My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, February 25, 2018


On Friday morning Google Fiber arrived in our neighborhood with a vengeance.
No warnings, no notes on the homes NUTTIN...they just arrived on Friday morning
and started to tear up our yards and our streets.

And it is noisy they have this big sucky monster that comes along after the break up the
streets to suck up the debris

They are all around our house.  This is our side yard.
They are digging holes deep enough to bury a tractor!!

Crazy thing is AT&T Uverse came thru about 2 years ago.
AND Google fiber is laying their cable in the exact same places BUT
they are tearing up our YARDS again.  WHY didn't they coordinate their 
digging? NO CLUE.. Spring in NC is not the time to put down new grass seed
it gets too hot too quickly.  So now everyBUDDY is gonna have ugly brown spots in their yards.
DADDDDDDDDDDDD walked around shouting HBO words.  He works very hard to keep our yard nice and green.  We are so sorry DADDDDDDDDD.
Mom is in our blog office.   I retreated to the only room w/o windows on the back of the house where it is pretty quiet.

AND the worst thing is we don't even want GOOOOOOOGLE FIBER!!!
Bah humbug


  1. Oh Madi this is indeed most annoying. And reminds us of the time when council workers came round to paint white lines on our street to define new parking slots, on for more workers to come round the next week to resurface the street.
    Hope its all over soon. (Until the next crew show up...)
    Toodle pip!

  2. Dey are always tearing up da streets here - we hate it!

  3. I had to google 'google fiber' to see what it is, i did not know it existed. looks like it is in 5 states and now must be in NC the 6th state. more of G trying to take over from the cable guys. sorry for the mess, yowsa on the noise outside and the inside daddy... hope it doesn't last to long.

  4. What a pain in the hiney they are!

  5. Hari OM
    If it's anything like the situation here in the UK, then the company will be paying less for using pre-existing 'ducts' underground. here in the UK G-Fibre is a bit of a non-event. BT have the monopoly on the cable ducts and other companies have to pay 'rent' which they then factor into their costings. I have EE fibre optic but it is carried by BT... but in this age of increasing wireless useage, one wonders how long physical cable work for individual homes will be viable... and Madi, I'd be as mad as DDDAAAADDDDDD if my yard was torn up too!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We never heard of Google fiber either. We it will be a very long time before that comes here. We live totally in the boonies. Hope that all gets done fast. What a pain.
    Hope your day is better today.

  7. Sometimes it is best to go hide when the humans start saying HBO words. We know your dad will have your yard looking its best as soon as possible.

  8. Well that's mean! But I think (I might be wrong though) that there's some kind of "right of way" that utilities and other peeps have for a certain number of feet into our yards (yes that stinks) - at least that's the way it is here. Anyway, I'm glad you were able to TUNE THEM OUT and get some rest!

    Hugs, Teddy

  9. Wow, who wants to deal with all that?? They definitely should have posted notices somehow.

  10. Oh yes, Madi - your Dad has reason to be concerned and keep close watch on those workers. They damaged our sprinkler system when they were here and made a mess out of our entire development. BUT Mom handled them sternly and they fixed all the damage at no cost to us. And we don't want or need Google either. They came into our area with big promises and then after getting their foot in the door, they withdrew and stopped adding more areas to the fiber program. Something about fiber optics dying out and wifi connections taking over:(

    Mom says those houses across the street remind her so much of her beautiful colonial homes in both MA and CT.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. That is not right that they come and create such uproar without even letting anyone know. I hope they don't cause any damage.

  12. Well...if there is only one thing that's positive, it's that everyone will have brown spots. It won't just be your garden.

  13. Oh dear sweet Madi we sure hope that they correct any problems they create!

  14. That is awful. I am glad you have a place to hide. XO

  15. Madi, I know the power dudes have a right of way but I didn't know a business could come and rip up your yard!!! Are they made to pay for damage?

  16. How rude to not let you know. They should have to fix everything in your yard back to how it was!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. We can't believe they didn't let you know. That is mischief.

  18. OMC. We can’t believe they are doing this. We hope they fix the mess they make.

  19. Whew! I FINALLY get to comment! You had quite the week! We LOVED your Wednesday Willy Ninny! I too am a stair kitty, Your poem anout the island rocked and we loved the story with Yam-Auntie! I can't wait until I can pawticipate again and your art yesterday was great!
    And what is it with these Cable layer guys!?!? How can they get away with doing that? I can tell you stories about the same sort of thing.
    Sending you may purrs and HOPING I get to comment this week.

  20. OMD...the nerve of these guys!!! We sure hope the week gets better for your peeps!!
    Jake, Arty & Rosy

  21. HOLY CRAP! Gurl, I'm so sorry abouts your yardie! I don't understand these peeps! We don't have it here, butts we are on the 'list of potential cities'. sigh. I guess we don't have to worry too much, cause they usually start downtown with this kind of thing, and we are waaaaay on the outskirts. phew! Anyhu, I hopes thingies calm down sson, and you can gets some rest without the accompaniment of HBO wordies! heheheee
    Ruby ♥

  22. Along with most others her, I never heard of Google Fiber, but am not surprised. Our local electric company is in that business, and they rock! They have the fastest internet and best customer service in the country.

    P.S> Sorry about your yard. I guess they figure it's for "the greater good." (theirs)

  23. uh oh, did Mom get the bar of soap out for Dad's HBO words?
    She probably thought they were justified and didn't wash his mouth out with soap.

    It will be a grand mess for a while.

  24. Oh, that's frustrating! They should have to help with your yards, since you didn't ask them to come!

  25. Madi, it's good that you have a quiet room, safe from all of that tumult. The Hubby would have been using HBO words too, and probably getting right up in people's faces. Sometimes, I have to remind him that I won't bail him out of jail...


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi