My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #51


Angel Sammy and Teddy find such inspiring photos for us

Here is today's inspiration

This picture reminded me of the first and only time my daughter went skiing.  She was about 19 years old

A day trip to ski they wanted to  go 
her friends said you can go too
She replied I don't know

I'm not a fan of the cold and the snow
I can skate, ride a bike
and jump rope.

Can I ski you ask, that would be a 
big NOPE.

No worries they said
you will be on the Bunny Slope.


  1. the first time is always special... the day of the big decision... hate it or love it... I picked gate one, not my favorite thing LOL

  2. I have no balance and never have, so ski would not be an option, i fell of bikes, fell down roller skating, so anything with ice would be no. the photo today is adorable. some people are born to be dare devils.

  3. lol...bunny slope or not...the ground is hard!

  4. Hari OM
    LOL - I tried that once. And once only!!! YAM xx (Love the new header!)

  5. That is one thing I was never tempted to try!

  6. Love your poem! Fun fact, other than walk and snowshoe, Lady can't do any winter activities! She never learned how to skate, she tried skiing once and can't imagine anything worse . . . Lee and Phod

  7. What a great poem inspired by that picture. We want to know if your daughter ended up enjoying herself that day or did she spend most of it in the warming lodge sipping hot chocolate?

  8. I LOVE your poem. I can't even imagine such a tiny tyke in that situation!
    Katie Isabella

  9. I never wanted to try out skiing either. Love your poem and your blog header!

  10. That is a darling poem! I'd forgotten about bunny slopes, brings back memories for sure.

  11. Cute poem. We forgot about the bunny slopes too.

  12. that wee tot is handling those ski's FAAAAAARRRRRR better than I ever could !! :) ♥♥

  13. I learned on the Bunny Slope - I remember being convinced I was going to break a leg but I didn't. In fact there were four of us who had never gone skiing before and I was the only one who didn't fall down. HAHA HOWEVER I haven't gone skiing since and it's just too SCARY for me. YES I'M A WIENIE! Love your poem!

    Hugs, Pam

  14. Same and only one time skiing for me. Fell, dislocated 3 ribs. Never again. But the ski lodge & hot toddies mended most of the pain!!

  15. Oh I remmeber that first time skiing too, once down the bunny slope and then to the big dog, yikes, I had no idea it was gonna be that steep!

  16. Great poem. I have never been skiing and have no plans to. XO

  17. Your daughter is like our human brother. He went skiing one time with his 6th grade class. He never went back. Mom has never skied either. Our Dad loved to ski many many moons ago. We think a sled is a much better option and we would gladly pull it.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. I grew up in snow country, but never did more than a little neighborhood skiing. Now sledding, yes! Sounds like your daughter was the same way.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi