My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wordy Wednesday with my Nephews

Thank you all for your well wishes for my gum surgery on Tuesday.
I am happy to report it went well a few surprises but my Dentist was able to do all that he planned.  I go back next Tuesday to have the periodontal bandage removed.  Until then I'm on a soft diet.  Starting today I can have eggs, baked potatoes, macNcheese, soft veggies and best of all for the next 2 weeks as much Ice Cream as I want...guilt free.
2020 has been a year none of us want repeated. I am adding gum surgery to my top 2 things I hope to never have to experience again.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming.


Hosted by Comedy Plus

Dearest Auntie HiC

Whew! We’re all sick of the hot, humid, hazy weather! I take early morning walks, before the heat is
“un🐻able”! 😹
I like to stop, sit atop the Japanese lantern, and watch for rascally chipmunks. So cool on my tummy.

Mom ordered Rocky a new harness, and he’s quite handsome in it.

He’ll wear it around house and get used to it before venturing outside.

Stay cool!

PS. Mom has been talking about wanting some watermelon since she read your poem! 😺

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephew Kat!!!
OMCs you are such a handsome nephew sitting on the very cool and gorgeous Japanese lantern.  Auntie is almost wordless, I think the 'Kat' almost got my tongue. Once you and Rocky are out on patrol, that rascal tree rat better keep his head on a swivel. 

I nephew Rocky looks very very very x 100 handsome there in the sun puddle posing in his blue collar.   His furs are so plush I want to bury my face in them.  Mom is very wise to let Rocky get use to wearing it.

Loving hugs to my two Feline Nephews

Auntie HiC 


  1. Hari OM
    ...and this bodes well for Rocky, long term!!! YAM xx

  2. We are sending you lots and lots of healing vibes! A dentist that prescribes ice cream is winner in my book!
    Blue is definitely your color, Rocky!

  3. Both of you are handsome cat dudes. I love that lantern. Need it for my oriental garden.

  4. I say, watermelon for everyone! Betcha the cats would like a taste too...

  5. This is so exciting the thought that in the near future we will have not one cat walking on a leash but two cats and a dog walking on the leash. Unbelievable and something I have never seen in person and love to see on your blog. Thank you Cat pup and Rocky for all the post you give tell your aunt to show to us. Glad the gum surgery is over and I don't want it either. Mac and cheese is one of my favorite foods

  6. I remember that diet. I had the same thing done some years back. I don't want to have to do that again. I do like the ice cream part though. I'd be all over that.

    Oh the kitties. Both are most adorable. You know how I love seeing and hearing about them. Pup too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, honey. ♥

  7. Nice to "see" you here this morning! That diet is all the stuff I love. Rocky looks cool in his new harness and Kat looks cool on the Chinese lantern. Keep up the promote healing routine today!

  8. Here is WNY we say, if it's not snow and ice, we'll take it! We enjoy the hot simmering days of summer … as long as there is AC in the house!

    My kitty cat cousin, Tibie, got a harness so he could go outside. All he did was roll around trying to get it off. Now he's a certified inside-the-house cat. We hope Rocky has better luck. (Especially if he gets that rotten squirrel!)

    We're glad you're feeling better after your surgery. Enjoy that ice cream!

  9. I hope those gums heal up nice and quick. Kat and Rocky are both totally adorable!

  10. Phew. Thanks goodness the gum surgery is over!
    Kat might just be the coolest puss on the planet.

  11. doodz....ewe both bee rockin yur harnessez.....way kewl :) N joy sum out oh doorz time for uz with pleez N thanx....we make it ta de concreet jungle { garage } & thatz it !! :) ♥♥

  12. Sending you healing vibes!! That is the coolest japanese lantern ever! It probably feels really nice on kitty bellies

  13. ouch ouch...hope I never have to go through that! Cheers and wishes for a very speedy recovery!

  14. You have two handsome nephews. I am glad the dental surgery went well and hope you heal well.

  15. It is great to hear that your gum procedure went smoothly. Now for those two weeks to be done. 2020 has been quite the year!!! Can we move on NOW to 2021???

    Rocky and kat both look handsome in their harnesses. Pretty soon maybe they can take some walks together.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Glad dental surgery went well- enjoy that ice cream! Such cute kitties. XO

  17. Those two kitties have the *best* life!!!!

    I'm so glad that you are recovering. Eat enough ice cream for me too!

  18. We're glad to hear your dental work went okay. All the ice cream you can eat sounds good to our mom. Kat and Rocky sure look like a couple of cool cats.

  19. We are pleased the gum surgery went well and that you are not in pain.

  20. We've never seen cats on leashes in the fur. We would go crazy if we saw them out walking while we were out walking on OUR leashes. Lucy already goes crazy and embarrases us all when she sees a cat. We think she wants to be friends, but no one is willing to let her close enough to find out. XOX Xena

  21. How wonderful that Kat and Rocky get to go for nature walks!!
    Sending healing prayers your way for a quick recovery and until then, enjoy the ice cream!

  22. Oh, I am super duper happy your dentals went well!!! Phew! AND, all the IScream you wants??!!!! OMD, that is one pawsome silver lining my furiend! When Ma gets a new crown, she goes on a Frosty diet...yes, it's what it sounds like! BOL! almost...
    Gets well, and enjoy the IScream!

    Kat and Rocky, you are two very handsome kittehs! Oh, and nothin' like a cool piece of art to cool the belly! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  23. I'm so sorry you had to go through that !! Best wishes for a quick recovery.

  24. I'm so glad that you are okay and the all-you-can-eat ice cream is a great way to heal. Your nephews are soooo dreamy!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi