy shmancy color settings, you'll be in good shape in time to load up a pile of presents under the new tree!!!!!!

    Love and Hugs, Teddy

  6. That is a very nice tree. And your blood work... yeah... it seems that at our ages, there is always something not great on there. But your parents will take great care of you, and we will also purray for your continued overall good health.

  7. We are glad your blood work was ok. Getting old is hard. Love the tree!

  8. I'm happy, happy, happy that your blood work was improved Madi. I hope mine is also improved when I get my next checkup from my new doctor on January 3rd.

  9. So HAPPY about your blood work, Madi! Best thing ever! I like the idea of your Mom flavoring up and compounding the new med. That tree is awesome! I think the #4 setting sounds pretty! The tree looks very happy there, I trust it won't stay nekkid like ours!

  10. Being a Senior is never easy, Madi. We hope your phosphorus levels improve on your next visit. Your home is looking very festive☺

  11. Cant wait to see this marvelous marvel of a dismount that has to do with moving the white chair. as long as the lights come on, it would not matter to me which way they did it and that is a true bargain price... so happy for all of you about the news on bloodwork and now i am imagining how it will look when you spit it on MOM.. MOL

  12. You tree sure is pretty sweet Madi and we are so happy to hear about your good test results!

  13. Ghostwriter knows what those numbers mean; and she doesn't know anybody who likes that phosphorus binder medicine stuff. But hang in there Madi!

  14. Madi we think no matter what the color of the lights your tree is beautiful. WE are also so happy about your results and hope that it continues to improve with each panel!

  15. Hari om
    Ligbting colour faces into insignificancd against much improvec health results!!! Hugs and wniskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  16. Yay, glad your meds are doing the right stuff and helping you Madi butt you haf to remember to keep Mom her toes when it comes to the pill taking, keep negotiating for tastier morsels, Hehe
    Oh and we've lost Christmas decs here, one tree lost, one tablecloth gone and numerous other decs Mum is sure we have but can't find...I'm staying out of this or I nose who will get the blame.
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  17. Sounds like your bloods were good Madi! Quite a few years ago mom & dad bought a tree after Christmas from Shopko for $25!! It was beautiful (not prelit) but huge. They passed it on to the son and got a skinnier one that is prelit but only white (mom would prefer color) Son told mom that the old tree is starting to fall apart and Mom replied - well we sure got our $25 worth BOL!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. That's great news about your blood work Miss Madi. You look so peaceful all curled up for your nap.

  19. Oh Madi, you are so funny! Sounds like you are on the right track with your meds and stuffs!

  20. over all good results and that is a GOOD THING! You are such a good kitty! When I used to have to give my Angel Bobo meds in a syringe I had to wrap him in a towel, he hated taking meds! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  21. Oh yes, we are thrilled to hear the good news on your report , Madi. Mom and Dad are doing a great job keeping you well. We hope that pepperminty stuff fixes the phosphorous too.

    Your tree is so pretty. We bet Mom gets those lights figured out soon. We love your header too - Jolly Ole St. Nick looks especially jolly to have your as one of his helpers.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. madi...we iz buzzed happee for de most part yur ree sultz iz good....tell mom nothin smellz werst thana sar deenz....if her can mix de med with de sardeenz water; it mite help; put it ona plate then let it soak up inta de sardeenz...may bee !! ???♥♥♥

  23. Madi, that's pawsome news about your lab report! Keep it up, girl! If your mom wants some other suggestions about what to use as a phos binder, tell her to email our mom. There's some that are tasteless and you can mix right into your foods. :)

  24. I am glad your numbers ere better except for phosphorous, but at least there is a way to help that. XO

  25. Greetings Madi, glad your blood tests are good except for that one stubborn thing. Stay a good girl and don’t spit. We want you around a long time. We’re just getting to know you. You’re lucky to get your tree up. It sounds pretty. I bought new LED lights this year. I’m anxious to see them on the tree. We got a real pine tree with the long needles. It’s now in the house and it’s beautiful. Hubby brought in my stuffed toys and I’m putting some under the tree. Enjoy your tree. Do you climb it? We’re wondering if Jasmine will. I think she’s too old and mellow but you never know. This will be our first tree in twenty years. Our other kitties were just to naughty.

  26. Hurrah for such good news, Madi ! Purrs !

  27. We are SOOOOO happy your labe results were mostly positive, HURRAY!!!

    ...and guess what?? We got a tree with lights JUST LIKE YOURS!! except ours is only
    4 1/2 feet and sits on a table so SOME PUPPY won't get into it!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  28. What a lovely tree! Way nicer than my tiny one! And your mountain is cool, it would look good with my train!

  29. Oh Madi you feeling better is a great Christmas gift. We loves you much. stella rose

  30. I am glad your results were mostly good, Madi. I remember from when we had Kitty YumBum that she had slightly raised phosphorous levels. Our vet said to make sure we got food that had lower amounts in the ingredients. I think he recommended below 3, but it was a long time ago so you would need to check on that. He also said to cut back on dry food and try to give mostly wet. I used to give 50/50 back then but changed to all wet for E and F.

  31. OMD! How did we miss this report? We are glad that overall you did have good results to your senior panel. Since the big scare a while back we are taking this as a good thing.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi