My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, April 23, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday

 Hosted by LLB Gang

Friday, April 16 we took our morning walk around Shelley Lake's trail.  I  learned to hard way to always have my camera with me with a charged battery.  My dears we saw 2 Deer munching on their breakfast.  They were probably about 50' off from the trail in a thick grove of trees.  One was rather shy the other kept munching with one eye on me.

Right photo at the red star you can see the second deer, you might have to biggfy the collage.

left photo Oh dear, a deer is watching 
middle photo below shows #2 clearer
right photo #1 eating leaves.

I thank our hostess Comedy Plus

Today's feline is in the form of a garden flag holder I saw at at Logan's
while having lunch at Seaboard Cafe last Saturday (yes we go to Seaboard each Saturday it is located in the middle of Logan's Trading post).  I always find inspiration at both places.

I added the balloons...Angel Madi loved it when we brought balloons home.
I let the balloons rise to the ceiling. The ribbons were extra long.  She would stand on her hind legs batting at them.  Great enrichment and exercise.


  1. to see a deer is always a sign for a lucky day... and we saw one vir ayour blog, yay!!!

  2. We love seeing the deer and are glad they are not too camera shy!

  3. Hari Om
    top scores for the photographer today!!! YAM xx

  4. Deer are such beautiful animals and we love the cat garden flag holder!

  5. We don't see many deer, but early mornings we sometimes see fox or coyotes. Mom never takes their photos as we want to keep moving and hope they don't notice us.

  6. The deer around here don't let you watch them. Glad you got to see them.

    Luv the cat sign. I have one, but it's in a different shape.

    Happy weekend.

  7. No deer around here! That cat flag holder is adorable!!

    The Florida Furkids

  8. you could buy the cat and paint some white on it and have Madi in your yard. I love the photo of her in the header. i might expire from joy if I saw deer in the wild.. wow

  9. We always enjoy seeing the deer and that black cat yard ornament sure is pretty!

  10. How lovely to see those deer while you were on your walk. That kitty garden art is so cute. We think they should make one with balloons like your picture.

  11. Seeing deer is such a delight. I've not seen any in a long time. When I was growing up we lived on a dairy farm and we'd see them at dawn and dusk. So beautiful and ever so graceful.

    I love the kitty. The balloons are a nice touch too. I know Madi was entertained by the balloons, but it appears you were too.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, honey. ♥

  12. Tell you what I'm your long lost Aunty. I'll come for a visit and take up your spare room and introod on your trips around the area...

  13. Great shots of the deer. They really blend in. That is a sweet memory of Angel Madi. XO

  14. Lovely photos of the deer. The cat garden ornament is cute too.

  15. Fascinating photos. We love the deer. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  16. awwww I miss our deer where we used to live! Great photos! Thanks!

  17. I love to catch a glance at deer, especially when there are some in the little woods behind our house.

  18. Great photos of the deer, Cecilia. Dad says he, mom and his son saw a few throughout these last two weeks between their hiking and the trips to pick up/drop off dad's son. That's a sweet memory of Angle Madi playing with the balloon strings.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi