My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #12

Thankful Thursday with Brian and his Siblings

Soldiers, Fire, Police, EMS and all who serve and Protect

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration


In your hair and in your chair.
Sand everywhere including your derriere .
This beautiful picture is enough for my mind's eye!!
Me, myself and I 
will trek to where the hills meet the sky.


  1. that sounds super sweet... where da hills meet da sky... and we say thank you to all too who are still there for us... and to the sales persons, who have a hell job now

  2. We too are thankful for the service of our healthcare professionals, and others keeping the country going in such an uncertain period. And we love your poem. Bertie thinks he's pretty good at collecting sand in his furs, but I've told him that Hamish, with his denser finer furs and lower 'undercarriage', did a much better job of this - if I wasn't careful I'd have a whole new dune system in the back of the car after taking him for a a walk on the beach!
    Cheers, Gail (shortly off to the hairdresser, having brought forward my appointment in anticipation that the salon will be required to close within the next week or so).

  3. Our doctor's nurse often calls us like that to give us results. They work hard.

    Love the picture and your poem.

  4. We are thankful for everyone who puts us in harm's way to keep us safe♥ Love your poem and we're in!

  5. Yes, thankful to health care professionals and people working in retail, all those people working on the front line. Good Morning!

  6. That is so true. Everyone is trying to help in these tough times.That poem is terrific. You all have a fabulous day.

  7. We love that and we thank them for all they do each and every day! That was a cute poem, I love that beach scene. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. We're thankful for the health care workers too. Your poem is great too.

  9. love that view, but remove one of the tables and let me have it all by myself. so beautiful. you are right, the doc office rocks.

  10. Gee, I wonder what's on the menu at that beach side restaurant? Sea food?

    Oh, and my ghostwriter is going back to work at the nursing home today after being on medical leave since December. She's hoping all of her little old people are doing well.

  11. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Love that derriere's a great photo to let our imaginations fly free isn't it. I do wish I was in that hammock though.....REALLY I DO! Thanks for playing poetry with us.

    Hugs, Pam

  12. Hari OM
    Yeah, I'd rather not interact overly much with sand these days! Hoorah for all those on the frontline... YAM xx

  13. I too am thankful for the healthcare professionals. For the folks working in the stores trying to keep the shelves stocked with what little they have. For those in production that are trying to produce enough for the demand. I'm most thankful for all the kindness I've seen thus far.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug honey. ♥

  14. MOL! We loved the poem. When our Female Human lived by the ocean she used to say that she hated all the sand in her bathing suit. We too purrfer the hills and mountains but we also get to have nice sandy beaches at our lake her in the wilds of North Idaho.

    Stay safe & healthy..purrs & head bonnks,

  15. nailed today's poem C; LOL about the sand in the derriere :) ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  16. Ha Ha - your poem made us chuckle:) Mom always packed a box of baby powder when they went to the beach. A few sprinkles on the feet works wonders to remove that sand when the kiddos get back to the car:)

    Kudos and prayers to all our health care workers - they are going to need lots of prayers.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  17. You have described EXACTLY why I'm not a beach person!!

    Don't forget the people trying to keep stock on the shelves. The guy at the till yesterday had been working for 20 hours...

  18. Yeah, sand. Not too fond, although some people can make some pretty nice castles with it...

    Klem, Mara

  19. Aww...reminds me of my Senior Trip in high school, at Nassau, Bahamas. Sand, sun, rum...and intense sunburn!

  20. Lovely poem, but I don't want sand in my derriere either! I agree, the health workers are doing a wonderful job.

  21. Fun poem :) I am not into sand or the beach either. XO

  22. We agree,go doctors!!! What a wonderful poem today....sand does tend to get everywhere!!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  23. Oh yes, the nurses and dogtors deserve medals!!! It's only gonna gets more stressful for them in the days to come too. We needs to send all our loves and prayers, so they stay healthy and safe!
    Ruby ♥

  24. Cheers to all healthcare professionals, and to teachers, too. Dad's oldest son is a teacher and his daughter-in-law is a nurse, and both are going through some interesting times right now. As for the sand- dad says he thinks books should be added to the "sand in your" list. One of the things they love about living near the shore- and remember fondly from when they lived here long before I came along- was the grit between the book cover and pages of books taken from the library. You can almost always tell when a book has been enjoyed at the beach! Stay well.

  25. So, speaking of our new heroes, here's a good question for the day: Would you rather be out there putting your life on the line to help others, or would you rather be sitting at home unemployed and safe? I know my answer, how about all of you? (No, I'm not asking anyone to answer here, just food for thought.)

  26. Our daughter in law is a nurse but thankfully transferred to her new job in the nursery at the first of the year. The hospitals are locked down tight as far as letting visitors inside.

  27. Dad is glad he is retired as he worked in health care and knows they are swamped. Good job to those who are working so hard


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi