My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day: BBQ, Amusement Park and Concert

Every concert needs a few jokes to loosen up the crowd.  Today
 Marvelous Marv the funny feline from Canada would like to tickle your funny bones with a few of his famous (royal) puns

BBQ Food and Drinks provided by Ruby and Abby

While our audience is being seated
Kai our Piano Man will take requests
He has tons of tunes floating in his head.

First of all let's meet the folks who keep the Diva Slippers and the wizards on 
the straight and narrow

Our official Greeter, Lucy, is here to to get you where you need to be

We even have .........

Raz looks mighty dapper and uptown but he knows
how to take you down if you come to close to Diva Slippers

Jake says just so you know...he takes no prisoners SO BEHAVE!!

Food and Drinks provided by Ruby and Abby

Click on all song title links to hear the songs.

Okey dokey now that everyone is loose as a goose and read-ee to shake your booties here we go!!!!

Vocalist have come from all over to pawticipate

This lovely trio in 'grape hats' would like to sing an oldie but goodie

I heard it through the Grapevine

 Angel Jessie the Boxer was the first gal pal to reply: 
YES I wanna be in your band. I can play the drums.

Jessie was fun gal pal.   Jessie, the wizards' drummer, and this most handsome
quartet made up of fellow Texans, Travis and Crockett and Mayor Arty and Art Professor Jakey are happy to sing and play Forever Young, by Rod Stewart.

Zena is available to accompany any and all tonight
She starts out with a famous Beer Barrel  Polka

A concert is not a concert without some country music.
Recently relocated to Texas lets hear their rendition of 

While were in the string section of the back up band Rosy SassyPants
decided to try her paw with the ukulele
playing Keep Calm Uke On

Four sure when you get four top dogs together there is gonna be some
crooning and howling. Singing A cappella version of
Sherry originally by the Four seasons but now by
the Four Man Dogs

This lovely trio will bring back the big band music
with Moon Light Serenade

Presenting the Diva Slippers in Concert alone and duets
Princess Leah has a song for her guy Chester💋

Fly me to the moon in honor of their Moon Line

Diva Madi has a song for her guy Raz💖

My Guy

The Diva Slippers have a song for everyone now

It's a Small World After all

It's a small world after all
There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone
Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide
There is so much that we share
And it's time we're aware


Just as the concert was about to end our YAM-aunty told the crowd she had a surprise.
She taught Rosy, Madi and Princess Leah  to play the recorder and sing
Now we end this most star studded night with
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star....

(l-r) Rosy Sassy Pants, YAM-Aunty, Madi and Leah aka Diva Slippers
What a memorial concert such talent and none of it would have been possible without
our staff, volunteers and musicians and vocalist!!!!!  THANK YOU ALL!!
We thank Mayor Arty, Jakey and Rosy SassyPants for
the wonderful BBQ, Ruby and Abby for the spirited drinks and delish food 

Now for some of our Amusement Park Fun!!

The Diva Slippers know how to let their furs down and dip their royal slippers in some fun

and they lost their crown and scepter at
Who said Royal Divas can't have fun!!!

Now for My Peeps way back ~20 years ago when they were young and foolish they took a summer vacation to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg VA.  Busch Gardens has several kinds of roller coasters.
Dad loves roller coasters you know the old fashion kind.  NOT MOM.
He begged her to go on a roller coaster like ride with him.  They walked all over the park 87 times
finally she agreed to ride The Big Bad Wolf roller coaster ONCE.

 The ride hung from under the track so mom thought it would be BETTER.....NOT..
 they watched many many times as it started off in this lovely setting
meandering through trees calmly.......

THEN just as it came out of the trees BAM they are just inches from the water😱😱😱
When they got to the water, Dad kept hollering for Mom to open her eyes
she kept telling him she could only take once sensation at a time and that was
the sensation of feeling she didn't need her eyes open.
The ride went around the track about 2 times.
YOU will never believe what happened after the first ride.
THEY RODE IT about 3 or 4 more times in a row and MOM opened her eyes and was 😀😀

While looking for some images of the Big Bad Wolf on the Busch Gardens website she discovered
found this information.
Busch Gardens Williamsburg Past Attractions
Amusement Pics
The Big Bad Wolf was a favorite of many guests from 1984-2009. The ride was closed after 25 years to make way for a new coaster for the 2012 season.


  1. oooh that was real good muzak!!! apaws apaws... and can you ask Jake please for duking out the mama? she sings twinkle twinkle in my ears the whole time.... Happy Memorial Day

  2. Hari OM
    appaws appaws appaws!!!!!!!! What a fun time and quite the rave &*> Crikey, though, no way I'd be seen on that big bad wolf... even with closed eyes!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You all look amazing and you sound fabulous! Mom used to like roller coasters when she was MUCH younger. The last one she rode, she screamed so much that it gave her a migraine. No more roller coasters!

  4. Happy Memorial day to all of you. Marv, great jokes. Have a great day.

  5. Wow, the music was just wonderful. And oh how I would have loved to take part in the St Pancras banister slide...
    Bertie (feeling left out and let down by his help).

  6. Who would have thunk that a bunch of furries could make such beautiful music!!! We are proud members of The Diva Slippers and the Wizards!!!! Mom says she is really loving all the songs and wants to play them over and over all day long!!! Thanks for letting us join in on all the fun.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. I enjoyed every single photo and you and Rosy's mama out did yourselves today. lots of hard work and more than enough PHUN and PUNS to go around and satisfy me. Jake looks so handsome. He says tell your mom, Jake's mom just could not join this time.

  8. That was a fun concert and a terrific day at the park too!

  9. What a great selection of tunes you and the slippers presented. It looks like you sure are having fun on the rides too Madi.

  10. Dat was so much fun! We loved all da jokes and all da good music.

    Dat story about your Mama and da coaster sounds like our Mama and the dueling dragons/dragon challenge at Islands of Adventure (they are changing it to sumfin Harry Potter now) buts her did not get back on da ride 3-4 times her was done fur da day ;)

    Matt & Matilda

  11. Wooo! Hooo! Terrific Memorial Day Ladies! What a blast! And I am so excited yhat you allowed ME to be the warm up Comedian!
    I got one last joke for you!
    How do you know pickles love a good barbecue?
    Wait for it....
    Wait for it..........
    They relish the moment.
    Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!!
    I crack myself up!
    Happy Memorial Day my Southern Furrends!

  12. What a great purrformance by everyone! And we are so glad the Divas could make some time for fun.

  13. We are in love with the Divas ♥ What a wonderfur day at the park! Thanks for letting us jam with y'all. ♥

  14. Wow! We did not know there was this kind of entertainment in Blogville!! You all were fangtastic!! The Divas will probably end up doing a world tour fur sure! Bravo!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Appaws!!!! Appaws!!!! What an awesome show!! Standing ovations from all of us!!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  16. Wow! What a wonderful fun time! Thank you Madi and Mom for putting together such a great group! (All my howling practice paid off and I was able to hit all the high notes. Hooray!) Thank you my dearest Princess Leah for the lovely moon song. My ghostwriter has to go to work soon, but when she gets home, I'll be sure to go outside and howl at the full moon promptly at midnight.

    Thanks again everyone for making this such a special Memorial Day!

  17. What a blast! Don't worry, I will make sure no riff hooligans show up!

    your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids
    ps- I love my special song!!!

  18. That was a fantastic concert. I especially enjoyed your song to Raz. XO

  19. Oh my! What an amazing celebration for Memorial Day! Jokes, rides, wonderful music - you all sure worked hard to make this the BESTEST time for everyone.

    Hugs, Teddy

  20. Bravo Bravo!!!! Loved the concert!! Bravo Bravo!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. OH I had the best BEST of times serving as assistant to the Diva Slippers! ANDEANYONE WHO NEEDED ME. It was a privilege and I had a fab time too with all the music and seeing all my pals!All the girls looked so lovely and the mancats and manwoofies...STRONG as a steel wall!! And Marv...he was on a ROLL! What joke teller. He's the best! XXXXX Thanks for letting me help out.

  22. OMC! What a fun time this is! We love being roadies. :)

  23. This is a blast. We are having the best time ever. Happy Memorial Day to everyone.

  24. It wuz one pawsome concert and we LUVED performing!

  25. OMD, I had SO MUCH FUNS singin' backup!!!! Okays, so I MIGHT HAVE had a margarita or 87 while waiting for our bus, butts I swear, I was in tune the WHOLE time! (that howl you heard was my tummy....I hadn't made it to Abby's food truck yets....heheheee)
    Ma LOVES roller coasters! as long as they don't go backwards...then she is re-introduced to her lunch ☺
    Okays, I better gets to sleeps, those 87 margaritas really is makin' Blogvile SPIN!
    Ruby ♥

  26. Wooeeee! Lots of fun.
    I hate roller coasters and any kind of rides.
    My inner ear makes me dizzy which in turn makes me nauseous.

  27. I came back and re-read this now when I am not in a hurry. You did a spectacular job on showing all the events. Now the hubby just has to get my computer speakers working again so I can listen to the songs.

  28. Hahahahaha. You captured our resident grump well! ~Ellie Mae

  29. We looooove Moonlight Serenade! And thank you for having me! I had completely forgotten all about it!!!

    Miss Oswin from NI

  30. Perfect inspiration :) and what attention to detail! I admire and congratulate.



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi