My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Crazy Caturday

Chip from Geek Squad got us all set up yesterday.  Mom is sure glad she decided to let
the Geeks do this BECAUSE she is 1000% sure she would not have known to do some of the
stuff he did.  It was worth $49.00 to have it done quickly, professionally and correctly.


  1. The humans here should probably have had their internet professionally installed. Because it really doesn't work all that great!

  2. Hari OM
    OMC Madi - YOU DO!!!

    ...and sorry I missed a day and your news, but am glad things got fixed. I was travelling back to the Hutch in the 'hosing' that the Lord was putting upon the Bonny Land. This morning, of course, not having multiple bags to unload as I did yesterday, the sun is shining. Sigh. That doesn't mean it's warm mind you. Oh no. There is a decided autumnal nip in the air...

    Hooroo the noo - am off to make toast, Oreos being lacking in my cupboards!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Always let the geeks do it! It is less stressful for everyone.
    Mom cannot remember the last time she had an Oreo, Madi.

  4. Mmmmm, Oreos! (Sorry Madi, that was dad). Oh, and we're glad mom got her tech stuff all straightened out, too.

  5. Glad the GEEKS got you all fixed up with all the equipment you need to get your wifi and radio/music, etc. As for looking like a oreo - well - I'd say you might look like a PRETTY oreo but not a regular oreo!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Glad you got everything fixed.So nice when things work well. Have a great day.

  7. Why yes Madi, you kinda do resemble and Oreo cookie in this picture! I am glad the Geeks got you up and running. It's a pain when our techie stuff isn't behaving well!

  8. You look curly cute sweet Madi. I'm glad the geek got all working!

  9. I think you are as sweet as an oreo, as sweet as the MIDDLE of an oreo and they are my favorite cookie.. yes, you do look like one... and wow, 49 dollars is really a good price and worth every penny... yay for new internet all over the house

  10. You do resemble an Oreo but we wouldn't try to eat you. We're glad to hear the Geek did a good job getting you up and running again.

  11. Cute but that oreo can't be as sweet as YOU!

    Hugs, your guy Raz and The Florida Furkids

  12. Madi, you've made us hungry this morning. It's FINALLY raining here, we don't even mind not having a walk. SHE's hoping it'll continue all day, but there's little chance of that. Yesterday, there was a meeting of some sort at the stormwater drain between a new black kitty, a tortoise shell, a ginger AND Ghost Kitty. We don't know what they're planning....

  13. Madi, you make a great Madio, as long as no one tries to nibble on you:)

    We are happy the Geek Squad was so helpful. Mom tries things herself and if she can't figure it out, she calls the manufacturer customer service peeps. MOST of the time they are very helpful, especially Canon folks. Sometimes Netgear is more interested in selling you a package for service:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Yes sometimes it is worth paying someone to things!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Just be glad your Mom didn't name you...Oreo!

  16. Oreo! Honestly. Peeps. We're glad you are up and running better than before. Tech stuff is so annoying, so many things can go wrong.

  17. We hope you don’t get dunked in some milk, Madi.

  18. Hmmm, now you mention it.....
    Glad everything is set up and working well.

  19. I am happy my Mommy is a geek...because if she did not do the geeky stuff, I would NEVER learn HBO words!
    Tee! Hee!
    Madi, I do not think that you look at all like an Oreo.

  20. Whatever you resemble, it's something CUTE!

  21. Yes, sure you sweet O'madio :D Extra Pawkisses :) <3

  22. I hope chip didn’t try to eat you
    I am glad he knew his computer stuff


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi