My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, May 14, 2021

Nature and Feline Friday with my Nephews and Fill ins

Hosted by LLB Gang

Dearest Auntie HiC it is I Pup!!

I took the peeps hiking today, here

I had a great time; even rolled in ground squirrel mounds and YES
I loved it.  There is something about Colorado Squirrels that is just divine.

It was a fairly steep trail, 
19 seconds of Pup power below

I pulled Mom most of the way up. 
Oh and I just love all red rocks and dirt in Colorado too!!

I thank our hostess Comedy Plus
When we got home, Mom brushed all the dirt away, and I spent some time inside with the the felines. They were amused.

Love your K9 nephew, Pup, and his Feline Brudders

Dearest Pup OMDs what a beautiful photo of Priest Gulch and of course you and your brudders.  We thoroughly enjoyed the video too. I sure did like seeing the red rocks of Colorado.
 You had mom on a long leash, I know she appreciated your
help up the hill.
I love the photos of you 3. 

Friendly Friday Fill-ins

I thank Ellen, 15 cats and meowing, and  Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs for thinking of the fill-ins. 

1. I try to be a better listener and less of a talker (and it is hard).
2. The color of  my wardrobe is mostly RED.😁
3. Naming Madi was a difficult choice for me to make.  I knew she would probably be our last cat and I wanted it to be a purrfect name. Her full name was Madison D(iva) Cat
4. I never have trouble deciding on my dessert. It is always ice cream and always has chocolate in it.


  1. your land is so super beautiful.... we sometimes can not believe that it is real and no dream .... and that was nice to help your mama at that hill... that's what we do too... not only when it comes to hills LOL

  2. What fun, going for a walk with Pup and even being pulled up the hill. Thank you so much for sharing his adventures.

  3. Hari OM
    A wide and varied land, the continent of the Americas! Pup and the furbros are sure making the most of it, thanks to their peeps. Good fill-ins Miss C!!! YAM xx

  4. Beautiful scenery, and it was good of Pup to help his mom up the trail.

  5. What a beautiful and fun hike for you, Pup! We think of you so many times when we see the color red, Miss Cecilia!

  6. Dad says that picture is spectacular and he now wants to go hike out there (as if there aren't enough options right around us!). Have a splendid weekend!

  7. Tickled to see you doing the Fill-Ins and I thoroughly enjoyed them! Ice Cream?... who woulda thought? Hahaha! Rocky seems to have a bit of a wide eyed look, wondering if he smells Colorado squirrels. Beautiful scenery!

  8. We would love to go hiking in Colorado, maybe some day. Bailie has driven through the state, but didn't have time to stop for any fun.

  9. It sounds like Pup is having a great time on their adventures. We enjoyed reading your fill-ins to learn more about you.

  10. that is an awesome gulch and now i am wondering why Priest is the name. PUP you are sooooooooo Handsome. Love the three of you inside waiting patiently. you have all seen amazing places and I would love to have you holding me on your leash Pup.... what a true adventure. I am also wondering if Mom might be tired of being the ONLY female... ha ha

  11. So much fun to follow the adventures of Pup 'n' Kat ...
    PS Our freezer overflows with chocolate ice cream! It's almost a daily must-have! And my
    waistline proves it.

  12. That really is quite the pretty place, go Pup go!

  13. I like your fill-in's.
    Pup, I would have needed your 4 leg drive too for those hills.

  14. We loved following Pup. We'll bet he had RED paws!!! Good Fill-ins especially the last one!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Oh wow, I think I'd love Colorado too. That looks like fun!

  16. Love those felines and woof looking at we funny humans. Great fill ins too and now we know more about dear Madi. Thanks

  17. Wow that is a beautiful place!
    Thank you for the kind words this week, it is greatly appreciated.

  18. Very nice photos. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I knew the color red would be in that answer. :) Madi had a wonderful name. XO

  19. pup yur moovee total lee rocked... :) noe pun inn tended !!! and wavez two ewe rocky and kat !! :) ♥♥♥ happee add venturez and grate timez ☺☺☺

  20. Oh up, Colorado looks beautiful, and how FUN to be able to go hiking in such a pretty area...but what really held our attention is that you got to roll in a SQUIRREL MOUND?!!! We have got to get Dad to drive us to Colorado in CeCe to find one of those for US to roll in!!
    Arty & the Gang

  21. I am glad you helped them get your steps in today.

  22. Squirrel mound??!!!! OMD, how FABulous!!!!! I am all kinds of jealous over heres!!!!
    I am sure glads you had a great adventure on the hill....and you were kind enough to helps your Moms....the peeps can be SUPER DUPER slow!!!! 😂
    Ruby ♥

  23. We LOVE the travels with the the family! I am really missing camping and taking the animals, seeing their events is so very much fun! Thanks for sharing the adventures with us! We hope they are enjoying their trip as much as I am!

  24. Grand fill-ins.......and amazing the adventures Pup and the gang are having!

    Hugs, Pam

  25. That IS a steep trail and a steeper drop. Glad you helped your Mom up it, Pup. Xena and me, we did a steep trail like that this year too, but no drop-off. XOX Xena and Lucy
    I enjoyed reading your fill-ins. My fill in for the last one would be:
    I never have trouble deciding on a dog breed. Xena is my fourth schnauzer. Amy


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi