My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thankful Thursday

Today I am very thankful for Brian's 
Thankful Thursday Hop
It gives me the opportunity to thank him for being a host with the most
and thanking Angel Sammy and Teddy and their Mom Pam for find
such special photos poetry like today that brings back memories.

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's pictorial inspiration

Sweet Memories
by Cecilia

Way back in another century when I was wee,
the art of 'nanner split making was taught to me.
Daddy told me there are things you will need.
First and foremost a boat dish  is the key.
The shape kept the ingredients in place.
We assembled the necessities along the counter.
My job was peeling the nanners.
Daddy cut them perfectly down the center,
no slices he told me.
He was right their shape, fit in the boat dish with ease.
 Nanners were covered with three scoops of Neapolitan.
 Gooey pecans, chocolate syrup flowed freely.
Whip cream was the fun part.
It came out whistling making me clap with glee
Daddy like candied cherries to decorate the top.
None for me because....well that is another story not to  
be told here.
As Daddy handed me a long neck spoon,
my senses were awakened.
 My mouth was watering, my eyes were shining and my head was swooning.
Mama looked on in dismay at the mess we made.
Secretly she smiled, she knew memories were being 

Beautiful Dakota is the K9 sister to Kat...


  1. Gail is now looking on her customary breakfast bowl of muesli, banana and natural yoghurt and thinking back fondly to the banana splits of her youth!

  2. that is true... it was always in a boat shaped bowl... the italian ice cafe had even gondolas for banana split... ooooh da good ole times ;O) Happy Birthday dear Dakota!!!

  3. Hari Om
    Ooohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm... nanner split........ nicely rememered! YAM xx

  4. Now that is one inspired ode to a food product! But surely a nanner split deserves such effort. 😁.

    Dakota is a very pretty doggo.

  5. You have our mouths watering, Miss Cecilia. OMD does that ever look yummmy and we love your poem!
    Happy 13th Birthday to Dakota!

  6. A very Happy Birthday to you Dakota. You sure are a pretty gal. You all have a good day.

  7. Now that's a yummy poem, let's eat! Hay Dakota, Happy Birthday from all of us. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Oh what a GREAT poem! That's exactly the sort of memories this photo brought back to me. Hot fudge sundaes were yummy too - both of these are rarely seen on dessert menus but so much has changed in all these years - not just desserts!!! Thanks for joining Angel Sammy's Poetry's always fun!

    Love, Pam

  9. happy birthday sweet Dakota.. the poem is perfect. it also jogs my memories of my cousin and I buying banna splits at Fines Dept store café when we were teens. I last had one in 2012 and had trouble eating it. it was not worth the calories. we made them without the boat, just like you did. we used dessert dishes and only got half a banana split into..
    this is the post on the one I had in 2012

  10. Happy Birthday Dakota! What a beautiful sweetie you are.

  11. Ghostwriter and dad remember going to get banana splits on the coldest day of the year when they both lived at the dorm at University of Buffalo. Dad's old clunker car got a flat tire half way there, and he had to get out and change the tire. You would he wouldn't want any cold ice cream after that. But he ordered something called "The Kitchen Sink" and ate it all!

  12. We have several places that make there own ice cream around here so Mom is a bit obsessed. Happy Birthday Dakota.

  13. Now you have me hungry for a banana split even though it is 11 in the morning and cold as heck outside! We had a wonderful old-fashioned ice cream parlor about six blocks from where I grew up. They had homemade ice cream AND candy - one stop shopping for all your sugar habits!

  14. Great poem! Mom remembers those dishes. Happy Birthday Dakota!!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Happy Birthday, Dakota! The Hubby found some long-necked spoons, that we now use to mix cat food with (canned food and filtered water, mixed), but back in the day, they were for floats or shakes...maybe even iced-tea.

  16. Love the poem and it's so very true about all the messes that made such wonderful memories.

    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Dakota,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  17. I remember those dishes too. Any other dish definitely would not do!

  18. Great poem. I remember a place in town had blue plastic boats for getting banana splits to go. Happy Birthday Dakota! XO

  19. a most happee birthday two ewe dakota; hope ya get inta lotz oh trubullz, eat sum bizcuitz, N joy yur day...heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez; may bee yur mom will make ewe a burger sundae !! ;)

    awesome poem C...a GREAT memory !! :) ♥♥

  20. Now you did it - Mom is going to have to dig through the cabinets and find one of those boat dishes so she can make Dad a nanner split!!! We hope we get some ice cream and maybe a strawberry or two.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  21. Oh I would love to have one. Been so long!

  22. What a great poem for that picture. We can tell that you have fond memories of making those treats with your dad.

  23. Oh now mom is wanting some yummy ice cream for dessert!
    Happy Birthday Dakota!!
    hazel & Mabel

  24. My mother-in-law used to make banana splits and they were amazing! It is not something I should ever learn to make though. It's like my mom's fried apricot pies. Delicious and something I never need to know that I can make. LOL!
    Happy 13th birthday, Dakota!

  25. What a beautiful memory of your father(and banana splits)!

    Happy Birthday Dakota!!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  26. My aunt used to let me help her make banana splits. Yes, those are always good memories. <3 Amy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi