My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 5, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday with Kat

Dearest Aunty HiC!!!
Mom took me out to the shade garden this morning. I had a fine time exploring, looking for gnomes and forest

I was hot as a firecracker after all that activity and retreated to the AC to nap away this afternoon. 💤💤💤

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

 I found a lizard and chased it up the tree! 😹

I was as surprised as Mom when I skidattled up the tree. It’s been a long time, and felt good. 😻
Now, somebody get me down, please! 😹

Dearest Nephew...
you do look a wee bit like a deer in the headlights.  I sure do wish I could kiss that precious paw.
Lovingly your aunty HiC

Dearest Nephew OMCs OMCs...jumping Katfish look at you go.  
Lizzie lizard best find another garden!!
Good grief has it ever been hot in Dixie. Uncle and I are hibernating!!

Thank you for the lovely posing and all around your gorgeous
garden.  I heard your Dad was in the process of putting up a very pretty cedar split rail fence.
Maybe when it is finished to can use it as a 'Kat Walk'!!! MOLMOL a little aunty humor


  1. a lizard? wow how interesting!!! guess what we saw one too! the furst one ever.. but the person at the other end of the leash screamed "huaaah a snake!" and because the lizard is no snake he became grumpy and disappeared... some people should wear glasses... really...

  2. Hi Kat
    I must confess to a degree of cat envy when I see the ease with which you skedaddled up that tree. Awesome.
    Toodle pip!

  3. Hari OM
    This reminded me of my Jasper when he was younger and got himself up the jacaranda tree in the back yard. I had to get a ladder... YAM xx

  4. I'm impurressed of your climbing, Kat, I hope the way down was as easy as up too :D Beautiful pictures! Did you find some gnomes, or fairies or other species? Pawkisses for a wonderful weekend🐾😽💞

  5. Your shade garden is beautiful and so serene. You climbed that tree like a pro, Kat☺

  6. Hahaha. Leave it to cats to jump to do something and only later realize the consequences! I kind of admire that!

  7. If you do find a gnome, don't eat him! Terrible indigestion.

  8. Kat, that is such a great picture of you up in that tree. Bet that was great fun. You all have a great day.

  9. that was quite the leap up that tree and I am with your auntie on the sweet paw in the still photo.. love the fence behind the fern and LOVE the fern in your yard. it makes my heart feel good to see a cat on a leash.

  10. Those lizards are fast, but so are you. You were up that tree in a millisecond. Great video.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your Auntie. ♥

  11. That was some pretty fancy tree climbing!

  12. Kat sure looks like he was having fun outside. He is lucky to have pawrents that help him be a part time outdoor kitty by keeping him on a walking string like us dogs.

  13. This is exactly why The Hubby won't allow Da Boyz outside, harness or no. He's sure they'll go up a tree!

  14. Wow! Were there any squirrels up in that tree? I wish I could climb trees!

  15. Wow Kat, you are true adventure kitty!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  16. dood....we give yur moovee 984 pawz UP !!!! knot onlee did ya show speed, but skillz two !! sa~wheat


  17. We would love to be in that garden--sniffin' away, and chasing you up the tree again.

  18. Kat sure found a beautiful forest to explore in:) Such pretty flowers. Good thing for that string attached to you or your Mom might have needed to call the fire department to help get you down.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. We feel for Kat. It has been close to 100 here this week.

  20. Oh, I heard it was hot hot hot where you guys are! I hopes you gets some relief soon!!!
    Kat, if I could climb trees like you, I would have caught one of the 87 lizards I've seen so far in my yardie!!! I'm with Bertie, I gots to admit I gots a wee bit of kitteh envy! BOL!
    Oh, and there is no shakin' up here in the Bay Area ~ butts man, down in SoCal it is just kerazy! luckily, it was in the desert (Ma actually lived there when she was a wee baby! she doesn't remembers, butts Gma used to tells her all abouts it ☺), where there are fewer peeps, so that was as good as it can gets. I hopes there are no more big aftershocks, cause those can be worse. Gots my paws crossed for them, and paws crossed that the earth doesn't decide to move up here!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Thanks for showing me what I have to do to catch my next lizard, Kat. :) Lucy

  22. I would love to sit in the shade garden with you. It is absolutely gorgeous and of course, I'd love to get some kitty ear scratches.

  23. wOW! wish I could climb a tree like that!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  24. Kat your Mom better hold on!!!!!!!

  25. What a fun time in the garden. Those flowers look grand and lizards too. What a great time thanks for sharing


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“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi