Hosted by LLB Gang

Below photos were taken on a recent walk around the neighborhood.
Wisteria is a long-lived vining plant with cascades of blue to purple flowers that look spectacular hanging from a pergola or archway in spring and early summer. However, this vine is a fast and aggressive grower—often reaching 30+ feet long—and is known to grow quite heavy.
I knew it was considered an aggressive grower but I had no idea it was poisonous to pets, especially the seeds. So very delicate and pretty...yet evil.
I had an email, video and photo from Rocky and Kat
Dearest Auntie HiC
We’re in Colorful Colorado!
It’s chilly here, and Dad loves it, so we’ll be staying a while.😹
I’ve found a new favorite spot for napping. You know the old saying: If it fits, it sits! 😹
Here is a video of brotherly love.
Kat is taking daily doses of Laxatone for hair balls. I always help clean the gooey mess off his face. I think he enjoys it. 😻
I hope you can see this video from my nephews and their staff.
They are in Colorado now. This was Sunset over the Rockies on their first night
Rocky in the Rockies
OhhhhhhhhRocky I did so very much love your email, photo and video. OMCS Rocky it is chilly. I am Glad my nephews packed your furry coats.
Uncle and I did think you look rather regal today there in your basket.
Lovingly your auntie
Final Fiction Friday, April 30
Click here to visit YAM-s FFF for the rulz
wow that is beautiful!!! we love wisteria, but with dogs we can only enjoy the totally covered houses of other people...
ReplyDeleteI did not know that about wisteria seeds. Such a beautiful plant too. And oh how I would love to be experiencing sunset over the Rockies!
ReplyDeleteCheers, Gail.
Lovely scenery in the Rockies.
ReplyDeleteI bought a young wisteria a few years ago and was told it would take 4 or 5 years before it flowered. The very next year it had a good showing of flowers, and now every year it is a mass of bloom.
Your azaleas are gorgeous! Rocky is a handsome boy. Nice of him to help Kat out.. Ha!
ReplyDeleteHari Om
ReplyDeleteOMC that is just gawjuss, seeing mutual cleaning - true brofurs now!!!
thanks for the FFF reminder shout out... as it will be my Z post I am wondering how to incorporate it. No doubt inventively! YAM xx
Beautiful azalea. Mine were spectacular this year and I didn't even get the best pictures of them.
ReplyDeleteRocky and Kat- you guys are seeing the whole world aren't you?
Love your beautiful azaleas and wisteria is one of my favorites! The Colorado sunset is gorgeous!
ReplyDeletewisteria is all over Savannah GA home of my birth, did not know about the pet poison. I have not seen any here in Flordia but there are so many plants that are bad for our pets. azaleas are gorgeous and of course I loved the Rocky & Kat video.. so precious. next time we do Zeuss day you should do a Cat In The Basket post instead of Cat in the Hat
ReplyDeleteThose are such pretty flowers. Rocky and Kat are so cute grooming each other. Maybe they both need that hair ball medicine.
ReplyDeleteAzaleas, gorgeous, thankfully abundant here. We knew the issues of Wisteria, but love it just the same ...
ReplyDeleteAnd your bask-cat: ADORABLE!
Everything else, perfection of course! Happy Weekend to you & yours!
Beautiful flowers and you look most handsome in your basket. I love the bath video and the sunset video. How fun.
ReplyDeleteI spelled your name right for you. I do that all the time too.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug. ♥
Mom misses Azaleas!!
ReplyDeleteYour nephews always make us smile.
The Florida Furkids
Beautiful azaleas. Rocky is so sweet to help Kat clean up. XO
ReplyDeleteWisterias and azaleas are so beautiful! I wish they grew here. Yes Wisteria is poisonous and it grow aggressively,we had it on a fence on Vancouver Island and it was gorgeous. And I love the video of the grooming session! They appear to be enjoying their trip! We hope you have a marvellously happy day.
ReplyDeleteWisteria are very lovely when they're in bloom. We had one growing on the fence until it became a monster and tried to take over the yard! Even years after we took it out, the underground roots would keep sending up new shoots! Your azaleas are beautiful. We're glad your the kitties are having a good time!
ReplyDeleteThe azaleas sure are pretty! Rocky and Kat, you two are sweeties!
ReplyDeleteWisteria is one of my favorite spring smells! It is just starting to bloom now.
ReplyDeleteAlways love seeing Kat and Rocky...looks like they are having a blast in the beautiful Rockies!
The videos are adorable - brother love! Beautiful sunset too. Our azaleas have JUST barely begun to flower. I just love when they do - that's when I know for sure Spring has sprung. My dicentra are going nuts too........we had some dead trees taken down today and that front garden will get more light now. I'm going to try to grow some Virginia bluebells there.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Pam
I love the videos and the brotherly love shown! And the flowers I has no idea those flowers were poisons to pets. My azaleas, a lavender and just starting to open. Colder'n kraut here. MY 'maters are looking great though.
ReplyDeleteWe can't wait until our flowers look like that. We have a couple of weeks to go.
ReplyDeleteI guess you can't blame the plants for trying to kill off the predators that eat them, right? I do try hard to keep all of those "fight back" plants out of my house and yard, which isn't hard, since I have very little here to begin with!